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Marc in Calif

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Posts posted by Marc in Calif

  1. 6 hours ago, Peter Eater said:

    You might want to go back and read the whole thread.

    Read the entire thread. I was responding to a very specific sentence you wrote that wasn't about sex addiction at all:

    "Sorry, but this makes no sense. A sexual pathology is like the drive to seek out water and food? A pathology is an illness, and last time I looked having lunch did not present as disease."

    You were responding to and misinterpreting Unicorn, who had written:

    "Not having a sex drive is pathological--and certainly outside the norm. This is different from substance addiction. The drive to seek sexual activity is like the drive to seek out water and food. It's natural and biological. Again, while obsession, addiction, and dependence are related, they are not synonymous terms." 

  2. Another San Diego find in the 1980s was a model/actor named Troy. Supposedly he always did solo photos and videos because his local BF (publisher and entrepreneur Rick Ford) wouldn't allow it.


    Troy was my all-time favorite. I tried searching for him and found a video from the Dirk Yates catalog: the title is Try Anything Once (1987). Troy, as usual, appears only by himself.


    Here are some of Troy's photos from the video shoot:


  3. 22 hours ago, Peter Eater said:

    Sorry, but this makes no sense. A sexual pathology is like the drive to seek out water and food? A pathology is an illness, and last time I looked having lunch did not present as disease.

    I think you need to read more carefully. What Unicorn wrote is that the lack of a sex drive is pathological. Why? It's considered to be a disorder and dysfunction by medical professionals.


  4. On 3/7/2023 at 4:51 AM, Funbuddy1227 said:

    How was your experience with HeyImRenz?  I’m possibly interested in meeting him. 

    5 hours ago, Your Coach said:

    Wait, but is he as fit as the pics? Also how's the overall experience?

    Here are two brand-new guys with only one (1) post each. They both asked about HeyImRenz AFTER MakeMeCowboy disclosed that the photos are not those of the provider. 

    Can anyone hazard a guess who these new members are? And their motive?

  5. 5 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    I constantly hear bi / straight guys say that they stay away from Prep and other services primarily because they don’t want prescriptions or services in their record. They don’t want the risk of their partners, employers, the government etc finding out. Or be put in a category by their insurance companies.

    This is exactly right. The bisexuals are typically closeted about their activities and try to stay under the radar -- even for health maintenance, prevention, and treatment. 

    I just don't get it. 🤷‍♂️

  6. On 3/16/2023 at 6:51 AM, pubic_assistance said:

    Many men objectify sex. Gays enjoy the opportunity to do so, more than straight men, ,because it's a mano-a-mano situation so you understand each other's desire to keep it NSA.  Having feelings for your sexual partner is perfectly normal. Just not with the way gays approach their sexuality. Sex first / feelings later....maybe. ( usually not...but if the sex was really good.... )

    Are you implying that bisexual men never get orally serviced. Poor guys! 😊

  7. 4 hours ago, urbanfetish said:

    What??? Did that post in Chinese??? I don't speak, read or write in Chinese and it's showing in English for me. Is it seriously showing as Chinese for you?

    Your original post was definitely in English. And it's still displayed on my screen in English. 

    No idea what happened when @Andyouknow pressed the Quote button!

  8. 2 hours ago, tonyward said:

    I just met him...

    Under what name? Where did you find him?

    Do you have a link to his page? All previous links in this particular thread are long gone.

  9. 6 hours ago, Vegas_nw1982 said:

    If a friend of mine wasn't vaccinated for Monkeypox, I would tell him to enjoy his trip but perhaps avoid the bathhouses since that's where the outbreaks historically originated.

    In a London bathhouse, he could come into contact with somebody recently arrived from Africa. 

    The WHO reported this on 2 March 2023:

    In the African region where the infection also occurs through contact with infected animals, the epidemic curve shows more sustained transmission, reflecting mixed patterns of human-to-human transmission through direct or sexual contact as well as outbreaks due to zoonotic spillover events. 

    And on 15 February 2023:

    The Committee expressed concerns about the possible resurgence of cases in some regions, due to both the potential seasonal differences in the occurrence of infection and particularly in the context of the resumption of events and other mass gatherings in the coming months; the lack of access to vaccines and testing capacities; the recurring zoonotic transmission in Africa; the fact that not all countries are receiving the support they need or have structures or systems to respond to mpox, including inadequate support for marginalized groups; and general fatigue among supporting agencies in view of competing priorities and emergencies.

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