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Marc in Calif

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Posts posted by Marc in Calif

  1. What many laypeople forget is that the UK is a destination for millions of visitors and immigrants every year. Here's a more complete (and complex) picture of the situation:



    ... Although there has been a decline in cases globally, and a sharp decline in the WHO European Region in particular, the threat from the disease has not gone away. There is still a high risk of mpox being imported from one country to another, both within the European Region and from other regions where infection continues to circulate.

    Achieving and sustaining elimination of infection in our region has to be the next priority.

    The next step in the United Kingdom’s mpox response: elimination (December 2022)

    ... Building on this encouraging picture, the UKHSA has now developed an elimination strategy, in collaboration with the United Kingdom’s 4 public health agencies, which it is putting into action over the next 6–12 months.

    “Through our strategy we hope to maintain the low number of identified cases and move towards our ultimate goal of eliminating transmission of the disease in the UK, through actions such as vaccinations, rapid and accurate case-finding, robust contact-tracing and global collaboration with international organizations, including WHO,” said Professor Hopkins.
    Within the comprehensive strategy are 8 key actions that provide a roadmap for achieving the goal of elimination. These are:

    1. continuing communications and engagement with those who face the highest risk of exposure to mpox;
    2. offering vaccines to those at highest risk during outbreaks and developing the evidence base for a longer-term vaccination programme;
    3. ensuring rapid and accurate case-finding;
    4. establishing robust contact-tracing;
    5. continuing population-level surveillance;
    6. continuing global collaboration with international organizations including WHO, to share knowledge and support the global response;
    7. implementing infection prevention and control arrangements to prevent transmission in health-care settings;
    8. focusing research and evaluation on areas that will direct and improve outbreak response including diagnostics and viral characteristics, epidemiological changes over time, the presence and nature of new symptoms and/or asymptomatic infection and the protective effects of past smallpox vaccination.
  2. 9 hours ago, ChasingGirth said:

    Very interesting that you say that, because I threw one or two Hebrew words in our exchanges and he had no clue what it meant. 

    He's clearly Christian -- and not Israeli Christian either.

    With those prices, he's probably going to nail clients in anticipation of his upcoming holiday. He lists bondage and S&M in his Into list, so I'm sure he's "into" giving that type sort of sordid experience to willing clients.

  3. Thanks for this post. I just found my all-time favorite rentmassseur review on his page. The client was clearly much more than happy! 😁

    "Defiantly knows what he is doing. I could defiantly tell he had professional training. The session was exactly what I was looking for, the pressure was on point and the set up was soothing and relaxing. He might just got himself a regular! Will defiantly be getting another session on the books!"

  4. Although bisexual men are also at increased risk for HIV and other STI, they are less likely to utilize HIV/STI prevention services than gay men, and very few interventions have been developed to address their unique needs. Further, while biomedical advances are changing the field of HIV prevention, bisexual men are also less likely to use biomedical HIV prevention strategies (e.g., pre-exposure prophylaxis [PrEP]) than gay men


  5. 46 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    The quisling mobs from the echo-chamber of group-think were annoying in places other than the Politics forum.  So it's been quite nice to have normal conversations with people without the constant interruptions from the "my way or the highway crowd".

    Yes, indeed!

    Yet some of them are still annoying when they deliberately draw false conclusions about very simple scientific information.

    But isn't it nice not to have literal clowns trying to dumb down every topic with loony tunes conspiracy theories? I'm happy they were banned. 

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