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Marc in Calif

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Posts posted by Marc in Calif

  1. 9 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    The French are not historically discriminated against in the West, nor are white Argentinians. Don't act brand new. 

    Your familiarity with the term syndicate is severely limited. Or you have a very specific axe to grind on this particular topic. 

    My partner is Asian. He too receives tons of IMs on Grindr from the syndicate -- and he thinks the term is quite appropriate. 

  2. On 2/28/2023 at 10:02 PM, colonexstacy said:

    well for shits sake   if we can't get one  person to tell us everything...can anyone at this point of the finals weeks approaching the eastern standard fall time, please tell us just one widget of information, I will give that extra hour this spring. I want to know now. (jesus help me put down this damn vodka and get to bed). 

    Surely you know how to send a private message to the members who told us they've hired him.

  3. 34 minutes ago, colonexstacy said:

    I am going to try to enclose two pictures as evidence of his neighborhood. Let me be emphatically clear that neither of these are his home and that his home is in not in this type of decay. His home was the nicest on the street but it is in a series of decline itself but not at this level. The neighborhood is crime infested. Windows are boarded up and other windows are open with a glass having been broken. There are people sitting out on the streets.

    Do you live in the Detroit metro area? Did you have to drive to his neighborhood to know what type of area it was? 

    I guess I'm wondering why you didn't already know about the Schoolcraft area and its suitability for an appointment, especially with someone you hadn't met or even spoken by phone or webcam.

  4. 17 hours ago, samhexum said:

    Dozens of British students on a trip to the US were left stranded in the country after their hotel mistakenly shredded their passports.

    “Our staff are always on hand to support Brits in trouble overseas, and we have been in close contact with this school to assist them,” a Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office spokesperson told the BBC. “We are processing their applications for emergency travel documents so the staff and children can return to the U.K. as quickly as possible.”

    The group of high school students of Barr Beacon School on a ski trip in New Hampshire had to extend their trip by four days as they await emergency documents from the British Embassy.

    Along with the four staff members leading the trip, around 42 passports were destroyed.

    I guess they got REALLY bad performance reviews.

    And the error in word usage is... ? 

  5. 22 hours ago, keefer said:

    next week I settle in to normal routine and then get to see if travel outside the square defined by the house, Costco, and Fry’s is on the cards.

    Is that Fry's Electronics? I thought they went out of business a couple of years ago. Maybe Arizona has a second type of Fry's.

  6. On 2/27/2023 at 12:14 PM, KensingtonHomo said:

    I don't know if I'd go so far as to say it's racist, but it's insensitive to the history of Chinese people being accused of organized crime. I don't know the race or ethnicity of people commenting, but if others point out that it is insensitive, maybe think about it. 

    And if the guys were French? Argentinian? Saying that they were in a French syndicate or Argentinian syndicate would be a correct as Chinese syndicate.

    Lemme change the name to Chinese scammers collective. Is that okay?

    I suppose that Nigerian Prince Scam is also offensive? Yes, I know they've branched out to Ghana and other places in West Africa. 😇

    a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote some common interest: "large-scale buyouts involving a syndicate of financial institutions"

  7. 4 hours ago, dutchal said:


    Unusually well composed ad text.  Admits to age of 34 and only 6".  Hot bod.  If the ad text is an indication of his brains, his stats an indication of his honesty, and his age an indication of his accumulated experience, could be a really great experience.

    And if he is indeed "deep" (as he says), you can finally have that great philosophical discussion with him. 😃

  8. 21 hours ago, IronMaus said:

    Oh no! I don't know where that is, what the correct link is, or how to fix it. Can someone help me with this?

    I don't think you can link directly to your former Daddy's reviews, so that would be a question to ask the mods.

    The only way I can find your page is by going to the Daddy's review archive:


    1. On the map that's displayed, select USA.
    2. Select California and then Northern California.
    3. Click By Name and then enter Sherman in the Name field.
    4. Select All in the drop-down menu under Active.
    5. Click Find.

    Your name will be the only one that shows up in the search. Click your name to see your reviews page. Then ask the mods here if there's some way you can link to this specific page!

  9. 23 hours ago, Charlie said:

    Well, it's the best sex I have nowadays.

    Have you tried listening to Don Carlo Gesualdo? In addition to his lurid life and lifestyle, there's lots of sexy stuff in his music:

    Flamboyant stylization, formal shock tactics, technical virtuosity, intimations of the dark and the irrational, abrupt contrasts, outré harmonic progressions, and other disruptions of the smoothly churning surface of the high-Renaissance style

  10. 25 minutes ago, Capitano said:

    This reminds me of the Murray Hill Gang, a group that happened to be Russian/Eastern European. Like this one, that name stuck for whatever reason, and I am tired of seeing racism or whatever in everything. Pointing out that there is a scam originating from some people of a particular ethnicity or race does not automatically accuse that entire group or race. Obviously! In fact, to claim that it does is racist in itself in my book.

    In English, if this particular syndicate is made up exclusively of Chinese men, it's correct to apply the word Chinese as the descriptor for the syndicate.

    In no way does this imply that ALL Chinese men are members of it -- unless someone is predisposed to read it that way. 

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