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Marc in Calif

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Posts posted by Marc in Calif

  1. 2 hours ago, Charlie said:

    I respectfully disagree. A professor of mine once explained that a Bruckner symphony is like a leisurely sexual experience: it keeps building to a climax, only to stop, take a breath, and start over doing something a little different, until it can't hold back from cumming any longer.

    That professor was clearly not "attuned" to the actual music in the "something a little different" parts. And his idea of a sexual climax is kind of lame. 😇

  2. 2 hours ago, newatthis said:

    Sort of how I feel too...whenever there is Bruckner on my symphony subscription, I exchange for a different concert 😀

    The occasional Bruckner symphony on a concert program is fine -- like once a season. I prefer Mahler, but Bruckner has some very nice moments. Between those moments, however, there's just lots of aimless wandering.

  3. I think I was the one who first applied the name syndicateI especially noticed this on Grindr, where I would get at least eight IMs daily from very similar profiles of guys with Chinese names. They all had the same age, height, and weight, and they were all seeking guys over 45.

    Moreover, their descriptions always used the same trite (and very non-Grindr-like) platitudes about love and respect for older men. 

    Sometimes we see similar groups on the RM sites. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    sorry about that.....hmmm......when you drag over a clip, it'll normally say "upgrade to watch" (a select few are already clickable)......refresh/reload that page in the browser at the xx:x3 clock times and the clip should then be directly clickable to open......always works for me in Firefox......I hope you'll try again.....

    I simply registered a new account. What's the worst that could happen? 😇

  5. 1 hour ago, azdr0710 said:

    secret hint!......if anybody wants to watch the LPSG clips within the link upthread (or any other LPSG clips), you can do it without joining or "upgrading" by refreshing the page at clock times that end in three (and sometimes seven).....xx:x3.......

    Somehow this didn't work for me at 2:43 pm today. 

  6. 12 hours ago, strip4me said:

    I’ve seen him in NYC recently. I thought he gave a great, deep and thorough massage. He’s also got a crazy hot hairy lean body. Pleasant and interactive but not  intrusive. I’d definitely repeat. 

    In my imagination, "intrusive" is pretty much a synonym of "penetrating." Is that what you meant by "not intrusive"? No penetration anywhere?

  7. 6 hours ago, augustus said:

    The fact that they did NOT speaks volumes.

    Yes, it does speak volumes -- because scientific studies never collect "beliefs" as data or evidence. 

    For example, statements such as "Many people believe... " mean nothing unless those individuals are described, attributed, and counted as part of a systematic study. Without this sourcing, we call such statements hearsay or anecdotes.


  8. 19 minutes ago, Medin said:

    If the plan is for the massage therapist to be naked or other activities may take place, then I would say it is fine to ask.  

    Possible scenario:

    — "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
    — "Yes." 
    — "Great! See you at 11!"

    — "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
    — "No."
    — "Thanks. I'll take the non-nude massage rate, please!"

  9. 11 hours ago, augustus said:

    Just read an article that there has been a 30% increase in heart attacks among people 25-48 in the last 2 years.  Many people believe it's the vaccine.

    I read a bunch of similar articles that cited the same study that found a 30% increase in those who were 25 to 44 in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The articles also mentioned some of the possible causes of this increase. They talked about these four specific factors:

    1. This age group was less likely to use masks or distancing.
    2. This age group waited longer to get vaccinated. So if they did eventually get the vaccine, they were already much later into the pandemic. 
    3. They might have had a mild infection that later developed into heart problems. (COVID-19 can accelerate the development of heart issues***.)
    4. Someone who suffered a heart attack might have survived if emergency care wasn't already strained during those first two years of the pandemic.

     *** COVID-19 can greatly impact the cardiovascular system.

    It appears to be able to increase the stickiness of the blood and increase the likelihood of blood clot formation. It seems to stir up inflammation in the blood vessels. It seems to also cause in some people an overwhelming stress — whether it’s related directly to the infection or situations around the infection — that can also cause a spike in blood pressure.

    The reason for the relative rise in young people in particular is unclear, but one theory is that the virus's impact on the cardiovascular system in some people may be due to an excessive immune system response and that young people are more likely to have stronger immune systems.

    I really wish the articles had also talked about common beliefs -- for example, that this particular group's heart attacks were caused by the vaccine. 

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