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Marc in Calif

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Posts posted by Marc in Calif

  1. On 2/15/2023 at 8:05 PM, pubic_assistance said:

    In fact, some "undetectable" gay men are sloppy about taking their HIV therapy medication and this creates a "viral rebound" effect.  The HIV infection becomes active and infectious again within a few weeks of forgetting to take their meds.

    Science article attached below.


    The "science" article is actually published in the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS). The article doesn't say anything at all about "gay men."

    In fact, it doesn't provide ANY defining details about the research sample of 16 (sixteen) people in Belgium who stopped taking their medications. Among them was one woman. 

    So it's not only gay men who are stopping or pausing their HIV therapy medications. It's likely that the sample included gay, bisexual, and "straight" men along with the one woman.

  2. 3 minutes ago, samhexum said:

    The thing most people would associate a person with.

    Why would most people associate Elsa Lanchester with the Disney film That Darn Cat (for which she received sixth billing) instead of the films for which she was nominated for Academy Awards -- especially Witness for the Prosecution (fourth billing)? She even won the Golden Globe for that film. 

    I don't get it. 

  3. 14 hours ago, IronMaus said:

    Absolutely. Sometimes when incredibly attracted to someone and decide it would be better to hire them than to pursue them personally - especially if I only know them through RM or seeing their porn. I've only done this a handful of times but they were all very worthwhile experiences.

    Sherman, the "Daddy's Reviews" link in your signature is out of date and broken. 

  4. 21 hours ago, Dr.Daddy said:

    Jose is a name change and I would not recommend. Very sexy but is likely not as erotic as one would hope based on pricing and expectations. You can look up Krisha or Krishna on here for previous reviews. If you book with him I suggest you make sure to layout expectations ahead of time. 

    When it comes to Art, haven’t tried but his rates look too low for sensual so be sure to communicate what you want for what price… would love to hear how it goes if you book with him! 

    Vin has the right price points to expect an erotic massage, and Michael has no prices listed. Oh, Hawaii… 

    So you have no direct experience with any of these four guys?

    Oahu is a pretty limited but expensive market for virtually everything. I wouldn't necessarily conclude anything from the prices listed on masseurfinder.

  5. 18 hours ago, JayinHKNYC said:

    If he is the 4-handed partner, he isn't shy with the nude photos like Ken is

    That partner has been advertising for years on all the sites, including craigslist way back when. So maybe KenAsianHot is just one of his latest duo partners?

  6. The description of their place is a bit awkward:


    Well, it's not "exclusively massage" that they offer. There's also waxing, trims, facials, Manual Lymph Drainage (😲), and so on.

    So it could be either of the following:

    • An Exclusive Massage Spa Designed by Men for Men
    • A Massage Spa Designed Exclusively by Men for Men (or something similar)


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