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Marc in Calif

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Posts posted by Marc in Calif

  1. On 12/5/2022 at 10:56 AM, Frequent Massage Getter said:

    I met with him...  Very little massage and what there was, was not great.  He was one of those guys that knows he's cute, so skimps on the massage and goes right for the end.  I won't repeat.

    But he's been a "professional dancer" since the age of 12. And he has "learned various therapeutic techniques to heal, treat and improve the performance of the body through massage and physiotherapy."

    His massage was skimpy and not great? I'm shocked. Just shocked! 😎

  2. 18 hours ago, JayinHKNYC said:

    FYI, by such logic, every person on here who has paid for an escort or sexy massage could be turned into [sic] their employer and be fired just like Erick was.

    No. Your "logic" isn't logical at all. And your analogy with hiring escorts is not analogical to the weatherman's actions. Please show us how they're the same.

    If you again mention "sex shaming," we'll know you're still on the wrong track. 😎

  3. On 1/4/2023 at 9:00 AM, azdr0710 said:

    doing my usual browsing of nbcnews dot com, I came across this breaking news:


    the reporter is called a "trends reporter" for NBC News Digital.... but this event doesn't seem newsworthy.... I'm wondering if the reporter just needed to look busy and mined this event for his/her day's submission

    You seem to think that the writer of this story is a "reporter." She's probably paid only to troll social media (in this case Instagram) and post clickbait that some readers might find titillating.

    Why? The corporate media exists only to drive eyes to advertisers. Did you see how many ads there are on a typical nbcnews.com page? You were there, so someone probably made money just because the ads were visible to you -- no need even to click them. 


  4. 4 hours ago, nycman said:

    I often tease a friend... he doesn’t think it’s funny. 

    Yet you do this "often"? Even when you know it's not funny to him? And even if you know it hurts him?

    Please define the word friend as you understand it. 


    On 12/1/2022 at 9:02 AM, shadowcatzxxx said:

    I find myself facing a lonely, cold and dark New England holiday season, and am itching to go somewhere warmer, sunnier, interesting on its own right - and of course, sufficiently gay to provide entertainment - for about a week between Christmas and NY

    I've been vacillating back and forth between Barcelona (love the food and architecture, in addition to Spanish men; offers the opportunity for easy Xfer to warmer, sunnier, southern Spain) and Medellin -- which I've never visited, but which I've heard a lot about (mostly about the men).

    This would (unfortunately) be a solo trip.

    Any ideas? Suggestions? Experience?

    I wonder what shadowcatzxxx (the OP) decided to do. 😎

  6. On 1/24/2021 at 3:47 PM, sydneyboy said:

    I have told numerous stories (as have others) on other threads relating to rip offs by boys in Asian countries... 

    Your sample size is minuscule. It also consists of anecdotes rather than data.

    Why do you think you haven't told us anything about the much more numerous stories of Western-Asian couples (who met in Asian cities) that are not in Sugar Daddy relationships -- and never have been? 

  7. It's usually Americanized and mispronounced! But that's the beauty of English.

    The word verklempt is in most English dictionaries as an English word. 

  8. 9 hours ago, dutchal said:

    Here's just one example from today's New York Times (scroll down to the section headed "How did we get here"): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/opinion/lgbtq-rights-activism-alabama.html


    That's the only thing you found? It's a lame reference to genetics merely being "likely" and not a scientific fact. 

    If you wanted to say that the genetic argument was pushed by some "activists," you should have just said it. 

  9. Beware of possible Chinese syndicate ads on Rentmasseur!

    "In the past year, more and more of these guys are on Rentmasseur.com. They're Chinese, often use Chinese names, and share similar pics of young guys showing skin. They travel constantly. Every moment there are one or two advertising in major cities.

    They probably do provide a massage and will then upsell other services. 

    It really does seem to be an organized syndicate. I've commented elsewhere about it in relevant threads. The similarity of photos, descriptions, and even phrasing from masseur to masseur is obvious once you've seen a few of them." 

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