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Everything posted by Italiano

  1. This beautiful man is in London ON right now. He is a bit hard to get, but I have been after him (unsuccessfully...) for 2 years. https://rent.men/TheMascMuscle
  2. Having moved to NYC 20+ years ago, eventually one gorgeous morning of September 2017 with blue sky and no clouds I went very early by car to Sayville, parked in the almost empty parking lot of the Ferry dock, and made the lovely transfer to the Pines in an almost empty ferry. I had breakfast at the dock, walked a little bit in the "village" then walked to the beach, chose a very quiet spot, put my beach chair by the ocean, spent a few hours taking the sun, swimming and chatting with a couple of people, and eventually went back to the Dock, Sayville and Brooklyn. I have passed by at least 25 years the time when I could have enjoyed the gay scene and the Meatrack, and having become with age a bit allergic to crowds I really enjoyed the beauty and quietness of the place, the ferry ride, the beach. I went another 3 times since, choosing a beautiful day during the week, arriving early morning and coming back in the afternoon.
  3. Any link to his "straight" video? I am still in owe when by accident I saw him at a gym in Memphis TN I was going to while working there 10 years ago. What a body!
  4. I get an bone every time I watch a clip with Gordon Grant, and I don't feel it's creepy at all
  5. It is the same guy. Same cock pics (taken in an airplane bathroom?...🤷‍♂️)
  6. Italiano


    $250 a massage "with no happy ending"?......🙄
  7. Are Leo Bacchus and Josh Moore the same person? From the way the make love and fuck in the long video they seem in love!...
  8. After MANY pop-ups I could at last enjoy this clip. WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!
  9. Italiano


    WOW! Those videos!...
  10. I DO hope your father and yr stepmother respected you during that trip!
  11. I don’t know if he was born there, but the State of Jalisco in Mexico is known for having a good percentage of very good looking men and women.
  12. Italiano


    Oh yes he is GREAT. I used to see him in the past from time to time when he could host at his very nice place in Harlem but, alas, not anymore. 😒
  13. This reminds me of one time (about 20 years ago...) when I went during a hot summer night in the amazing Park by the Hilton in Tel Aviv, where everything possible between gay men happened, an open air evening/night meat market. The park was situated on top of a little hill overlooking the gay beach, with a spectacular view. I used to go often to Tel Aviv in July back then for work, and I have had great encounters there. One evening I see this guy approaching me, most probably Arab, very attractive, muscular, with very short shorts and tank top. I had seen him other times wondering in the park, but for some reason he didn't give me a good vibe. For once I accepted his approach. We went into the bushes in a little secluded area (the Park used to be VERY busy every night!), we started to fondle each other for a few minutes until I noticed that his dick was always soft without a hint of getting hard even if was insisting in keeping very close and keeping fondling, so I stepped back and left. About 1/2 hour later, not having had successful in hooking up, I decided to go back to my hotel and realized that my 200 shekels (about 50$ at the time) that I had in my back pocket were gone! I have to say that the guy was very clever, I didn't realize his maneuver, really a professional pickpocket...!
  14. He still seems hot, but if he is 51 I am 40
  15. And we spoke about this guy very recently...
  16. He has been mentioned MANY times in the SPA section as a masseur. I went to him perhaps 4/5 years ago, and even if he has an AMAZING body (as in his pics) and his massage was good, he is straight and as a sensual masseur he was quite limited in what he would do and would allow his client to do to him. I can't imagine him fucking a man....🤷‍♂️
  17. Oh YES! Gavin was AMAZING!!! I saw him many times in NYC during his trips from 2008 until he sort of disappeared. I still had his Nr when I was in Chicago about 6 years ago and texted him, but he was a bit surprised I did, and also a bit short... I guess he didn't want to be bothered anymore!🤷‍♂️
  18. He did the same thing to another member here, together with verbal and physical attack!!
  19. Because I used initials (INITIALS!) of explicit nasty words to describe this guy here, I was warned not to do it by the Administrators and my post was erased....🙄 So I will rephrase my canceled post. This "individual" reached out to me on Rentmen after I looked into his profile a few days ago (and blocked him immediately afterwards) through the message board (I did not know you could message someone who has blocked you!) and told me that if I don't stop talking about him in this Forum (yes! He is either here or someone tells him what we write about him) he will make public our texts of months ago when I first reached out to him on Rentmasseur and after his unpleasant replies I had blocked him there. Back then he had been able to find me on social media (he has time to waste...) and from another phone he threatened me to reach out to relatives and friends showing those texts (apart from investing me with racial and not racial insults of any kind, and threatening me to beat me up!). Of course I don't give a rat's behind (I am careful choosing my language this time...) if he does, I told him this back then and if he is reading right now I am again saying the same thing. But I am writing this because yes, this guy is sick and potentially dangerous. STAY AWAY FROM HIM!
  20. What happened to you?...
  21. I guess you missed the thread where he said he "received a great 90 minutes massage from Michael Wang, the best masseur in Manhattan, and that he paid him great money".... What he wrote here was ok, but with that fake statement he lost credibility to me.
  22. Oh come on! You ARE Michael Wang and "you paid good for him because he is the best in Manhattan"?.. Really?? 😄
  23. What's the point for you to post another thread saying that you got a great massage with Michael Wang?....
  24. The masseur started oral sex to the client's totally soft penis, yeah, sure.......🙄
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