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Everything posted by Italiano

  1. He does, but apparently he only makes outcalls....
  2. Agree. But these days, I can't even stand to disagree on politics. For me WHOEVER supports this POS in the WH is a racist, among other things.
  3. SO FUCKING HOT!!! @TylerandAce Tyler is such an AMAZING man. Love all his videos! And the guy on the table, very hot too! But Tyler....??
  4. Anybody took the plunge with this beautiful man? https://rentmasseur.com/QueensMasseur/
  5. Italiano

    Maria Callas

    Even Meryl Streep loves her....
  6. Italiano

    Maria Callas

    No, but I find it hideous.
  7. I guess for now he doesn't do massages...
  8. I didn't hire, but I met a fuck buddy whom I usually see 4/5 times a year at his place a week ago. We usually go for a very passionate romp, but this time we opted for masks and no close face to face contacts. Shower before and after sex. Sucking and fucking. I know that he has been/is as careful as I am in terms of social distancing and lifestyle precautions, but of course in the back of my mind there is still the idea that until another 7/9 days pass by, I will not be 100% sure I am fine... Anyway, sex without kissing and passionate contacts it's definitely not so enjoyable for me!
  9. Italiano

    Maria Callas

    Hail to the QUEEN!
  10. I fractured a rip 3 times in my life. It's PAINFUL. Getting up from the bed was the hardest.
  11. When I was 17 (few decades ago...) and living in Milan, Italy, very cute and shy (and a gay virgin), being a young opera lover I once saw a small music store basically dedicated to classical music and opera. I went in to buy an opera in LPs (LPs...!!) and there was the owner, a man in his late 40s/early 50s. He was very friendly and taken by my unusual passion for my age. Married with kids. I spent a good hour there, he started to tell me stories about past famous singers, all the famous old productions at La Scala which he saw, he would put records on for me to listen to. At the end he actually gave me a record for free (...) and told me to go back anytime to chat. (...). I knew I was gay and I never told anybody, but I wasn't at all attracted to him. I felt something wasn't exactly "friendly behavior", but I was genuinely interested in his opera knowledge. After 2/3 times I visited him, he told me I was very cute, he asked me if I ever had sex with a man, I said no, he smiled and he closed the door of his store. He took me to the back room and I lost my virginity there. I really didn't enjoy it particularly, but hey, what did I know? Before I left he gave me 10,000 liras (about 12$ of that time) because he wanted me to "enjoy some fun with friends". I left a bit in shock for the loss of my virginity and for my extra 10,000 Liras I had in my wallet (I think my parents gave me around that amount for a month as a "salary" for my pocket money). I went back I would say once a week during a couple of months to listen to records, to fuck in the back room and to get my 10,000 liras (once he gave 20,000 actually!), until I realized I really didn't like to have sex with him and I also felt it wasn't a "kosher" thing to do (also because I was totally in the closet, we are talking about the late 70s in Italy...), so after the last fuck I told him I didn't want to do it anymore, I proudly told him I didn't want money that time, and that it was better for me not to see him anymore. So yes, I "escorted" in my teens! ? 6/7 years later (I already had totally come out of the closet, started to really enjoy sex and I even had a boyfriend) one day I was passing by his store and I decided to go inside. He greeted me, looked happy to see me, he told me I had become very handsome but he understood there was no chance anymore with me, so we chatted about music and life for a bit and I left. I left Italy 32 years ago, but I went back to see my family at least once every year since. About 10 years ago one evening I went to La Scala in Milan to see an opera, and in between acts while I was making time in the foyer I saw this older gentleman together with a guy in his early 20s. Of course I recognized the older man, so I approached him and told him my name, that I used to be an old client (...) of his store and that I really enjoyed our chats about music back then. He told me he wasn't really sure he remembered me, but anyway he introduced me to his "grandson", and after 3 minutes of chit chat I said bye and left. I am curious to know how many Euros was he giving to his "grandson". ?
  12. I think they are only if you come out positive
  13. I left his place on Union Square very happy a few times, yes . He is a very nice guy, great body like his pics (saw him last about 7/8 months ago), he gives a more than decent massage, and he likes to show off his body and make me walk funny....
  14. I don't think I ever saw his ad before. Looks VERY hot. Anybody?... https://rent.men/BF_Experience
  15. I have seen twice in different occasions this guy, Pepe. He is not spring chicken but wow, what a lover in bed! Masculine, great thick muscular body, passionate, oral amazing top. https://www.planetromeo.com/hunq/PEPEMadrid https://telechapero.com/TOPPROFESIONAL/
  16. Any update on this GORGEOUS man? I saw that one of the 5* reviewers (Blatinobottom) left a 2* review a month a go and then disappeared form RM... And his reviews became 13 more from December. ?
  17. I will NEVER forget once I was working for a week in Toronto (23/24 years ago, I was in my 30s and quite cute and hot ), I walked throughout the gay area and I see a place with a sign "Massage for men". I was a bit shy, so I collected my fears and walked in. I asked for a massage, they gave me the price (I think 50 CAN$) and told me there were two available masseurs, both seated in the hall. One was a gorgeous Italian American in his early 30s, handsome, built like a brick house underneath his tight jeans and t shirt. I don't even remember the other, as I was mesmerized by this guy. He actually winked at me while I was making "the choice", and OF COURSE I pointed at him. I still remember his name (ok..), Frank. Once in the room and undressed (he kept his underwear on), he started to clearly make me understand he was getting hard, he bent towards my ear and told me that for 50 more we could have had lots fun. It was an AMAZING full sex experience. I still remember him vividly after all these years! Someone from Toronto remembers that place (I bet it doesn't exist anymore...) ?
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