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Everything posted by Italiano

  1. And he doesn't have a single review....SUPERFUCKING hot guy nevertheless!
  2. I will never know what it exactly was, and honestly at this point it really doesn't make a big difference. Whatever it was, after the initial nice euphoria made me feel really bad for more than one day, and also angry at me and of course at the SOB. The fact is that I never asked, he never explicitly offered, and he just took the initiative of doing something that involved me which I would have NEVER done. And @tassojunior, I don't think he did it for a "gesture" to share something with me. The ridiculous excuse he used to try to upsell for another hour makes me understand he did it for inducing me to want to extend his services, as afterwards I read that some escorts do that. Lesson learned.
  3. At the end it was REALLY stupid of me to accept the drink. It felt a bit odd and I wasn't even in the mood, but he insisted in a nice way and I fell for it like an IDIOT. I put this behind me. Thanks for the support guys!
  4. At last I am now fine. After all it was just a bad experience which left me a little bit scarred. First of all I blame myself for being SO naive in accepting that tequila shot. But of course it really bothers me and enrages me that I was the victim of such a vile trick. As I already told, in my whole life I just smoked perhaps 15 joints, and I have never wanted neither I was ever interested in trying something else, as it always scared me. Now I am totally sure he did that, when I sent him a text questioning in a pretended "nice" way if he did it, he asked me if I was still feeling the side effects and if I felt ok.....Of course in my next text I exploded my rage, and his reaction was blocking me. What a prick. As @OliverSaks suggested (thank you for your very supportive message!) it is very possible that he did it in order to make me more aroused and to upsell his services for more time (which he did after 40 minutes!) investing some 10/20 bucks which is what one doses of that stuff costs. The only thing I can do is giving bad reviews everywhere. He has great reviews on daddy, which is really what helped me to make the final choice to book him.
  5. Of course I can’t prove it so I will let it go. I hear you, it sounds very weird. But I don’t understand your statement “I am not convinced”.... I don’t see a motive either (apart from a possible one) and it sounds quite bizarre that he did it for the reason I think he did it. Nevertheless, the alternative is that I have (still!) by accident ALL the symptoms of Ecstasy’s side effects coincidentally at the right time when they should have happened because?.... After 20 hours I still have high heart beats, high blood pressure (and I am perfectly healthy), I feel restless, edgy, confused, total loss of appetite (me of all people!) without feeling nauseous or stomach sick and I didn’t sleep one minute since yesterday morning. And the only thing out of ordinary I did yesterday was drinking those sips of tequila. And believe me, it’s not my first tequila in my life. Don’t know what to say.
  6. Sorry for this perhaps stupid question and thread. But I am quite distressed. I hired yesterday a guy, went to his place, nice friendly latino guy, the first thing he asked me as soon as I was inside his apartment was if I wanted a drink to warm up the engines and relax. It was 1:30 pm so I wasn't really in the mood, but he insisted, I accepted and he poured in a little glass a little tequila. He bizarrely insisted that I would drink it in one shot, "like tequila should be drunk". I found it a bit odd but really I didn't think too much. I like tequila, it was really just a little and I enjoyed it. The encounter was so-so, after I left I even sent him a text expressing the fact that I was a bit disappointed (he was hot and passionate but he couldn't really get hard), but he didn't even reply... After 1/2 hour I started to feel really up and full of energy. I walked 35 blocks in Manhattan (it was hot!) and felt great. I took the subway to go back home and slowly I started to feel sort of edgy, hyper, a little goose bumps throughout my body, and very dry mouth. At home I measured my blood pressure and heart rate and both were a bit higher than normal. A little difficulty to pee. This bizarre feeling continued throughout the evening, I tried to think what could have caused it and the only thing I had shortly after I left his apartment was a bottle of natural juice with spirulina at a Starbucks. I tried to look online and read that spirulina can actually rarely give some similar symptoms. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw my pupils were a bit dilated... All of a sudden I recalled the weird tequila little episode, a thought came to my mind and I started to look online at Ecstasy's effects and side effects. It was EXACTLY what was happening to me! I had to take a little natural things plus a little lorazepam in order to stop the edginess. It's 7 am and I couldn't sleep a single minute! I still feel a bit edgy, my heart rate is a bit high and of course I feel like shit for the total lack of sleep. And I have been with a total lack of appetite since yesterday (I only had breakfast) which is also another matched symptom. I am a foodie, for me it doesn't exist skipping dinner. I cannot proof he did it, but I have NEVER taken any heavy drug in my life apart from a few joints. I don't even use poppers! At one point during sex he told me that we had only 10 minutes left (not even 40 minutes had passed by...) unless I wanted to extend to another hour. At that point I said I wasn't interested, finished, showered and left. Now I think that if he DID put something in my tequila perhaps it was in order to make me want more and more sex with him, as I read that Ecstasy can make you much more aroused. I don't see any other reason. The tequila didn't have any weird taste. I don't know what to think, I sent him another message questioning him about the drink but of course he didn't reply, perhaps he blocked me after I expressed my dissatisfaction with the session. I am quite distressed, I hate the idea that this happened FOR REAL, if it did it is really a crime and he was a fucking bastard. And of course I am pissed at myself (IF it happened, but hey, there is no other reason for me to feel how I feel!) for being SO naive and SO stupid. I am not savvy with drugs at all, and I don't have really anybody I can talk about what happened. Any thoughts?
  7. I saw him 3-4 times when he used to come to NYC from Atlanta where he used to live. Mediocre massage but LOTS of fun. Since he moved to NYC I went to him once. Less than mediocre massage and just a little fun. Bye Dixon.
  8. WOOF! My perfect idea of how I want to be massaged!
  9. I got shigella from contaminated food (I swear!) and I never felt so bad in my life. Fever at 106, diarrhea like crazy, headache and couldn't stand. I had to go to ER by ambulance and I was at the hospital for 2 nights. I was diagnosed with stools samples, which had lots of blood (yuck). I was actually asked at the hospital if I had ATM sex but no, that had not happened for few weeks prior to the infection so it was excluded, and I did eat something I didn't feel I should have two days before. The incubation is usually 36-48 hours before symtomps start. I lost 10 pounds in a week (that was the only good thing!) and 1200$ of copay.....
  10. I did. He looks like his pics (impressive biceps!) but it was one of most boring hours of my life. Bad rubdown, personality of a wet mop, totally bored and detached. Never ever again.
  11. And I just bought my first telescope..... (I saw an amazing full moon, Jupiter with its 4 moons and a reddish Mars last night though )
  12. I agree, but with the weirdest personality
  13. If you look for a supersexy hot alpha top man, I highly recommend Kris Parkes. He is also here as @Kris Parkes https://rent.men/KrisParkes
  14. No, I am saying that as others mentioned that it is only a very good therapeutic massage, I find it quite expensive $150
  15. Hey friends. Any personal/reported experience on this sexy Asian man? https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/24861/
  16. No sensual element/extras with Jackson?, @EVdude?.....I love his main pic
  17. As therapeutically good as it could be, for 150$ I DO expect some playful sensual element in a massage.
  18. Go to any Mediterranean beach and you will see majority of men (no matter their age) in speedo. Choices.
  19. In Europe people are much less self conscious and much more carefree than here. I grew up in Italy wearing speedos at the beach since I was a kid, my dad always used speedos till he died swimming in the ocean when he was 75! I think it means you don't give a shit of what other people can think, you go to the beach to enjoy yourself, with an amazing muscular body or with a belly. And by the way, if a man doesn't have the body for a speedo, according to the criteria of what a nice male body should look like, DEFINITELY he doesn't even have the body for beach trunks! I will be 60 in 2 years, whenever I go to the beach I use speedos, no matter where I am and what people can think. I can't stand swimming with those knee long trunks! Actually I am a big fan of nude beach....
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