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  1. Agree
    Medin reacted to SirBillybob in Toronto provider detained by US Immigration and refused entry   
    If the primary basis of questioning by border services is facial recognition, given that some ads contain misappropriated photos of persons never associated with sex work, wouldn’t there be reports of such persons, generally young and good-looking, running into problems? It seems to me that somehow the trigger for border patrol surveillance includes identifying information and not simply facial images.
  2. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Yukon21 in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I take the RM reviews with a grain of salt.  I always try to leave (honest!) reviews but realize I'm often in the minority.  One provider I met several months was supposed to be hung like a horse and multiple reviews said the same.  When I met him I was surprised to see he was the size of a thimble.  I always thought an honest review helped the client community and never understood why anyone would intentionally leave a dishonest review which ends up hurting all of us.  Probably the same people who leave a 25% tip in a restaurant after they received terrible service and the wrong food. 
  3. Like
    Medin reacted to tennisjock in 411 on Carlosgrey   
    I get super touchy about having to wait for a provider when it was agreed upon i would text when parked then having to wait either in a lobby or in front of a apartment building doesn’t work for me and i text the provider after 10 minutes  asking  are you coming? If not i leave .. our time is valuable as well . 
  4. Agree
    Medin reacted to tennisjock in 411 on Carlosgrey   
    Thanks for posting this. Judging by all the responses here it seems like the provider makes you wait for him then cuts the massage short and uses someone else’s pics . That does it for me he is off the list.  
  5. Agree
    Medin reacted to MCR in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I wish we were allowed to include the conversation of booking as part of their reviews.  To me customer service is everything from the greeting to the goodbye. 
  6. Like
    Medin reacted to pubic_assistance in Sensual vs Erotic   
    How could you NOT find a thread about this ? There must be 100 of them.
    I agree with what @Michael PhDstated above.
    Sensual = titillating and the possibility of you leaving happy.
    Erotic = titillating and the expectation of you leaving happy.
    Not advertising as an escort means you shouldn't be expecting them to be providing escort services.
    I've found it most productive (if you're looking to get a truly erotic experience from a masseur) If you book an erotic session. Let them do their thing. Tip them generously and then engage in a man2man conversation afterwards about the possibility of adding other features to your next session.  Doesn't hurt to ask. And a good tipper will always be given the opportunity  to get to the very limits of what a provider is comfortable with, sexually.
  7. Applause
    Medin reacted to HaremOfBoys in Newbie in NYC - SexyliamXX   
    If you prefer someone who just lays there and gets sucked, then may be this is the guy for you. Not my typa escort minus passion. 
    A friend booked him and he canceled on him the last minute. At the same time, he was on grindr looking for sex and messaged me lol and said, "Some old man wanted to meet, I wanted to charge him 400 or 500, but he still would not cancel". 
    If this is the kind of attitude he has towards paying clients, this MF should be thrown out of business. 
  8. Thanks
    Medin reacted to FLJock in stronghnds in Detroit   
    Nice guy, massage was a B/B- at best.  
    Extra time started somewhat early but he was having a bit of trouble with the soldier salute.  I wasn’t so I took charge of the session and gave him my moneys worth.  

    Place was being worked on down here and a little messy, but in a clean hotel room I would repeat.  
  9. Agree
    Medin reacted to + keroscenefire in Level of Competition   
    I do agree with Jarrod if you're in your own city. But if you are travelling to LA and only have a limited amount of time,  I don't think it's bad to contact a few guys. In my experience (in travel generally but this actually happened to me in LA specifically), many guys don't get back to your quickly and even when they do, they are sometimes the one to flake on you.
    I was in LA once for a weekend and thought I had a guy all lined up but he actually ended up doing a porn shoot instead.  had my eyes on a couple other guys but by the time I got there, they were either busy already or also didn't get back to me. I ended up with another guy last minute who was alright but who lived much further away from my hotel, wouldn't travel and the whole thing was just a lot more work that I wanted it to be.
    On a recent trip to DC I actually did reach out to a few providers (including Jarrod who is the guy I ended up with) and certainly I felt bad when another guy reached out to me a bit too late (I actually contacted him right before my trip but he didn't get back to me until I got there after I had already made another appointment). But I just was straightforward and said that I had booked an appointment with another guy already but would definitely reach out if I returned to DC again. To his credit, the other guy seemed understanding and legitimately I will reach out to him if I see him if I visit another city where he's at.
    I do think there is a risk if I did that repeatedly that I would be labeled a "flake," but I think it's okay to reach out to a couple of guys you're interested in and go for the one that seems to respond both more quickly. It really is not a bad idea to have a "backup" in case it doesn't work out on his end. I would only do max 2-3 guys because more than that you're going to inevitably disappoint someone. 
  10. Haha
    Medin reacted to mike carey in LiamSanchez has a a new partner   
    Don't know, but I've heard Benedictines are.
    But this thread is about Liam Sanchez, not an off-topic discussion about a whole nationality (or order of monks).
  11. Haha
    Medin reacted to Roberto in 411 on Jake Cole   
    Welcome--I see you joined the board 8 minutes ago!
  12. Like
    Medin reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Out of My League?   
    there are very few escorts who attempt to screen clients based on looks and/or how sexually attractive a potential client may be.  if you get that vibe in any way - go the other way & cross that provider off your list.  It’s not a sustainable business model for the provider and just shows they aren’t professional and probably haven’t been around very long.   The sex would probably be bad too.
    In some circumstances, I could see the provider asking for a pic after a meeting is setup, just as a security measure & not as a way to screen clients.  I frequently choose to send a face pic as an introduction if I don’t know the provider - only to show that I’m serious, a real person and not wasting his time.  My sense is providers are inundated with anonymous requests & questions from guys that have no intention of an actual hire. A voluntary face pic seems to cut through the clutter on the providers end.  It works for me.
    No provider is out of your league.  Go for it. 
  13. Applause
    Medin reacted to DamizzonNYC in Out of My League?   
    Can't help but reply with the provider perspective here.  I feel like the provider/client relationship is meant to be the great equalizer.  It's the job of any provider- once you're in a room alone together - to make you feel like a king.  For the entirety of your time together.  Regardless of what the outside world my say about who is in whose league.  If you ask me, that's the entire point of an escort situation: for two men to be able to set aside their outside world expectations and walk a different path together. 
    I find it to be one of the most freeing aspects of this kind of work.  Our culture - especially gay culture - imposes a lot of false assumptions on us.  Who has value to offer sexually.  Who should be fucking who.  An escort/client relationship - at its best - has been the most freeing way I've found to step outside of that and enjoy a connection with all types of men. 
    If you walk away from an experience with a provider still feeling like he's out of your league, I'd say that provider has failed you. 
  14. Agree
    Medin reacted to + poolboy48220 in Out of My League?   
    Given that it's a paid service, I'd never consider an escort "out of my league". I've hired plenty of guys that I assume would not give me a second look in a social situation. Early in my hiring career, hiring through an agency, they did advise me that one guy was "not for beginners".  😄 
  15. Agree
    Medin reacted to pubic_assistance in Nude or underwear?   
    You don't want oil/creme on your underwear so ALWAYS undress. If the masseur wants to work without nudity he will drape you with a towel. I've never been to any spa with a male masseur that asked me to leave my underwear on.
  16. Agree
    Medin reacted to + JamesB in Nude or underwear?   
    I don't even remember ever doing a massage with underwear. Always nude. 
  17. Haha
    Medin reacted to edinbrooklyn in 411 on RelaxingJoe in Oklahoma City   
    Not impressed!
  18. Applause
    Medin reacted to CuriousByNature in Gentlemany   
    I think I can see how this scenario could happen.  Since the reason given by the provider for not staying longer involved his wife, perhaps the poster thought it would be worth trying another attempt at getting together on an evening when the wife would not be a factor?  Despite the provider's cold demeanour, I could also see how someone might wish to give a provider the benefit of the doubt and hope the next time would be more satisfactory.  But that's just my thoughts based on what has been written.
    Please do not refer to yourself that way - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there will certainly be people who behold you as attractive, even if it may not seem that way to you.
  19. Agree
    Medin reacted to Roberto in Gentlemany   
    I have no dog in this race, but if he was he described in the first part of your comments, why on earth would you contact him to set up an overnight?!
  20. Like
    Medin got a reaction from + augustus in What caused the decay of San Francisco?   
    Any yet Detroit has no homeless problem.  Strange but true.  There are many reasons (and complex to say the least) for that and talked about quite a bit lately but the main reason seems to be that the economic decline opened up a lot of cheap/empty housing so the city and state are not having to spend huge $$$ housing the homeless.  
  21. Thanks
    Medin got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in StrongHandsDGonz in Detroit....   
    Correct.   He changes his name every month or so.   I've met him.  He has quite an attitude so I never hired him.   Nice looking guy though.  
  22. Agree
    Medin reacted to + nycman in Being dishonest about an experience in a review.   
    That’s your "little head" talking. In this game, I suggest you quickly learn to ignore him. 
    People generally don’t like to bad mouth someone and most people want to help escorts/massage therapists that they like.
    Whenever I’ve ignored negative private reviews, I’ve regretted it. YMMV. 
  23. Like
    Medin reacted to Swazca in Legit Massage v. Masseurfinder/RM   
    As I have said on other threads before... I seriously wish that "escort" masseurs would simply post up on Rent.men instead of RM and MF.  The first thing I look at is the rates they are charging.  When it says "ask me" that's a hard pass instantly, because 9 out of 10 you go to the reviews (if there are any) and they have $300+ for 60-minutes in their reviews.  
    I have been lucky enough to find a couple of legit masseurs in the Phoenix area, one of which has recently thrown in the towel and stopped doing massage.  The one who threw in the towel was simply tired of clients pushing his limits in wanting more of an escort session at masseur rates.  
    I will say that I have seen in the last three years a wave of new "masseurs" enter the market along with the "travelers" that have increased the prices.  I attribute slight increases to the economy, that's a given; but having a standard baseline at $200 for 60 has me rarely hiring new guys.  
  24. Agree
    Medin reacted to SamMiller213 in Legit Massage v. Masseurfinder/RM   
    I’ve recently made the switch from hiring off of MF/RM and started to scope out local establishments and independent providers instead. Talent started to dry up on the main websites and I was getting tired of overpriced and unskilled guys.
    I’ve had a decent amount of luck just going with the flow and it leading to more with about a 60% - 70% success rate and learned a few things along the way.
    1. A Google/Yelp search for male massage therapists was helpful in first finding independent therapists. Social media searches can be helpful too.
    2. When possible I cross referenced online to see if I could find any social media that led me to see if they were on the same team as me and surprisingly that was usually pretty easy to confirm - I found this to obviously increase chances of something going further. It’s obviously much less likely from a “straight” provider but I can’t say it’s never happened before.
    3. I never directly ask beforehand or during but instead just let it progress - there are ways to give subtle clues without being obvious and I’ve found this to actually be more stimulating for me and to limit the risk of crossing the line and being turned down.
    4. Soothe/Zeel is much more hit or miss and again I’ve never flat out asked because I understand the risk - I’ve just let it progress and if it goes there it does. My success rate via these apps is much lower, probably in the 30% range but I’ve found this to increase with repeat visits.
    I find this whole thing much more enjoyable than using the sites as there’s the unknown of what will happen which makes it more enticing.
    My last hire was in Phoenix on a work trip and it worked out really well. I’m also decently hung which has been helpful here too 😂.

    Any of you doing more of this and less of the main websites?
    (Also, to be clear I’m not discussing any of the places and/or names here. This post is more about understanding people’s views on this topic and the approach rather than anything else.)
  25. Thanks
    Medin reacted to + azdr0710 in 411 Jared Cross - NYC   
    just a note for all that Jared Cross and Thebenefit are not at all related....as often happens in The Deli, a second unrelated provider has been introduced into this thread and that may lead to confusion between pictures and profiles......

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