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  1. Like
    Medin reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Can Older Men Still Have Quality Experiences?   
    I'm just a little younger than @Rod Hagen but my husband is older. For the most part we gravitate to providers in their 30s and 40s because we find them more attractive, more likely to have shared interests and references, and have mostly had great experiences. We've also had some good experiences with guys in their 20s but - also - most of our bad experiences were with younger guys. I think that the age gap has something to do with it, but also their relative lack of experience. With some. younger guys, it's like they have an erotic massage or sex script in mind, whereas older guys are more flexible, adaptable and in tune with us as clients. 
    I don't know if we'll continue to see providers in our 60s and 70s but I would think so. We do try to stay in good shape and I see men at that age all the time that I find attractive. So, I think older man can and should expect good experiences. 
  2. Haha
    Medin reacted to + nycman in Can Older Men Still Have Quality Experiences?   
    Don’t be ridiculous…..we’re gay men. 
    You know damn well, anyone over 29….is ancient!
  3. Applause
    Medin reacted to italianboyph in Can Older Men Still Have Quality Experiences?   
    Most if not not all my clients have been older men, the way they're treated is no different regardless of age. 
  4. Applause
    Medin reacted to Jamie21 in Can Older Men Still Have Quality Experiences?   
    My oldest client is in his late 70’s. He’s fantastic. I get as much pleasure from seeing him enjoy himself as I do clients in their 20’s. 
    I do understand the perception that somehow it’s more fun with a young fit guy. I’d have said that too before I started doing massage. I did wonder at the start of doing this work if I’d be able to be the same with every client but actually I find that’s not the challenge at all. 
    Now that I’ve been doing sensual massage for years and seen all sorts of clients I can definitely say that age or body type makes no difference to my approach (except that I’ll be less firm with someone who’s less muscular). The biggest challenge isn’t their age or physical appearance, it’s their attitude. 
    Some older guys take longer to get hard or climax so that’s different but otherwise I find most people regardless of age are looking for similar things; a relaxing proper massage, some intimacy, some fun and to feel at ease and be themselves. If the person I’m seeing is coming for those reasons then it’s great. If their attitude is they just want to use me to get off then it doesn’t work. Fortunately I can screen those type of clients out before they book.
    The driver for me is that my client is enjoying themselves. The more they enjoy our session  the better it is for me…in a virtuous circle kind of way. If a 75 year old has great time then so did I. Age is irrelevant. Attitude is everything. 
  5. Like
    Medin reacted to + DERRIK in Dual post:Reconsidering removing number/Questioning use of RentMasseur   
    Back in the day I sold cars
    we always joked about the “be back bus” 
    be backs are just a part of doing business 
  6. Like
    Medin reacted to maninsoma in Extortion advice?   
    JTtorretto:  I don't know the truth any more than you do since neither of us was party to the transaction, unless you are going to tell us you are the escort in question.  You are making a lot of assumptions about who said what.  While I'm not suggesting it's invalid to question the client's version of events, I don't think that simply making up an alternate story helps.
    I would note: Just because someone has money to hire a lawyer when they are under duress and don't know what to do doesn't mean that that person had discretionary funds sitting around for hiring escorts.  Nowhere do I see that the client claimed to be "broke," just that he was having "financial issues."
    If you want to blame the client for anything, question why he didn't block the escort sooner and ultimately accepted the alleged offer of a free hookup.  After all, he states that he hired the guy a "few times" and that it "wasn't a great experience."  Why get together again, then, even for free? 
  7. Agree
    Medin reacted to MikeBiDude in Extortion advice?   
    I've never had a provider NOT return a call/text from my iPhone burner app. Never. But the Burner does prevent  provider's rants if things don't work out.
  8. Like
    Medin got a reaction from CheckCar in Marklom redux....   
    I spoke too soon.  I met Marklom in the past and he was great.  I noticed a few weeks ago he added some additional pictures but they were all fake as well.  Not really sure why he continues to post all the fake pics, but the actual guy is very good looking so didn't really care.  We made an appt for last night at 8:00.  We had several back/forth texts and messages over the past couple of weeks.  All very polite, small talk, etc.  Confirmed yesterday all was good and then he went AWOL.  He read my RM messages and texts but he never responded.   The time came and went and I was stood up.  Yet another game player.   Just wanted to share my (updated) experience in case anyone is thinking of hiring him.  Never again.  
  9. Like
    Medin got a reaction from CheckCar in Marklom redux....   
    Thanks for this post.  I was the original poster and backed out once I saw the shit show start.  I had originally asked about his ad and was told his pics are not of him.  (They are not) I decided to take the chance anyway since the hotel he is staying in is very close to my house.  I'm glad I did and ended up seeing him multiple times.   The pics are NOT actually of him.   Marklom admits that as well.  He is new to this and does not want his actual photos to be posted.  That being said, the real guy is gorgeous.  He is about 5'8", amazing body (but not as ripped as the guy in the pics), has a killer smile and is a really nice guy.  He speaks English quite well and there is no problem with communication.  I will definitely repeat next time he is in town.  
  10. Applause
    Medin reacted to Yukon21 in Latin_stud....Buyer Beware   
    The revised review has been posted. Now 2 stars and photos are accurate (not). 
  11. Like
    Medin got a reaction from chadLA in Latin_stud....Buyer Beware   
    Thanks for letting us know.  You likely saved quite a few people some money.  
  12. Like
    Medin reacted to Yukon21 in Latin_stud....Buyer Beware   
    UPDATE....I am the reviewer from yesterday (Comets).  Latin_Stud challenged my review with RM and they removed it last night.  When I discovered it this morning I contacted RM and challenged its removal since it was factually correct. Per RM,  Latin_Stud challenged my comments about his physical condition and my checking the box that pics are not accurate.  So,  in order to get the review reinstated I agreed to say the pics are accurate.  Rest assured they are not and I will reimburse anyone his fee for one hour who meets him and takes a pic that resembles the condition of his body in the pics in his ad. I also changed the review from 3 stars to 2 stars while I was amending my review.  All in all the important thing is that the experience was conveyed to potential clients in the future.  I will also add that RM was 5 star on their communication, explaination and the handling of the situation.
  13. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Yukon21 in Latin_stud....Buyer Beware   
    Thanks for letting us know.  You likely saved quite a few people some money.  
  14. Like
    Medin got a reaction from KrisParr in Angelo_Rosa in Columbus, OH   
    He's also done some porn if you are interested.  You can find him using his current name.  
  15. Like
    Medin got a reaction from TorontoDrew in Latin_stud....Buyer Beware   
    Thanks for letting us know.  You likely saved quite a few people some money.  
  16. Thanks
    Medin reacted to Yukon21 in Latin_stud....Buyer Beware   
    More like Latin_dud.  Met him today in Detroit.  Agreed to BFE with normal activity in advance for $300 per hour for 2 hours ($600 total).  Required his money when I walked in the door.  My mistake when I gave it to him.  He finished on my chest in 35 mins not doing much from what he agreed to and suggested I shower to clean up.  I did.  When I returned he was fully clothed.  I asked him if he was still going to charge me for 2 hours since I've been here now 45 minutes.  He said if I wanted I could wait there.  Not looking for a confrontation I left.   His pics are outdated and he hasnt visited the gym in a long, long time.  I should have known better since most of his reviews are old and there wasnt much on this site about him. If I havent linked his profile correctly I apologize. 
  17. Haha
    Medin reacted to FLJock in Midwest Guy   
    My favorite kind of masseur, mediocre talent but charges you premium prices to be allowed in his presence.  🙄
  18. Agree
    Medin reacted to maninsoma in Budget provider   
    I'll be the contrarian here.
    I think there's a lot of justification/rationalization on this site regarding rates and quality.  I actually don't think that higher rates necessarily equates to a better quality experience.  Some of the worst erotic massages I ever had were from guys who charged the most.  One of my favorite escorts (whom I hired many times) was a college student who set his rates so low that I always tipped him very generously.  My other regular had rates that were average at the time.  I also used to hire off Craigslist quite a lot and had many good experiences with guys whose rates were on the lower end, and a few times I hired guys with higher profiles for a higher rate and didn't enjoy myself nearly as much.  One of the worst was a "porn star" who just seemed haggard and very well may have been coming down off a meth bender.  I'm not saying that I never enjoyed myself with someone whose rates were towards the top of the tier; I'm just saying that my enjoyment historically has had little correlation with how much I was paying.
  19. Agree
    Medin reacted to + Charlie in A Ruski twink, for 'nasty games'!   
    A 20 year old Russian-speaking gayboy traveling around the US on his own? I smell something (cat)fishy here.
  20. Like
    Medin reacted to KennF in Extortion advice?   
    So, I'll speak in the minority (maybe).
    You are giving your power away.  You are turning yourself into a victim and you should take a breath for a moment.  Regardless of the fact that we don't have all the details, that's not important.  We aren't involved and can only respond to the details you've shared.  We are neither judge nor jury.  My opinion is only based on your current information.
    You need to accept that you are giving him your power.  Sorry.  And I know it is scary.  It is probably because you are 'embarrassed', 'ashamed', 'afraid', <fill-in-the-blank> of him revealing or outing you.  This is really about him stalking you and taking advantage of your giving him your voice and power.  That doesn't mean ignore it and hope it goes away.  You do need to take your power back.
    Three possible suggestions:
    Suggestion 1: Tell him you owe him nothing and that if he continues to harass you, you will go to authorities.  You consider his behavior bullying, abusive, and harassment, and unacceptable.  You are ceasing all communication and further attempts by him will result in you going to the police.
    Suggestion 2: Stop ALL communication.  If he calls, hang-up without saying anything.  If he texts, block the texts.  However he communicates, do NOT respond.  You're reaction is a lever for him to control you.  If you don't get riled, then he has no control.
    Suggestion 3: Go ahead and report it to the authorities.  Talk to an attorney and listen to their advice.  You do not have to lie about it.  You don't have to obfuscate.  If need be, tell them the truth.  The issue here is about escalating behavior and stalking. 
    Just my tuppence.
    Just for the record, I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.
  21. Sad
    Medin reacted to PiSquared in Extortion advice?   
    I was the victim of blackmail on Sniffies. Guy reached out, we shared conversation which was pleasant. He asked for my cell which I foolishly provided. Next day he texted about a meet up, sending me racy pics, and asking me to do the same, asking me my experience, my marital status. I was a complete fool and shared all that. You know what happened next: text with all my texts and photos, threats to contact my wife, website info on those close to me, demand for money. I freaked. Paid him in Amex gift card, bitcoin, etc until nothing seemed like it would make it stop. With the help and encouragement of another gentleman on here, I cut all ties, pulled all social media and waited it out. It’s been 7 months and no contact. It was the worst time in my life, bar none. I was humiliated, bullied, and in fear. I’m totally freaked now by the pickup sites. Lesson: never share your cell number, real name, or any personal info about yourself until you can totally trust the person you’re talking to. 
  22. Like
    Medin reacted to CuriousByNature in Extortion advice?   
    It sounds like he's trying to create a scary situation for you because it's easier to get what he wants amidst the darkness of fear.  So maybe flip the lights on him.  Dispel that darkness by letting him know that if he continues this ridiculous course of behaviour you will have no hesitancy contacting the appropriate authorities, and that your patience is now running thin.  Your time with him was based on the reasonable understanding that no donation for his time was being expected or requested.  It was a hookup that went badly - those things happen.  It should not rob you of your power or turn you into a target.  Assure him that he has more to lose since blackmail is a felony in most places, and can result in serious jail time if he decides to continue with these absurd antics.
  23. Applause
    Medin reacted to pubic_assistance in Deposits and when are they ok to ask for it?   
    Because that's how life works.
  24. Like
    Medin got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in eliat in chicago   
    He's a nice guy and guaranteed a good time.   I've seen him a few times.   I last saw him a few months ago and he told me he had just turned 22.   Now he updated his profile and shows his age as 24 so he must be aging very quickly. 
  25. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Yukon21 in 411 on Tyrellxavier currently in Detroit   
    I think they are the same pics.   He never responded to texts or IMs after multiple attempts last time he was supposedly in town and so far hasn't replied to any during this visit either.   Sounds like he needs to brush up on his communication skills.   
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