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  1. Like
    Medin got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in eliat in chicago   
    He's a nice guy and guaranteed a good time.   I've seen him a few times.   I last saw him a few months ago and he told me he had just turned 22.   Now he updated his profile and shows his age as 24 so he must be aging very quickly. 
  2. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Yukon21 in 411 on Tyrellxavier currently in Detroit   
    I think they are the same pics.   He never responded to texts or IMs after multiple attempts last time he was supposedly in town and so far hasn't replied to any during this visit either.   Sounds like he needs to brush up on his communication skills.   
  3. Agree
    Medin reacted to Hot4latin in 411 on guys in Orlando   
    My experience with AJ_Vzla was underwhelming. The dick is huge and fun to play with. But I don’t feel like we connected. When I arrived, AJ expected payment up-front (which I reluctantly did). Still, it was a mood-killer for me as this is something that should be stated when setting up the appointment.  I can share more via DM for those who are considering hiring. 
  4. Thanks
    Medin got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in StrongHandsDGonz in Detroit....   
    Correct.   He changes his name every month or so.   I've met him.  He has quite an attitude so I never hired him.   Nice looking guy though.  
  5. Thanks
    Medin got a reaction from TopBunk in 411 on Santi_Col?   
    I haven't actually met him but tried to the last couple times he was in town but our schedules never synced.  I can say that he is always very polite and professional in his texts which always stood out to me.   He seems like a genuinely nice guy.   Let us know how it goes if you end up meeting him.  
  6. Like
    Medin reacted to rvwnsd in A fair price Vs a guilty secret   
    If his rate is £200 and he charges you £200, then you aren't taking advantage of him. You are paying his stated rate. If you feel strongly that he deserves more, then pay him more by leaving him a generous tip. 
    "Sitting him down..." is a bad idea. Frankly, by doing so you would be insulting his judgement. He knows what other escorts are charging and he chooses to charge what he charges. Be grateful that he doesn't charge £2,000.
  7. Like
    Medin reacted to pubic_assistance in A fair price Vs a guilty secret   
    I think your perspective and his are different. Who are you to "educate" him on his business model ?
    I would never tell someone else HOW to run their business. Especially if I've never been in that line of work.
  8. Like
    Medin reacted to RamPoundAss in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    I’m going to disagree. I understand the frustration with “shoppers,” but guess what? Every business selling something has them. In the meantime, you’re asking someone to make a purchasing decision without being able to see the merchandise? Or paying for the privilege of shopping? No, I don’t think so. Clothed pictures are not the same. 
    If you want to make money off your images, then OnlyFans and your own paid access gallery are fine. As you seem to be doing. But if you’re selling access to the real thing, I think you need to be prepared to show what the real thing looks like. Just my opinion. 
  9. Like
    Medin got a reaction from liubit in How often are we contacting a manager instead of the direct provider?   
    I think it's very common and a good percentage of the Florida based escorts are being "managed".   Many/most work for an "agency".   It always seems nobody wants to talk about it for some reason.  Does anyone think these young guys arrive in the US from Venezuela, Honduras, etc with no job and minimal language skills and are able to just fly all over the US, stay at hotels for weeks on end and already have credit established to pay for all of that?  You can also see they are all working for a company because they use the same photo-shopped backgrounds, often are wearing the same clothes (usually from D&G, Valentino and the like).   Then you have the language situation.  You text with them multiple times without any issue and then when you meet, you find out they speak about 10 words of English.  
  10. Agree
    Medin reacted to + DrownedBoy in How often are we contacting a manager instead of the direct provider?   
    I hate to admit you're right there, but that would explain a lot.
    I'm a little worried about hiring that type of person, since I'm sure working through an agency that sends them across border would be classified as "sex trafficking" by conservative LE reps.
    I'm also a tad concerned about Venezuelans. I've done some volunteer work for the Venezuelan refugees who were/are staying at Chicago police stations. I heard that some group claimed to be from a "church" and was offering a full package, job, housing, etc. Luckily, they were so suspicious that even the Venezuelans didn't fall for it (we later learned that it wasn't a "church" but some unknown group that used that word to try and gain their trust). The Venezuelan men, in particular, are desperate to find work; they constantly ask volunteers to help them find paid work. This is a dangerous situation, and could lead to something that I would morally consider sex trafficking.
  11. Like
    Medin got a reaction from Marc in Calif in How often are we contacting a manager instead of the direct provider?   
    I think it's very common and a good percentage of the Florida based escorts are being "managed".   Many/most work for an "agency".   It always seems nobody wants to talk about it for some reason.  Does anyone think these young guys arrive in the US from Venezuela, Honduras, etc with no job and minimal language skills and are able to just fly all over the US, stay at hotels for weeks on end and already have credit established to pay for all of that?  You can also see they are all working for a company because they use the same photo-shopped backgrounds, often are wearing the same clothes (usually from D&G, Valentino and the like).   Then you have the language situation.  You text with them multiple times without any issue and then when you meet, you find out they speak about 10 words of English.  
  12. Agree
    Medin reacted to FLJock in Anyone seen MuscDadMasseur in Detroit lately?   
    Which is a shame because you would be much more impressed by his ad if he listed his age as 65
  13. Thanks
    Medin reacted to Cliff in Beware PR Chorizo Miguel   
    Guys: For what it’s worth, here is a bigger-picture explanation for my apparently inexplicable lapse in judgement regarding Miguel Chorizo PR.  About a year ago I discovered Miguel and a few forum members said they had seen him and it was a positive experience. So I saw Miguel and it was an uber fun, sexy AF time. I mean, wow!! About 6 months after that, last June, I contacted Miguel for a second meetup. He said “Let’s have a phonecall!” So he charmed the hell out of me for 10 minutes on the call and texted me big dick pics to remind me what he (and his Anaconda-sized cock) looked like. At the end of the call he said “Hey papi, would you mind sending me a small deposit?” And I thought “Why not help this guy out? He’s proven himself to be legit.” So I wired him $100 of his $300 fee. The day before the meetup I texted him to confirm and got no reply. Texted again; no reply. Then again. I texted once more and said “Miguel, what’s going on, my friend? Please confirm our appt. I can’t come up to NY and have you not be there.” Radio silence. I was angry at this point because he had violated my trust and also because it was getting to be too late to line up another provider. I never heard from Miguel again, even after one more text to him asking him why in the world he had totally ruined things for a fucking lousy $100. In any case, I left for vacation the next day and chalked it up to misguided trust and temporary insanity on my part because, well…I know better. Totally mea culpa. But today I want to say that I am super sorry I didn’t warn you guys about Miguel before today. I forgot all about him until I spotted his ad on Rentmen yesterday. So for my negligence, I am very sorry. I think I’m very diligent about sharing information with you about my experiences with providers, both good and bad. In any case, I’ll make it a priority to provide that information in a more uber timely manner. Until then, as this has been a rather rough morning, I will be taking an extended break from the forum. Best wishes for a happy new year. 
  14. Agree
    Medin reacted to + nycman in Beware PR Chorizo Miguel   
    But if you’ve seen him before….then there’s REALLY no reason to send a deposit.
    You’re a known entity. It’s ridiculous. 
    Mind you, I won’t send a deposit under any circumstances, but if someone
    I had seen before asked for one, it would be an even bigger red flag, not a smaller one. 
    Just my 2 cents. Im sorry this happened to you @Cliff. 
  15. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from allyouknow in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  16. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Bluefin in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  17. Thanks
    Medin reacted to Mark_fl in 411 scottydetroit   
    Yes.  Met this guy.   Nice guy, but definitely some issues, and I think it might very well have been prosthetic.   And not at all discreet if that's something that concerns you.
  18. Agree
    Medin reacted to soloyo215 in Escorts that are only into receiving oral/getting worshipped?   
    I think that those are things to be negotiated, and I see no harm in it for as long as both parties agree to it. I myself don't see me "worshiping" anyone (in that sense), but if both parties are happy with that deal, I don't see why not.
    I do see a problem when the story changes from either party when they are already in the room and they are getting something different than what has been discussed.
  19. Applause
    Medin got a reaction from Njguy2 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  20. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Musru in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  21. Applause
    Medin got a reaction from Otterlybelievable in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  22. Applause
    Medin got a reaction from EastbayMike in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  23. Like
    Medin reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Time use when with clients…”on the clock”   
    While I agree SOME people feel this way, it is a horrible mindset to approach being a client or a provider. 
  24. Like
    Medin reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Time use when with clients…”on the clock”   
    Trust that there are clients who always 'want to get their money's worth' to the nth degree.
  25. Like
    Medin reacted to liubit in Time use when with clients…”on the clock”   
    When I hired for sessions longer than an overnight -let’s say a day, a weekend, a multiple-day trip-, I always allotted some “alone time”, both for me and the escort. The amount and length of that “alone time” varied depending on the total duration of the meeting, and it was mutually agreed. On average, I would say that for a weekend tryst, we would schedule 2-3 alone-hours daily. That would allow for phone or computer checking, gym, solitary shopping, etc. Believe me, the rest of the time we spent together was more than enough to cover bed fun, going to a show, or eating.
    In my experience, this “alone time” is ESSENTIAL for the success of the encounter. 
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