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  1. Agree
    Medin reacted to Jamie21 in Does this sound like a scam?   
    It’s 99% likely to be a scam. I bet there follows a request for bank details to be supplied for payment. Be highly suspicious.
  2. Like
    Medin reacted to soloyo215 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    I have to say, the price increase must have happened within the last two or three weeks. I was there around that time and those were not the prices at all. I don't think it's reasonable or worth paying so much. An Uber ride anywhere just outside Manhattan can get you a lot more for less. It's not a good value for you money.
  3. Like
    Medin reacted to soloyo215 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Now that makes sense. The insane pricing might be a reflection of their overinflated ego and unrealistic ideas of what they can offer. And if it's a cam, of course, it makes sense to grab as much money and possible, and go. Seems like insanely overpriced providers are to be avoided.
  4. Like
    Medin reacted to + glutes in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    @ $5.83 / minute.
  5. Applause
    Medin reacted to soloyo215 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    A lot of work for which they are already getting paid, not involving everything else that the escorts offer.
  6. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from allyouknow in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  7. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Bluefin in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  8. Confused
    Medin got a reaction from marylander1940 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    With that logic, do you argue a masseur should charge as much as an escort?  In regards to the 2 minutes....if you have many orgasms (not arousal) that lasts longer than 2 minutes, let us in on your secret.    
  9. Eye Roll
    Medin reacted to marylander1940 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Actually I think they should charge more because giving a massage is a lot of work. 
    Again the market will decide and if they are charging so much is because they can't get it or they would lower their rates or get another job.
    Please let's keep it classy no need for such an explicit depiction...
  10. Applause
    Medin got a reaction from Njguy2 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  11. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from Musru in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Having a guy jack me off for the last 2 minutes of a mediocre massage (usually) is definitely not the same as sex and I expect the rate to reflect that.   
  12. Applause
    Medin reacted to + glutes in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    I have the money, but I want value.
    Don't see value in $260-$350 massages, even with MT/HE.
  13. Agree
    Medin reacted to Capitano in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    It is totally legitimate to compare notes and it hardly amounts to getting caught up in anything if one shares views on pricing.
    If there is a high end restaurant where the food & service are not worth it, many would like to know. That's why they are ranked and discussed all the time.
  14. Agree
    Medin reacted to TennisPro35 in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Holy cow.  That will be the end of my hobby if ever massage prices becomes like that.  
  15. Like
    Medin reacted to Capitano in Erotic massages $260-$350 in NYC?$   
    Lucamassini on RentMasseur
    RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com  
    andrewmodel on RentMasseur
    RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com Two excellent options in NYC for LESS than $200 an hour. Guys who charge more, especially those who see themselves as "models" are to be avoided in my book. Usually way too much into themselves and not really into doing massages or improving their skills. Or just pure grab-the-money-and-run scammers, my 2c.
  16. Agree
    Medin got a reaction from + JamesB in 411 on Alejostud   
    I had to laugh at his ad.   His profile states he is  "professionally certified in massage" and yet doesn't offer therapeutic massage as an option.  
  17. Applause
    Medin got a reaction from + azdr0710 in 411 on Alejostud   
    I had to laugh at his ad.   His profile states he is  "professionally certified in massage" and yet doesn't offer therapeutic massage as an option.  
  18. Haha
    Medin reacted to pubic_assistance in I wonder why more good-looking guys don't get into the business   
    When you grow up good looking...you know you have your pick of other good looking people. So you start sifting through the best of the best when you're looking to get laid. That means you're rejecting plenty of perfectly attractive men or women and this makes you not even consider the less fortunate as a sexual partner.
    That's why most beautful people can't escort.
    They can't get it up for an ugly person.
  19. Agree
    Medin reacted to XIX in I wonder why more good-looking guys don't get into the business   
    Being attractive is one thing, being able to deliver on the goods is another matter entirely. 
  20. Applause
    Medin reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in I wonder why more good-looking guys don't get into the business   
    Because in this business, to be truly successful, it isn't just about looks.  That perhaps 40% of the equation.
    A lot of beautiful, young guys aren't well-rounded enough to be hired by the right men who can help make them very wealthy.  That either takes being an old soul from a young age or simply living enough life to understand the game.
    It does indeed take a certain kind of personality and intellect to handle this long-term.  That's why there are many escorts out there who work well for a single hour, but would never make it in longer term hires. 
    There's a massive difference between simple sex work and being a true escort.  
  21. Thanks
    Medin reacted to + JamesB in 411 on Alejostud   
    I met him in Miami. He also has a profile at https://rentmasseur.com/Roberick . I didn´t have a good expecience with him. YMMV.
  22. Like
    Medin got a reaction from soloyo215 in 411 on Alejostud   
    Thanks for letting us know.  I almost booked him last week but am sure glad I didn't now. 
  23. Like
    Medin reacted to rvwnsd in What would you do...?   
    I would politely explain that I have no experience with women and can't help him get a girl. In other words, tell him the facts.
  24. Like
    Medin reacted to acks0104 in How best to broach deodorant/trimming?   
    The smell thing shouldn't be a big deal to any decent provider. Just ask them if they'd be okay with wearing deodorant before the session. You can say that you enjoy the smell or something. Pubic hair is gonna be a different thing as a guy can't just change it up for the next client that has preference so you may get more pushback on that.
  25. Sad
    Medin reacted to Trick in 411 on Alejostud   
    I met him last week.  Everything was rushed.  Done in less than 30 minutes. Kissing was three light pecks.  He promised to cum if I booked full service which I did. But he wanted more during the meet.  He didn’t even go on the bed.  He was standing the whole time while I was sucking him and while he topped.  
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