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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I doubt it is a trap. It sounds to me like careless, unscrupulous, not-following-the-law porn sites throwing up display ads that are skirting the law.
  2. That is nothing! If the paparazzi went to Scottsdale Fashion Square on any given Sunday they would loose their minds. Women of all shapes, sizes, and ages wear what amount to bikini tops. No one bats an eye. My favorite is an elderly lady who shops at the Nespresso store. (See her all the time - she must drink as much coffee as I do). In two years of running into her I have always seen her wear a bikini top. In winter she might wear shawl over it. Essentially, that's what Katie Holmes is doing. Cashmere bikini top with a matching cardigan.
  3. If the OP's colleagues openly displayed knives or firearms at work, we all would be telling him to find other employment. Non-tangible weapons such as homophobia are every bit as harmful as tangible ones. I agree with @Unicorn. If anyone feels uncomfortable with being themselves at work they need to start looking for another job at another firm. No one, including @Unicorn, is suggesting the OP quit his job Tuesday. One can remain employed while looking for employment elsewhere. On the other hand In the last ten years, not many. Certainly I know colleagues who hang out after work, but even that is becoming more rare because creating the illusion that there is an "in crowd" is often considered a form of workplace discrimination. This isn't "me too." It is common sense. Actually, every HR professional I know advises people to be asexual at work, regardless their sexual orientation. If you take an anti-harassment course you will find that leering, gestures, sexual innuendo, racy jokes, and giving unwanted compliments of a non-work nature are all prohibited. Making unwanted advances on someone in the workplace (whether they are of the same or opposite gender) is considered to be harassing behavior, particularly when there is a suggestion of quid pro quo.
  4. She might not have had a chance to get a word in or she did and the hints went unnoticed. Incessant complaining gets old.
  5. rvwnsd

    Phoenix, AZ

    Which Luke are you referring to? Luke Marcum fits the physical description, gets stellar reviews (I've met him and he is terrific), but is about five years above your upper age limit. Neither his Daddys nor Rentmen reviews state or imply he has aged poorly. I've never hired Luke Jacobs, mainly because he doesn't strike me as being muscular. Perhaps the "Luke" you are referring to is Jacobs. The other guys I would recommend are all outside of your age range, but here they are anyway: Don, Anthony London, and Jack Dixon.
  6. I wish the software allowed me to "like" this more than once. One additional thought about hookup apps (which Unicorn's message implies) - they are not appropriate conversation topics with a co-worker. Since you are new to the firm, you should read their policy regarding workplace conduct and harassment. If the company uses an automated training solution you will probably receive a required training course very soon. Pay close attention to it when you take it.
  7. This is why most companies discourage dating among colleagues. Here's what I think. Keep your crush to yourself. Get to know him and see if he is someone you would like to be friends with. At the same time, make connections on your own. You don't want to pin all your hopes of finding friends on this guy. Also, keep the grindr thing to yourself. That could also make for friction between the two and, IMO, crosses a line. Lastly, it is hard for me to address whether you should tell him you are gay. I came out 22 years ago. I told people who I already knew, but from that point forward I just lived as an out gay man. When discussing what I did on weekends with colleagues I tell them where I went and what I did. No, I don't tell them that I had great sex with a guy I met on grindr, but at the same time my colleagues (gay and straight) don't tell me about their hookups, either.
  8. About three weeks ago the Michael's here in Phoenix put out the Autumn and Halloween decor Our "Autumn" occurs in December. Likewise. Blech. (I do like pumpkin pie) It is 110 degrees at 8:40 PM here in Phoenix and a monsoon is kicking up. No, it isn't time for pumpkin spice anything. If this is who shows up sign me up to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuUl522_8jQ:21 any time of the year
  9. Oh, I'm not criticizing! More of a kudos to the two of you for saying it first. But seriously, we discussed getting together, but that little voice inside said "No, no! Don't do it" So i didn't. It is unfortunate so many guys had a mediocre to bad time with him. Perhaps he couldn't keep up the facade.
  10. Upon seeing this thread I started to reply "He dissolved in his own bile and vitriol," but you guys pretty much beat me to it.
  11. Ha! Thanks! PS: I never saw the original thread. But, I know image quality and that dude needs to increase his megapixels.
  12. No info, but a couple of observations: I think I've seen those pics in another ad The poor resolution makes me think the photos are very dated.
  13. One of the cats I have now figured out how to dispense water from the water cooler. I rigged a way to cover the buttons (using a cardboard box fastened with velcro) and the little stinker figured out how to destroy the box and get at the water. Cats are smart, determined, and have nothing else to do all day.
  14. My apartment in Evanston, Illinois had a big bay window. It also did not have central air (built in 1920-something, part of the vintage charm) so a window air conditioner lived in the bay window. My cat loved looking out the window at the birds in the mature trees. One day, a bird landed on the AC unit and started teasing the cat. The cat figured out he couldn't get at the bird, but he still had fun trying to catch him. And the bird teased the cat every day from Spring to the time it migrated in Autumn.
  15. You can always block the number to prevent unwanted texts.
  16. Yeah, those puzzle me too. I don't care what the guy looked like in 2009.
  17. Until you mentioned it I hadn't noticed the resemblance, but yeah I see it.
  18. Has anyone met up with Jack Dyer?We have exchanged a couple of messages about a playdate when he visits Phoenix, but am curious if anyone has experience with him.
  19. In the thread about the self-described most revered in the industry , the topic of his ad text and pictures came up. His ad is a textbook example of "not the better rentmen profiles." In addition to the text, some of the pictures are just...strange. In some he is making faces at the camera and in another he looks tired, stoned, or both. With a little curation and some editing his profile would be pretty good. While I stand by my statement that I could spend hours on his balls alone, his is a pretty terrible ad.
  20. No, I don't. To me, PNP refers to using meth, E, K, GHB, etc.
  21. It is actually called newTumbl (no r). www.newtumbl.com
  22. That's easy. "I am" is the implied subject and verb. It's the "new grammar" taught at all the Ivy League schools. Members of the unwashed masses are simply too lowbrow to get it. But seriously, his writing is terrible. He should either dispense with the "Ivy League/meet with elites" schtick or get a ghost writer.
  23. I like my Charter Club 500 thread count sateen sheets. They are not the most upscale sheets on the market, but they are really comfortable.
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