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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Yes, but not everyone services their entire men's baseball team on a regular basis.
  2. State Farm thinks I've been their customer for 33 years. In reality, it is only 26 My first policy with them was in 1986 but I switched to Met Life between 1989 and 1993-ish and then to Liberty Mutual between 2004 and 2007. But, SF gives me an amazing loyalty discount, and so far no one can beat their price, so who am I to complain? When I moved from San Diego to Phoenix my agent, who is a woman, found me another female agent who I later learned is LGBTQ. The process was easy. I e-signed a couple of forms, printed insurance cards from the SF website, and permanent insurance docs were on their way. I nearly totaled my car last October and the claims process could not have been easier. It worked like this: rvwnsd slams parking garage support pillar while avoiding a pedestrian who ran in front in front of his car rvwnsd navigates to State Farm website and answers a few questions State Farm calls to make sure no one was injured, asks a few more questions, and provides the names of three nearby repair shops rvwnsd selects repair shop Rental car company (Hertz, not effing Enterprise) calls to ask what kind of car I want Hertz delivers car Repair center calls to schedule pick-up of damaged car Tow truck picks up car Repair center calls Hertz to extend car rental Repair center calls rvwnsd to say "Geez, what the hell did you do to your poor car?" (Not really - they called to say the repair would take longer than originally quoted because in addition to body damage the battery, radiator, wheel., and several other parts had to be replaced) State Farm calls to say "don't worry - rental car is extended. Oh, you might need to keep it over Thanksgiving if your car isn't ready by then? OK, we've noted it - no problem" Repair center repairs car Repair center calls to say car is ready (day before rvwnsd leaves for Thanksgiving) rvwnsd pays his $250 deductible, trades cars, and drives off with repaired car State Farm calls to make sure everything was to rvwnsd's liking State Farm has not increased rvwnsd's insurance premium My brother has GEICO and every little thing from billing to roadside assistance, to claims is a nightmare. He thinks State farm will be too expensive. Liberty Mutual was incapable of following their own procedures when I bought a condo and did not sell me the correct insurance coverage. After a snippy-ass phone call from their "resolution" department I switched back to State Farm, but did pay more. $5.00 (yes, FIVE DOLLARS) more per YEAR. And I was supposedly receiving a fantastic discount through my employer at Liberty Mutual. Why, exactly, would I switch? My actual neighbors should be so good.
  3. A friend told me that he and his ex decided to "get verbal" as they do in porn and one of them said "tease that hole." The other said "nyay, nyah, nayh, nyah, nyah, nyah." Last time they "got verbal."
  4. Nope and I have no intention of doing so. In addition to the reasons you mentioned, @Unicorn, living in a city means sudden stops, swerving to avoid hitting obstacles, and lots of stop-and-go are done on a regular basis.
  5. How about a toilet that shames people who come up with idiotic ideas like this one?
  6. You reminded me of a funny story from waaaaaaaaay long ago. I owned a house with my parents that was configured such that I had my own living area. My folks respected my privacy and I respected theirs. They N E V E R went into my space unless they asked first. One day I came home from work, went upstairs to the main part of the house and said hi to my dad. He said hi and then apologized for having to go into my bedroom shortly after I left for work because he couldn't find the cat. He found him under my bed. While walking away I remembered leaving several gay porn magazines next to my bed. I went back upstairs and said "oh, you must have seen my magazines." His answer? "Yes, I did. Judging by the covers your guys are far less sleazy than your brother's girls." We both broke out into hysterical laughter.
  7. Ha! It sure does. Unlike in a NDS porn, he didn't open me up using the wine bottle before he put his corkscrew to good use.
  8. Oooo - that sucks. Sorry you experienced that!
  9. rvwnsd

    Holy shit!

    Of course! Thanks for pointing the way to Connor. ;-)
  10. So I am making dinner and was browsing RM ads. The timer went off (time to turn the chicken) and as I was turning the chicken there's a knock at the door. It was a new neighbor who needed a wine opener. I invited him in, took a few minutes to locate the opener, all the while chit-chatting with him. he was looking around the apartment, I opened the wine, and he was on his way. As I walked back from the front door I noticed my laptop was displaying a RM ad! I forgot all about it. Has such a thing ever happened to you?
  11. rvwnsd

    Holy shit!

    My guess is Connor's video is being distorted by the platform used by mymusclevideos. Their quality is not very good and they probably are not using the principal of "responsive design," that is, a website displaying with the same resolution and functionality on a mobile device as on a computer. Someone could use the technique you described to morph themselves and falsely advertise, but typically everything in the video gets distorted and it is easy to see that something is amiss.
  12. I would not waste my time with this. A polite message stating they could contact you should they be in a position to hire would be more than fine. And then don't reply to further texts. Call me a cynic (I call myself one so, please, feel free), but you really don't know whether the guy has cerebral palsy or is another twisted game-player.
  13. Then he should say so in his ad or simply not provide a telephone number. I always start with an email via the site unless the guy states he does not want an email. It is just easier for me to state what I am looking for in an email. It also avoids fat-fingering a number and accidentally telling Sister Mary Providence that I am replying to his RM ad. Well, that is certainly a benefit!
  14. No time like the present to change that.
  15. rvwnsd

    Time Wasted

    Client here, but wanted to weigh in and address some of the questions you raised. Let me preface this by saying the following are third-party observations and were I in your shoes I might not make them while in the thick of the exchange with the time-waster prospective client. Also, I am not laying blame on you. This guy is clearly a jerk and I'm sorry you had to experience him. As a "premium" RM member, I can see "semi-private" pics without having to enter an unlock code (non-premium members need the code), but I have to request the code when the pictures are "private." I N-E-V-E-R request the code until I've sent the guy a note explaining what I like and receive a response that states we are compatible. To me (and it would seem most other reasonable people) asking to see private pics expresses more than a passing interest in the escort. If I don't know whether we would be a match, then I don't have more than a passing interest. This is the long-form way of saying "Red flag #1." I would not consider hiring an escort I do not know for more than an hour or two. Based on past replies from experienced clients, it seems this is a popular opinion. We will call this "Red flag # 2." Then why the hell was he contacting you for a BDSM session? We will call this "Dude sounds like a nut job." OK, that makes sense but (IMO) not when he wants to spend two full days with you. Any prospective client who "demands" anything deserves to be cut off from further communication. You are a much better and more generous man than me. Red flags # 4-8, IMO. That is far more than reasonable. As stated above, you are a better and more generous man than me. While his reply does not surprise me, it is completely uncalled for and warrants being immediately cut off. Once again, that is far more than reasonable. As stated twice above, you are a better and more generous man than me. Let me pause and say this: I was interested in hiring an escort in LA. Doing so would require a road trip from my place in Phoenix to his in LA and I was not 100% convinced his pics were 100% recent. He does cam shows, so I contacted him and proposed a 15 minute cam show for 25% of his hourly rate to make sure we were compatible. We agreed that was fair. What you proposed is extremely reasonable. That sounds reasonable to me. You don't have to tolerate that nonsense. Sorry that you were threatened by a jerk, but glad you finally ended the ordeal. Part of me says he was using the conversation as JO material and hoped to JO to you in person. Given the threats, sounds like he is just plain crazy and wanted to JO to all this. Here's a technique I use when hooking up or when chatting with a guy on a dating app/website: If the back-and-forth starts taking up too much time or appears to be going in circles, I reply with "hey I gotta run, will catch you later" or some such and leave it at that. You could easily say something like "Hey, I have a client at x o'clock and have to get ready. I know you understand because you will want me to be ready for our date." Then pick back up later after an appropriate cooling-off period. Aside from friendboy.pro, there really isn't anything besides RM in the US. Plus, flakes will migrate to other venues like pigeons to a new statue. And like pigeons, they are always full of shit and that shit needs to go somewhere. Unfortunately, you are the statue in this case. In closing, you sound like a very gentlemanly, stand-up guy. I sincerely hope instances like this don't change that. The world needs more guys like you.
  16. I'm a bottom client. Prior to 2014 I would not hire "Vers/Bottom" escorts because I thought they would be bottoms only. Then I started chatting with a "Vers/Bottom" escort who seemed like he would be a lot of fun and decided to give him a try. BEST FUCK EVER Because he often bottomed, he would not cum when topping, which meant he could last and last and last and last. Since then, I have been more open to reaching out to "Vers/Bottom" escorts.
  17. Could you share with us the "size requirements." As a general rule when searching any website, the more filters you set the higher the chance that a combination of filters yields fewer than expected results.
  18. In my experience, A4A is a platform for "massage", "massage, wink-wink" , and a few guys who just do massage. Interestingly, more than a few guys I've contacted whose ads show almost everything there is to show have become highly indignant when asked whether they perform erotic massage. If you do not perform massage at all, then I'm not sure it is the right platform for you.
  19. I believe SDSU and UCSD both have programs for adults returning to college. But seriously, the close-ups of his body don't appear to be of the same guy as the full-body and face pic (which matches the other face pics).
  20. Two colleagues and I were discussing Depends today as we were on a loooooong conference call and had to keep running to the restroom. I sweat way too much to go commando. It is just uncomfortable. When I HAVE gone commando the scent down there was no more or less strong than when I wear underwear. And some of us like the natural scent of a man's pits, balls, and feet.
  21. YAY!!!!!! I might have to get that collapsible kettle. PS: I was thinking about you last weekend @MikeBiDude as I made my Nespresso at the hotel while visiting LA.
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