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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Well, that changes everything.
  2. rvwnsd

    Mark Parker

    So he give good sexy!
  3. I get called "sir" a lot, including at work. Not surprisingly, folks also call me "direct." Several employees of our main vendor call me "he who says what needs to be said." One of my favorite nicknames is "bullet," 'cuz I talk in bullet points.
  4. "Available for: Boyfriend experience." Yup, just like the boyfriends who were quarreling loudly the other night at Safeway. We pay so we don't have to experience that. Time to move on.
  5. I saw Nate several times and used to recommend him, but after my last experience with him I would no longer do so. However, I CAN recommend Rod Hagen, MaverickRay, and MikeyHawk for a boyfriend experience. I recently hired RussBarker and had a great time, but while he delivered MY idea of a boyfriend experience he might not deliver everyone else's idea of a boyfriend experience.
  6. Who wants buttered and who wants plain popcorn? Salt or salt-free? (Sorry, I can't help but be an asshole sometimes) I'm sorry to hear about your mom's illness, but glad she has a son who uprooted his life, moved cross-country, and is taking care of her. You're a good man. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. In fact, when an escort comes to my place for the first time I typically meet them at the entrance to my apartment complex. There are three reasons for this: Parking is complicated and I don't want them to get ticketed or towed The building is easy to find but the elevator lobby can be a challenge to locate for first-timers I'd rather not give my apartment number to a stranger. Yup, you can and you should. Just like clients can and should do the same. Sidebar: If memory serves correctly, there was a thread a long time ago where a prospective client complained that the escort was a flake because he would not give his address before the meeting. the prospective client wanted to Google Maps the place and drive there so he wouldn't get lost the day of the appointment. His complaint was not well-received by the Forum denizens. A couple of things about this. First, where else do you intend to advertise for escort services? Second, it seems that escorting attracts a higher proportion of flakes than does massage therapy. That's probably because sex work is still considered by some to be illicit and tawdry, which to them justifies messing with sex workers. It is very nice of you to take the high road and consider these people to have gotten cold feet. Unfortunately, your message is probably being delivered to the wrong audience Many, if not most, of the members would not behave in that way. I see their point, but then again they don't want you to come to their place at all Funny? That's insane. Would he suddenly be OK with you meeting him in the lobby if you gave him a free hour? That's just crazy. Bad move. Make that "very bad move." Here's why: There are perfectly legitimate prospective clients who want to use the RM messaging service. There are various reasons for this, including guys not wanting to hand their number out to a stranger, guys who can't always stop what they are doing to reply to a text, and guys who just feel more comfortable using email. (Granted, RM's messaging service isn't "real" email) A guy who wants to jerk you around will do so no matter what communication method you use to communicate with him. RM does not accept reviews from clients who did not contact the escort via the RM messaging service. To many Forum members, no RM reviews is a red flag (even though the reviews' reliability is dubious) and refusing to book clients from the RM messaging service will appear to be an attempt to avoid getting reviewed. I'd suggest that you accept messages via the RM service and switch to text before booking. If that's your intent, your statement did not convey that. To me, private vs public photos is not a big deal. What is a big deal is when a provider advertises, ahem, "characteristics" and is afraid to show them. It sends a signal that the advertiser does not possess quite the "characteristics" he is portraying in his ad. It sounds like you are pissed off (rightfully so), are blowing off steam , and in the process might not be making carefully-considered decisions. You might want to keep your ad as-is for right this very minute and revisit this tomorrow or the next day.
  7. Having trouble reCaptchaing your Git Hub? Then donate. You'll stop feeling buggy and feel all warm and fuzzy. Plus, you'll have a hand in keeping this site alive and well.
  8. It has been established that prospective clients flake, i.e. don't follow through.
  9. rvwnsd

    NICE guys

    He JUST came out o' retirement. In fact, my review of our session made him coverboy of the day!
  10. rvwnsd

    NICE guys

    Adding DonBlueEyes, Mike Gaite, and Luke Marcum to my list of nicest guys.
  11. Methinks you are right, but mecan'tremember what his name was previously.
  12. When i lived in San Diego I'd drive to LA to meet escorts all the time. Typically, I'd incorporate another activity and make a day of it. You should consider doing that in San Diego. A walk along the Embaracdero from Seaport Village to Cancer Survivor's Park or a few hours in Balboa Park is worth the time and mileage.
  13. An excellent point. A corollary is "The presence of a monetary transactions does not absolve one from behaving like a gentleman."
  14. Including the staged Apollo moon mission?
  15. Apparently, NPR suppressed the story regarding mandatory viewing of the new 007 and Thor films, so I didn't hear about it.
  16. rvwnsd finds speaking of oneself in the third person to be distasteful and silly. However, he makes exceptions for those who are being smartasses.
  17. Yes, it does. Coaxial cable is used to deliver the signal from the box outside to the in-room outlet and then again from the in-room outlet to the television and/or modem.
  18. Nope, but wish I did. DEFINITELY wish I did.
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