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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. If you weren't wasting all that money on full-priced food you could probably have afforded that extra 10 square meters you always wanted.
  2. This is not limited to "gay apps." Take a look and Tinder's TOS. The first paragraph addresses nudity and explicit content.
  3. Millennials get teased for eating avocado toast, but it isn't like baby boomers and Gen X-ers eat nothing but the 99 cents meal at McDonald's.
  4. Years ago I met a guy on a dating website (I said it was years ago) and he kept wanting more and more and more pics. Mind you, we lived so close to one another that we could have met at the coffee shop, waited for them to brew a fresh batch, drank the coffee, had sex, gone our separate ways, and made up excuses why we didn't call the next day in the time it took him to ask for more pics. The last pic I sent him was of me waving "goodbye."
  5. So far he has neither posted a bunch of nonsensical bullshit nor insulated anyone, so he has that going for him.
  6. I agree with you. When I see dates like that it makes me think 1) RM's travel date bug is back, 2) the guy is a flake, or 3) the guy doesn't know where he will be (see #2). No matter what, I won't reply.
  7. Which explains why Thanks for sharing your good memory with us, @BabyBoomer
  8. Wondering why his profile name is Bryan_Me but his "Call Me Now" contact info says to ask for "Abrahamm_x"? Also, he started advertising on May 30 in Las Vegas, but his phone number is from Florida. Hmmmm...
  9. He certainly has the refined, well-mannered communication skills possessed by a certain Czech escort who has recently begun to grace our fine Forum.
  10. Sounds ideal for an evening that includes watersports. Thanks for the tip!!
  11. A quick count, assisted by the "search" feature and some arithmetic, revealed the following results: Gay: 4,212 Bi: 2,916 Straight: 482 Ask Me: 1,484 Conclusion: The overwhelming majority (46.6%) identify as being gay.
  12. rvwnsd


    Why didn't you report the ad to RM?
  13. rvwnsd


    Surviving a plane crash would also be an unforgettable moment, but I don't ever want to find out what that is like.
  14. Thank you. It's weird - even after you provided the link I searched for his name and RM returned no search results.
  15. Does anyone else think it is odd that the advertiser is Brazilian, lists Verona, Italy as his home location, and has a phone number form Little Falls, MN as both his cell and Whatsapp numbers? It could be a Google Voice number, but why use it for Whatsapp? Both reviewers are recent RM members, which I find to be suspicious. Can you post a link? Could not find that ad on RM.
  16. I had to explain to a colleague that when we list a Federal Government ID as an acceptable form of ID we are not referring to an employee ID card and instead are referring to a Global Entry card and an identification card issued by a national government, such as Germany or Poland. She was all set to challenge me when one of our Sanctions folks stepped in and agreed with me. You just can't help the unwashed masses when they want to remain unwashed.
  17. Sounds like you had a great experience! It even sounds like you could potentially have another great experience in the future! That was very nice of you. That was possibly not very nice of him, but at the same time he might not want to carry on the conversation with you. At this point, it would have been a good idea to stop contacting him until you were back in his area and were ready to book another massage with him. However, not all good ideas come to fruition and so This might have seemed like a good idea in the heat of the moment, but I assure you it wasn't. He didn't want to have a conversation with you unless it pertained to booking another massage. That's why he did not reply to the first "thank you" text. I'm not surprised by this. I understand why your feelings were hurt and it appears that you had the very best of intentions, but take a step back. You do not know one another. For all he knows, you are a clingy, stalker-in-training who won't leave him alone. That's not to say you are, but it is to say that he is setting some boundaries. The boundaries are "text me when you are ready to book a massage." Good! Then send him a text to the effect of "Hey, this is Scotty. We had a great massage session on xx/xx/xxxx. I'm in town and would like to book another session on xx/xx/xxx at xx:xx or on xx/xx/xxxx at xx:xx. Do you have availability?" And that's it. I don't think pitiful is the right word, nor do I think it is chasing after him if (and only if) you keep the text about booking a sensual massage. Don't mention the unanswered texts, the thing that was coming up for him, his Instagram, or anything else that is unrelated to booking a sensual massage. If you want a massage from him, then reach out to him again. Let go of the unanswered texts. One last thing: There are massage therapists and escorts who like conversing with clients outside of meet-ups. It can be hard to determine who is OK with these offline conversations and who isn't. You just have to take them on a case-by-case basis. PS: I hope you have another fun massage with this guy. Keep us posted
  18. Quick question: Was that process required when you renewed your premium membership or when sponsoring an escort's ad (which includes a premium membership). I'm asking because that step was required when I sponsored an ad but not when I simply renewed my membership. My guess that is a way of avoiding a chargeback, much like the olden-days requirement that you sign a charge slip when using a credit card and the merchant retaining it for a period of time.
  19. I'm 55 and have always despised phone calls and voice mail, esp for first-time communication. Texting is a godsend. That said, I prefer email for a first communication.
  20. rvwnsd

    Haha. :(

    Still not foolproof. You can easily paste a photo on an ID. If someone goes through the trouble of mining a bunch of photos for their escort ad they will take that one extra step of doctoring an ID. Never mind. My cold medication-addled brain was not paying attention.
  21. rvwnsd

    Haha. :(

    According to RM: ID Verification: ID Verification is a process where the Pornstar provide us with a copy of his ID card so we can verify the identity and the authenticity of his profile. The verification doesn't guarantee that the person on the profile photos is the same in person It is pretty easy to put a bogus photo on a copy of an ID card and submit it to RM. Also, you will notice that his photos are not verified.
  22. Take a look at the address bar. You will see that the URL you copied is the one associated with the Florida review page. In order to copy the URL associated with a specific review you need to open the review in its own browser tab so that the url associated with the review is displayed in the address bar. Then, coy the link and paste it in the thread. BTW: When you attempt to open the review in a new tab the site will display a message stating the review is not active. That's because it is old. Of course, none of this changes the fact that the last review was posted in 2016 and the OP is requesting current information.
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