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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Take a look at the address bar. You will see that the URL you copied is the one associated with the Florida review page. In order to copy the URL associated with a specific review you need to open the review in its own browser tab so that the url associated with the review is displayed in the address bar. Then, coy the link and paste it in the thread. BTW: When you attempt to open the review in a new tab the site will display a message stating the review is not active. That's because it is old. Of course, none of this changes the fact that the last review was posted in 2016 and the OP is requesting current information.
  2. Of course! That's what we are here for.
  3. Well... It took some detective work, but I found his RM name, searched the Forum for that and found the following: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/mikealphabcklv.146568/ https://www.daddysreviews.com/cruise/2019-02-07/mike_3_vegas https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/hes-back.140801/ In case you are wondering what I did to find this information... Copy the phone number from the Friendboy ad Searched RM using the phone number as a keyword (If there are dashes in a phone # remove them) to find his ad Searched the Forums for the RM name Voila! Found the above info,
  4. I just looked at the "send gift" function in rent.men ad it offered the option of credit card or bitcoin payment. However, I'm a premium member with a credit card on file so my experience might be different than someone who is not a premium member/does not have a card on file. Note that you receive a premium membership when you sponsor an escort's ad. If you are already a premium member you are not charged for your next month's renewal.
  5. No, I do not think you have an appointment. No, I wouldn't. At the same time, I would not have let the conversation end there. When he replied "Ya, it should" I would have said something like "great, we are confirmed. As soon as I book the hotel I will give you the info and text you the room number when I get there." and see what the reply was. The escort may be asking himself the very same question you are based on the exchange you mentioned above.
  6. Same happened to me with a guy in Palm Springs. Felt the same as you do. It feels to me like you are over-thinkig this. A bunch of bottoms got to him before you did. Now he wants to be on the bottom. Seems fair to me. I wouldn't be thrilled to have received that response, but it also would not make me think he is a bigot, racist, or asshole. To me, he saved you from a potentially lackluster experience.
  7. I prefer men who do not feel the need to act one way or another and, instead, are themselves.
  8. A spoof of...what, exactly? Leather is not my thing, unless we are talking a leather jockstrap that has been sweated in several (dozen, hundred ;-) ) times. But lots of guys, like @honcho , do like it so I can't fault an escort for wearing leather in a picture or two. As long as he can go without wearing it when a client isn't into it there really is no harm. Please, do tell if you have taken the plunge.
  9. @Kman, it pains me to hear what you are going through. Many in our society expect us to feel nothing but sadness when someone dies. It is gratifying to hear that you are able to avoid that trap and let yourself feel the way you feel.
  10. Or he is just bullshitting his way through the stat picker.
  11. Just for kicks, I checked A4A this morning. Only one fake, an A4A ad, and someone whom I believe to be real. That last one is a head-scratcher. Didn't think actual, living people used A4A!
  12. This is not an exaggeration: Upon logging into A4A there were seven messages from these fools. As I was deleting them I almost missed a message from someone I actually chatted with. Also, I received two more fakes. :eek::eek:
  13. Oh, my God - I cannot begin to fathom what you are going through. I'm about ten years older than you are and the only thing that comes close is when my asthma flares up. It is scary and causes me extreme anxiety. You must be going through that times one hundred. Perhaps even times one thousand. I hope the new meds kick in and the pain subsides. I'm sending good thoughts and wishes your way and give you my unending support. You must keep us posted. Hang in there the best you can.
  14. rvwnsd

    Archie's here!

    Meghan bears a resemblance to Veronica.
  15. It really is. And I just started reading the thread within the five minutes prior to starting to write this (9:15 PM PT) I'll start by saying I am single. That does make my situation very different from yours. However, there have been times where an escort and I have spent "off the clock" time hanging out and it was fun. There have been other times where by the time I realized it was well past the time of being enjoyable we were so far in that it would have been awkward to abruptly cut the guy off. When I've found myself in that situation I've waited for a good time to change the conversation and suggested we wrap things up. For example, I don't barge in mid-sentence and tell the guy to leave. When that doesn't work I say something to the effect of "I hate to cut you off but it is way-too-late o'clock and I really need to go." This also works when you are in your own hotel room. "Go" does not have to mean "leave." It can mean "I have other stuff to do (like being alone) and you need to leave." Perhaps it is my direct nature ( I get accused of yelling when using my normal conversational tone) but that usually ends it.
  16. Some people just like to post stupid comments. Not here, of course, (The comments I was referring to are displayed on DataLounge)
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