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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Assuming a "match" actually takes place.
  2. Wow. Just wow. I think you dodged a bullet.
  3. My guess is no one on the Forum has experience with him.
  4. If his first question was "How much," then it appears you were dealing with a sub-species called "assimus-holibus." If that was his last question after a pleasant exchange, well, um...
  5. What if he spelled out the word "please?" No, huh? All kidding aside, that would be a red flag to me, too. In fact, when an escort pressures me into meeting right away the little warning bell goes off in my brain and I move on.
  6. As long as you don't yell at the forum and try contributing to the basketball game you should be OK.
  7. If your Google account (i.e. your email, etc) is under your actual name, it very likely popped up when he looked at your Google profile.
  8. Well, sex and extreme bitchiness we can handle. Excessive alcohol and barbiturates, however...
  9. I think the link posted above is incorrect. Try https://rent.men/NeilXXL
  10. Awww, shucks. You are making me blush. Well, that's ANOTHER reason I avoid texting for a first contact. If someone seems like a window-shopping flake just tell them to fill out the form in quintuplicate; submit the original, salmon, and cardinal copies; retain the blue copy for their records; and place the goldenrod copy in the file after date-stamping it with the green stamp. Not the purple stamp, the green one. Audit might check the file. You just never know.
  11. I had never heard that story. Thanks so much for posting it. I always liked Journey and Steve Perry in particular. As a teen, my brother (who is five years younger than me) wanted to buy one of their albums, but my parents were skeptical. After he enlisted my endorsement, my brother got my dad to listen to them on the radio. Dad approved and let my brother buy the album. Don't stop believin' indeed.
  12. rvwnsd

    Spreading gayness

    Not to mention calling each other "Guuurrrrrl"
  13. I was hoping @HornyRetiree would have chimed in by now. He could probably lend some perspective.
  14. There are folks for whom communicating via text is off putting because they only want to communicate via phone, while there are others for whom communicating via phone is off putting because they only want to communicate via text. In other words, you can't please everyone. I typically check out the escort's website before making contact and my preferred method of first contact is by email. There are three reasons for this: My first contact states who I am, what I like, what I'm looking for and when I'm looking for it. That's a lot to type in a text and, frankly, a lot for the escort to read on a small phone screen. We are all busy and when I am free the escort might not be. An email allows him to get back to me when he has the time to do so and not have to sit there waiting for me to reply to a text, thus prolonging the exchange. I don't know where or with whom the escort is when sending a text. At last count, there have been 17,856 complaints about escorts texting when they are with a client and 12,387 complaints about escorts not getting back to prospective clients within 47.35 seconds of the text's delivery. Why cause complaints 17,857 and 12,388? (Oops, wait - complaint 17,858 - one just came in!) That being said, not everyone is me. There are guys who don't want to view an unfamiliar website, aren't comfortable using the internet, are fearful of web traffic being tracked, and the list goes on. What it comes down to is how egregious it is to you for a client to ask your rate when it is displayed on your website. Frankly, if it is THAT much of a problem for you then you might want to ask yourself whether you are cut out for this business. I work for an internet-based financial services provider whose rates are plastered all over our website and ads. The rate is displayed more prominently than our phone number. Wanna guess what our number one question is? If you guessed "what is your rate?" you are correct. My suggestion is to follow your gut when talking to a guy. If the conversation seems to be heading into phone-sex territory you can politely suggest he check out your website. The guy is not going to hire you, so who cares if he is offended? He is probably not going to tell all his friends, so there is a slim chance that you will lose prospective clients. On the other hand, if a guy calls you and sounds like he is serious about hiring you, it makes little sense to direct him to your website. If your expectation is he will check out your website and call you back you might want to re-think your expectation. It is not going to happen. Hope this helped.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoLoyg3JKRQ:10
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoLoyg3JKRQ:10
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoLoyg3JKRQ:10
  18. rvwnsd

    Spreading gayness

    Nice! Thanks for posting.
  19. I thought this was about Eddie Bauer, who would also go! (So would his wife, Stine) Go, Eddie, go!! Thanks for posting.
  20. The corner of Spray Avenue and Gardner Street in Bisbee, AZ.
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