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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Every time the "straight vs gay" topic rears its head I immediately think of this gem from The Onion. PS: This is a satirical article.
  2. I’ve never read “Time Enough For Love,’ so no. ? But it IS true!
  3. This gives a new meaning to “take your conversion therapy and stick it up your ass.”
  4. A package from Mr Davis undershirts.
  5. I believe you still can charter a set of 'L' cars. You cannot charter a CTA bus anymore because no transit agency that purchases a bus using a DOT grant is allowed to charter those buses. So unless an agency buys a bus using a bond issue or farebox revenue it can't charter its buses. All that said, there are companies that have buses that look like those of major transit agencies.
  6. What a charmer. Wonder how many clients he gets using that approach? If he can get $500/hour more power to him. I'm guessing he won't. Onward to the next fishy in the sea.
  7. Thanks to a recent overhaul the heat works really well in those articulated buses. Oh, and the guys wear puffer jackets over their tank tops.
  8. I've never seen pornsex filmed in the articulation joint of a CTA 151 - Sheridan bus on a Saturday in June. Given it travels through Boystown and parking is at a premium, I see a group of hot young guys wearing tank tops get on, start toward the back of the bus, it turns, they fall on each other and next thing you know clothes are flying other things are throbbing.
  9. rvwnsd

    Back to nyc

    You might want to create an email signature and include a link to your ad. If you don't know how PM me.
  10. If you drive your VW Bus or Chevy Van to the guy's place and meet in there is that an in-call, an out-call, or just plain weird? But seriously...I don't have a preference. Living alone makes it easy to have escorts over, but it is also fine to travel to a guy's place. My rule of thumb is if I don't feel comfortable having a guy over to my place I probably should not hire him. Of course, this rule would not work if I had other people living with me.
  11. No info, but he can move next door any time he wants to!
  12. From his ad: "...I take pride in making sure every experience with me is unforgettable...." Ain't that the truth!
  13. If I decide to go to LA over Memorial Day weekend I'll hire him and report back.
  14. LOL! You should visit my local Safeway! Yuuu-uuum!! (There's actually a very well-built 30-something assistant manager who can restock my shelves any time he wants. In addition to being very cute and very built he is very nice to employees and customers alike.) But seriously, when I use the pressure cooker I never get sick. Also, I recently made a roasted chicken recipe that roasted the chicken at 400 degrees after being tossed in lemons and a quarter cup of olive oil. Came out very thoroughly cooked and juicy. No sickness. Oh - I get sick just by looking at a Costco rotisserie chicken. When I see those ginormous birds for five bucks I think of the following SNL skit:
  15. For me, quite often. The problem abated when I started buying chicken from Trader Joe's (which is pre-packaged), Whole Foods (sometimes pre-packaged, depending on the brand), and from behind the meet counter at Safeway (previously VONS). I don't think it is antibiotic-resistant bacteria that makes me sick, but the antibiotics themselves.
  16. Alternatively, the Palm Springs gathering could be moved to a weekend when Coachella is not occurring.
  17. I believe that's why toothpaste, toothbrushes, and mouthwash were invented.
  18. After a few search attempts (including for "Pines") I typed JakePines (no space) and found this thread: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-jakepines.140653/#post-1615434
  19. Thanks for sharing this resource, @adannyboy. I sincerely hope when two guys are engaging in "chemsex" and one gets too high the other has the presence of mind to follow the guide.
  20. rvwnsd


    My mother was alcoholic, albeit very highly functioning. Actually, the US was a relative latecomer in adopting a pharmaceutical treatment to break alcohol dependency, as outlined below: One of the first-line treatments, Naltrexone, was developed in the United States in the 1960's by a small pharmaceutical company based in New York City. It was initially intended to treat a different condition, but after further research was approved for use in treating alcohol addiction in 1995. The other first-line treatment, Acamprosate, was developed by a subsidiary of the German pharmaceutical company Merck KGaA. It was approved to treat acute alcoholism in Europe in 1989 and in the US in 2004. Disulfiram, a second-line treatment, was found to treat alcohol dependence circa 1945 by a Danish pharmaceutical company. It was approved for use in the US in 1951. To recap as a timeline: 1945: First treatment developed and used in Denmark 1951: First treatment approved for use in the US 1963: Second treatment discovered in US 1989: Third treatment approved for use in Europe 1995: Second treatment approved for use in the US 2004: Third treatment approved for use in the US I think having a variety of treatment options is extremely beneficial.
  21. I met him a few years ago. Fun guy!
  22. rvwnsd

    Open Relationship?

    I wish I could like this five times. Alas, one time will have to suffice. Obviously, I am not the OP but I can give you my perspective. A non-monogamous relationship to me means we have sex with people other than one another. If two people can get what they need by having sex and being romantic with one another and with no one else, then that is just great for them. Like @nycman , that doesn't work for me. Over the years I've encountered guys who claim to be in an open relationship. In most cases, when I've asked whether their partner knows the relationship is open they either answer "no" or do not answer at all.
  23. When I see something like "I am a new boy in this city" (boldface added by me for emphasis) my antennae receive a signal and that signal ain't good. It also makes me think of Which isn't bad, but not what I want to think about when reading an RM ad.
  24. I would need two of these things because BOTH of my cats would want to be on that platform in the middle of the tree at the same time. That said, I want something like that for myself. But seriously, I found two really nice, 6' tall cat trees at Home Goods for under $75. The boys love them.
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