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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. If I could give your reply seven times seven "likes" I would.
  2. The next time you want to light up or enjoy an edible during the Holy Days, reach for this: kosher cannabis.
  3. rvwnsd

    Mark Parker

    I'd advise him to refrain from advertising in the UAE. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates
  4. When a marketing campaign goes awry
  5. Where do these guys get this stuff from?
  6. "Welcome to Adam's twelfth annual 25th birthday!" Sheesh
  7. One of the funniest replies I've heard in a long time. Bravo!
  8. No, I am not concerned. While it is certainly possible that a guy could be videoing an encounter, it is also possible that I could be videoing the encounter, also. To me, it works like mutually-assured destruction as a deterrent against nuclear war.
  9. So asshole men are the trouble with women! Who knew?
  10. Open the conversation and click the "Leave"button at the top of the page. If you want to delete several at one time you can select multiple conversations by ticking the little box to the left of the word "Replies" on each message. You will see a box pop u at the bottom of the screen. Click "Choose Action" and select "Leave."
  11. rvwnsd

    Kyle Braun

    That's good to hear. I saw him when we were both visiting Chicago a few years ago and he was looking a bit ragged. Glad that he is back to his usual self.
  12. rvwnsd

    Kyle Braun

    I searched for him on RM and nothing came up. Many fond memories of hiring him in LA when he lived there.
  13. I have no advice to offer in regards to how you should find an executor. However, I'd suggest that you open at least one bank account with either a joint account holder or a payable-on-death beneficiary. Doing so ensures that in the event you die someone will have access to funds that can pay for expenses. Someone else mentioned setting up a revocable, sometimes referred to as a "family," trust. The beauty of the revocable trust is they are not all that expensive or difficult to establish and can be modified or completely dissolved (or "revoked") relatively quickly and easily. That could be a way to work through estate planning issues while your life is in flux. One more thing...Setting up pay-on-death beneficiaries is a very quick and easy way to designate who gets what from a bank account and many investment accounts. The bennies can be changed at will. Doing so establishes an informal trust. It is also a method to maximize FDIC deposit insurance coverage. OK, this is really the last thing. I'd consult your attorney about your current life situation and about the life situation you will find yourself in once you get married. I know you know this but I'll say it anyway - there's a lot at stake and a lot of unknowns. PS: I hope you and your other half do get married. It sounds like you both want to do so.
  14. Yep, that's right. I wasn't using sarcasm, being sarcastic, nor being a smart ass. I read something recently about avoiding taking calcium supplements at the same time you take certain supplements and meds, as the calcium can bind to the supplement/med and prevent full absorption. It recommended waiting two hours. I'll find the article and post it later.
  15. I heard about the scandal on NPR, but they did not go into the same level of detail as these stories. Makes me wonder whether the guys will be back in a few years after memories of the scandal have become fuzzy.
  16. We all know that the government, physicians, the World Health Organization, and virtually every LGBT health organization is targeting men who have sex with men in a campaign to encourage the use of Truvada as PrEP. They did the same with advertisements for condom usage as a measure to prevent the spread of disease, HIV testing (still do, actually), and for discussing HIV status. As @quoththeraven stated, men who have sex with men are targeted because they are at greatest risk of acquiring HIV. You will notice there are no ads for tampons in magazines that target gay men, but lots of ads for tampons in magazines that target women. Frankly, I was expecting to see evidence of a conspiracy to give gay men a pill that would harm, rather than help them. The sources you provided do not do that. Instead, they discuss the research that has concluded that Truvada is effective at preventing the spread of HIV when taken as prescribed. Speaking of research, a simple Google search will reveal that Truvada was approved as a treatment for HIV in 2004. (It is prescribed as part of a "cocktail" of one or more additional drugs). Eight years later, in 2012, it was approved for use as a prevention method. This is hardly a treatment that was discovered yesterday and rushed to market.
  17. Looking at pictures of the station, it appears that one can walk onto the platform from the station's driveway without going inside of the station house. So, I'm going to say "no."
  18. 300 roses would cost anywhere from $325 to $425, depending on which retailer you bought them from. Trader Joe's recently had them for $12.99/dozen and Target for $16.99/dozen.
  19. Yes, we do. Just like we know steroid-based "controller" medications treat, but don't cure, asthma and in some cases can cause a life-threatening attack. Still, millions of people (including me) take them because we feel the benefits outweigh the risk.
  20. I thought firefighters put out fires, not ignite them.
  21. Another overlooked museum in NYC is The Museum of the City of New York. For those who are traveling to Chicago, The Chicago History Museum is also worth a visit.
  22. You can see the text associated with reviews on rent.men if you use a VPN to access the site from the US.
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