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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Yes, I have. That is how I identified a severe sensitivity to soy, beans, onions, and dairy products. It was life-changing.
  2. rent.men has the same escort ads as rentmen.eu, but the format of rent.men has been updated while rentmen.eu has the older format.
  3. As a very tall bottom (6'4") I can tell you that: I like towering over my top Shorter bottoms often get turned on by nailing a taller top, which is good because I tower over almost everyone and We are all pretty much the same height when lying down
  4. What a great pic! Thanks for sharing.
  5. What you need is a CPA who also does CBT.
  6. Thanks to using a steroid inhaler (Advair) to control my asthma, when I catch a cold the next thing that occurs is a case of bronchitis or pneumonia. Starting about ten years ago the bronchitis/pneumonia has gotten so bad that the doctor will put me on a course of prednisone (or prednisolone) and antibiotics. Gets rid of the bronchitis within a few days. The sleeplessness is NOT a welcomed side-effect, but the house gets cleaned every day and the cabinets/closets/storage locker/dresser drawers never looked better-organized.
  7. When searching for a common term like "profession" you will get a lot of results. That's just how search works. You could try searching for "https://rent.men/Profession" and "https://rentmen.eu/Profession"
  8. In my experience, these characteristics are not indicative of one's sexual orientation. They are, however, indicative that one is an asshole. That, on the other hand, is indicative of a straight asshole. Or a self-hating gay or bisexual asshole. While I understand why some would find him to be physically attractive, I'm not one of the some. All that being said, if he is non-communicative I'm not sure a meeting would take place as you would never receive confirmation of the meeting. My advice is to take a pass and find an attractive guy who isn't an asshole.
  9. rvwnsd

    Loan Scam??

    I haven't heard of this firm, but I also haven't had a reason to use their services. However, I've researched online lenders and it is not unusual for a lender to collect a loan origination fee.
  10. I think the lock is a great idea for you and for your landlord.
  11. A combination lock or a fob doesn't require a smartphone and could be considered a type of key. I can see why a landlord would want to install a system like Latch to manage building access, but refusing to issue physical keys (or a code or some such) to longtime tenants sounds like an effort to force out rent-controlled tenants. Can't speak for NYC, but when I lived in Evanston, IL, the first city north of Chicago (we don't call it a suburb) which makes San Francisco look conservative, tenants ALWAYS won. When I asked my landlord why the hot water came out the tap close to boiling and why the heat was always cranked in winter he said it was less costly than dealing with the city's landlord/tenant commission.
  12. I second that. As mentioned previously, I hired him in January and had a great time. He was in no way, shape, or form spacey or spacy.
  13. According to ourworldindata.org, the average height among men born in 1950 was 177.1 cm (5'9.7") and 179 cm (5'10.4") among those born in 1980. Ha! Good point!
  14. I check the Phoenix ads on RM pretty frequently (every day - I live there ) and none of these guys were here Friday evening, despite one of them claiming to have been visiting since 3/13. While it is possible that they all piled into the Dodge Caravan and headed east, it seems rather unlikely. Alex Valenci appears to be the sportif type who gives good sexi.
  15. I hate it when a guy flakes or is ridiculously late. There have been guys who get stuck in traffic, but that's different- they have kept me posted and showed up. And they didn't make it into a habit. There was one guy in San Diego who would be late all the time, but that was because he did not have a car. He was a full-time student and opted to forego having a car so he could focus on his program. I liked him to come from the gym, which was Downtown, but he ALWAYS kept me posted about his ETA. It wasn't his fault that the MTS was unreliable and took 45 minutes to go six miles. Finally, he agreed to let me pick him up and then take him home after our playdates.
  16. @Gymowner, I'm so sorry that you had to watch your friends spiral down. I recall Androkid's passing. He always seemed like a nice guy. What a tragedy. I reached out to KC once, but I think he was already on his downward trajectory as the reply was pretty angry. Never contacted Scott Klein, but always wanted to.
  17. rvwnsd


  18. I agree with @Smurof and @Unicorn, the "thumbs down" icon is not one of the better features of the new Forum software.
  19. rvwnsd


    I haven't tried it. According to Wikipedia, it is called Stendra in the US. It is possible that guys here are taking Stendra and do't know it is called Spedra in Australia.
  20. Will do! I reached out to a guy who reviewed him on RM last week. Mainly, I'm interested i knowing whether he looks like the pics in which is is defined and cut or the ones where he looks beefy.
  21. I'm looking for feedback on recent experiences with VikingMuscle in LA. The last time someone posted a 411 about him there was confusion with other escorts who have used the word "viking" (or, in one case "vicking") in their ads. I'm looking for feedback on VikingMuscle, not the other guys. Thank you.
  22. Since the thread was resurrected and several folks expressed frustration with "no problem" and other variants, I thought it would be fun to share this. A colleague who is of Mexican heritage thanked me by saying "Gracias." I usually respond by saying "Bitte," one of the German replies to "Danke" (thanks) that translates literally to "please." However, I decided to let my other heritage do the talking and Googled the words for "you're welcome" in Polish. One of the search results led to a great article about the different ways of responding to the equivalent of "thank you." The first two are "Nie ma za co," which means something like “nothing to it” or “that’s nothing” and "Proszę bardzo," which is the same as “please.” (Think: "Please, no reason to thank me.") Less commonly used were “nie ma sprawy” (no problem) and “z przyjemnością” (with pleasure). Just out of curiosity, I looked up the Greek response to "thank you." It is "παρακαλώ" and it means "please." A little more research lead me to a page on Quora where someone asked "Greek (language): Why do we say "παρακαλώ" when answering the phone or saying 'you're welcome'?" After several lines of explanation, the article states "When you respond to thanks (‘You’re welcome’), think of it as ‘I ask you not to mention it’. (This deflecting is pretty common cross-linguistically; British has ‘don’t mention it’, French has ‘de rien’ = of nothing, and some Germans say ‘dafür nicht’ or ‘da nich für’ = not for that.)" After doing more research, I came across this article on StackExchange Linguistics which explains in other languages (such as Spanish, French, Swedish, and Japanese) the reply to an expression of thanks is the equivalent of "it's nothing" or "not for that," which to me is similar in meaning to "no worries" or "no problem," i.e., "you don't have to worry about thanking me" or "[the act you are thanking me for] does not require thanks." So the next time you gripe about a reply other than "you're welcome," think about what the reply means. You might find yourself realizing that the "rude" reply is not so rude after all.
  23. I remember his ad (and some of the pics) from waaaaaay back. I think he's closer to 40 (but using the pics from when he was 26). Typically, I agree that 35 or 40 or more is a great age. However, when one uses the same photos one used two presidential administrations ago... PS: Public photo #9 shows him holding his dick in a death grip to make it appear hard. No thank you very much.
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