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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Interestingly, the DC-10 crash that @Oaktown referenced above resulted, in large part, from improper removal of an engine assembly during a maintenance procedure.
  2. I was about to say the same thing in reply to [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER]'s thread when I re-read your original thread. In it you said (Red boldface added by me for clarity): So, do you get and read the messages or don't you? Regardless, I still don't think there is anything wrong with either one of you keeping your respective profiles up as long as you are both OK with it, nor do I think you are being unkind or misleading. Unless you actively send messages to other guys and then tell them you are unavailable then, IMO, no harm no foul. However, you might want to ask yourself (and your partner) why you are keeping these profiles given you are in a committed relationship.
  3. If memory serves correctly, most of the videos posted on RM when they started out were like this one. I love his voice. Want to hire him when he is back in Vegas (drivable from Phoenix) or if he visits Phoenix.
  4. I don't see any harm in keeping your profile up. You aren't checking messages or meeting guys off the site, so you don't seem to be doing harm to your relationship. When a guy contacts you but you don't reply (because you can't check messages) it doesn't feel to me like you are leading him on. "Leading him on" would be replying to the message and after some back-and-forth you telling him you are not looking anymore.
  5. Back in the 1990's several sites here in the US used age-verification sites before you could sign up.
  6. My motto is "Mean people suck, but nice people swallow."
  7. Sometimes, Google turns into a deep, deep rabbit hole. Other times, the time sink is provided courtesy of a site like STR8UOGAYPORN. Tonight's journey yielded these gems that you just can't make up: From The Daily Mail, an HOA in Tennessee fined a woman $100 because after a snowfall the outline her parked car left looked like a penis. Also from The Daily Mail, a woman who transitioned to being male now considers themselves to be an alien. If you Google their name (listed in the article) you can link to their Facebook page where they discuss a different article published about them. Spoiler alert: their parents were supportive of their transition from female to male, but are not quite as supportive of their transition to being an agender, otherworldly, alien. Now for the story about someone who made a lot of stuff up and convinced people it was true. Gizmodo reports about a guy who claims to be an MD but isn't whose "research" has been cited in major news outlets and even convinced Dan Savage that he is a real sex therapist. One of his research papers is titled “Similar mechanisms of traumatic rectal injuries in patients who had anal sex with animals to those who were butt-fisted by human sexual partners.” Seems like a research paper with the term "butt-fisted" in the title should have caused someone to question the author's credentials.
  8. Bobhugexl's phone number is a Miami-based cell number. One of the Google search results linked to an ad for a DJ who is most definitely not the guy in the ad. While it is possible that the number has been re-issued, it seems odd to me that a guy whose home city is in Croatia, who lists himself as being Mediterranean despite not looking the part (or looking Slavic, for that matter), and is visiting Boston has a Miami-based phone number that was previously used by someone who was performing in Miami. Lastly, the guy who reviewed Bobhugexl also reviewed chrisbig. They joined RM on November 18, 2018 and have since posted thirteen reviews (on some days more than one) including Dylangonzalez (who is Latin and lists his home as Uzbekistan), MarcHunkXL, Marchuge (whose ad is gone, but appears to have been in Hong Kong), Davidsilvamind (also listed as Mediterranean and also listing his home as Uzbekistan), and the list goes on.
  9. Wherefore doest ev'ryone receiveth fell at which hour those gents seeth "asketh me?"
  10. Wherefore art thee offend'd by the useth of "nay problem" rath'r than "thou art welcometh?"
  11. It is not difficult at all. Back in the day, all area codes had "1" or "0" as the second digit, prefixes (the three digits after the area code) could not be the same as any area code, and "1000," "2000," etc numbers were reserved for large businesses that had switchboards. These days, they are all just numbers.
  12. http://knowmedge.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Internal-Medicine-Topic-Review-Cataracts-Dogaracts.gif
  13. There has to be a Sesame Street reference in there somewhere but I'll be damned if i can find it. Anyone?
  14. Oscar the Grouch (the green Muppet) lives in a trash can, so the other Muppets buy him a house. However, as @poolboy48220 pointed out, he chooses to stay in a trash can, albeit a nice trash can located in the kitchen of his new home.
  15. Oh, no. I take all available measures to avoid chapped ass!
  16. It really toasts my bread when someone goes "rrggg-rrggg" when EVERYONE knows it is "urg-urg."
  17. rvwnsd

    Exchanging Shoes

    Apparently not enough people to keep them in business.
  18. Given that the barriers to entry are far lower than in the pre-Internet days, more and more guys who want to make a buck while they fuck have started escorting. My guess is there are as many great escorts as in the past, but they are somewhat overshadowed by mediocre guys who think it is easy to to do.
  19. Yep. I believe the gist was “they are rat bastards,” perhaps in different words.
  20. rvwnsd

    Ask Me

    WHATEVER YOU DO - do not ask when a guy says "ask me." You will get your card revoked AND a red checkmark in your permanent file. Yes, I said your PERMANENT file! Of course, I am being facetious. There are as many answers as there are escorts and clients. I ask, unless something else in the ad is unappealing in which case I lose interest.
  21. I do look at them, but take them with a grain or two of salt. My typical routine is see who else the reviewer has hired, when the reviewer joined, and what their other reviews look like. It isn't like reading RM reviews is a arduous process, so I figure "what the hell!"
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