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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I agree that starting the credit card dispute is a good first step. Be prepared to be asked whether you have attempted to resolve the dispute with the merchant and have an answer ready. If you have not already done so, take a look at the tires and see for yourself. Someone is lying or (remote possibility) the first shop forgot to do the work. Did you have the tires replaced at the second shop? If not, you might want to go to the first shop and tell them what happened.
  2. http://www.berkeleymews.com/comics/2015-06-26-oscars-house.jpg
  3. Thankfully, I've only encountered a couple of guys who were very full of themselves. One that comes to mind wrote in his initial reply to my RM message that he was very selective about who he allows to hire him and wanted me to know that I'd have to prove that I would make the cut. I told him that I was also very selective (it's true!) and that I would not be moving forward. He kept messaging me via the RM email system until I blocked him. He no longer escorts. I've also encountered guys who did a better job of stating they were trying to assess my seriousness about meeting. That's completely fine with me. Time is valuable. For me, it is all in the delivery.
  4. I didn't say he would do so to get out of a drug charge. There are detectives who can elicit information out of a suspect and steer the conversation so that the suspect caves. Alternatively, with decent questioning and police work they could have gotten enough evidence to charge him. That's exactly why a suspect would do that. It doesn't seem to make sense, so what a great way to make yourself seem innocent. It usually doesn't work for parents who have killed their kids, but they usually don't live in West Hollywood.
  5. Wow - that's an accomplishment. Congrats!!
  6. You make two good points. Here's another one: had they conducted a drug bust and brought Buck in they might have been able to get a murder confession out of him. Sounds like they didn't even try that. Then again, LA County Sheriff is not known for its brilliant investigative work. Perhaps that's why Smollett and his hot-shot LA lawyer didn't think CPD could figure out his case.
  7. Love the sense of humor. Sounds like he would be a lot of fun. Might have to head out to Vegas.
  8. I hired him in 2017 and had a great time. Was actually a very sweet guy in person.
  9. My, but there is a lot going on there. I'd take a pass. If they aren't sportif and don't give good sexy then I'm outta there.
  10. rvwnsd

    Exchanging Shoes

    Three wrongs if you count shopping at the Payless going out of business sale. That's more wrong than shopping the clearance rack at Ross.
  11. rvwnsd

    Exchanging Shoes

    All's fair in love, war, and going out of business sales.
  12. Let's not forget that many clients do not want to be contacted by an escort, as has been discussed in this forum many times. An escort who offers to notify a client when he is back in the client's city is taking a risk that he will upset the prospective client. While I see nothing wrong with this practice and even if I did I'd reply with a polite "no, thank you," there are those who react with outrage. Therefore, I see nothing wrong with complimenting the escort for doing so.
  13. Unless management immediately addresses an incident like this, a fire alarm going off in a theater will result in pandemonium, regardless whether people think an active shooter is on a rampage.
  14. I've corresponded with him, but have not met him yet. I have, but not for massage. Feel free to PM me for details.
  15. This is so very true. I always liked my doctor in San Diego. When I spent the night in the chest pain unit 10+ years ago it became obvious that he is a great doctor. He was revered at the hospital (a highly-rated regional medical center) and the cardiologist who saw me knew him well. His comment was "he's brilliant and cares deeply." Any time I had to see a specialist they would say the same. THAT's the doc a patient wats to have. You have to be a member of a Kaiser plan to user a Kaiser doc unless you get taken to their ER. That is probably why you have not hear about any doctors who work there. They only see Kaiser patients.
  16. A couple of observations: I'm sorry you were called "faggot" by two random strangers. Whether or not you dress flamboyantly or speak effeminately there is no justification for that behavior. In this very forum members have criticized "political correctness," a term I don't like when it refers to the simple act of being polite and civil. Not sure how we can simultaneously despise "political correctness" and the use of the word "faggot."
  17. When my mother required surgery and was not capable of participating in the decision-making process it was up to my father, brother, and me to select the surgeon. She was in a regional hospital in a far-flung Chicago suburb and was in precarious health, so traveling cross-country was not an option. Still, we had a very wide field of options give the sheer number of providers in metro Chicago. Here's how we evaluated potential candidates: Experience: Didn't want someone who was too young or too old Attitude: We looked for someone with a combination of confidence, compassion, and humility. We did not want a cocky, condescending jerk. She had one of those already. Honesty: She was 76 years old and in poor health. Didn't want someone who would promise she would be salsa dancing the following day. Personality: Although we were not going to hang out with the person, we wanted someone who could explain himself and could relate to my mom and to us as people, not just as that day's day at the office. We ended up selecting a surgeon who was in his late 40's/early 50's. Her performed the surgery at the hospital in which my mother was a patient. He hit all the right buttons, but what tipped the scales in his favor were his candor about the surgery itself and his concern about transporting my mom 75 miles to a nationally-recognized hospital in downtown Chicago and its effect on her as well as my dad's ability to travel there in his precarious state. He was the right choice. The surgery was a success.
  18. Funny you should say that. At one point there were allegations of illegal subsidies provided to Airbus.
  19. The BBC reports that the loss-making A380 is being discontinued by Airbus. Meanwhile, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is going strong, having built almost three times as may planes as the A380 and turning a profit for the company.
  20. I'm sorry to hear you had that experience. It really sucks! When traveling to see a guy, I plan on doing a touristy thing or two in addition to the appointment. Rarely will I make a trip to see a guy who won't plan ahead. As you experienced and @jawjateck stated it is getting harder and harder to find guys who will plan ahead. That is NOT to say you are at fault here.
  21. I have not hired him within the last year, but at least one of those pics that were posted in 2018 are dups of ones he posted in 2015 and others were used in his ads back when I hired him in 2012. For example, semi-private pic #2 where he is floating in a pool was posted on July 14, 2018. The same pic is public pic 26 (34 if you unlock the privates) and it was posted on December 18, 2015. Operating off memory, he was using private pics #3 and #5 when I hired him in 2012. Public pics #3 (#11 if you unlocked the privates), #4, #5 and #6 (jeans shorts in 2018? seriously?) were all posted in July 2018 and were old when I hired him in 2012. Likewise #12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25,
  22. http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks03/0301001h-images/ItCantHappenHere-PGA.jpg
  23. Wait a minute. You want to hire one or more escorts to attend your birthday party. A guest will "seduce"them, go upstairs to a bedroom, fool around engage in private Bible study, come back down to the party, and another guest will repeat. This sounds like it would make for a hot fantasy or porn, but might make for an awkward situation in reality.
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