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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. If he ever comes to Phoenix I'd hire him in a heartbeat.
  2. You forgot breaking into his car and smearing raw chicken under the seats.
  3. He sounds like a real catch - and release.
  4. As of a few minutes ago there are 30 pages of "pro" ads in California and three in Arizona for a total of 476 and 38 ads, respectively. This is the same number as last night, last week, and last month. Maybe there was a technical issue going on when you checked.
  5. Given the frequency with which his RM name changes you will never get to find him!
  6. Wonder what his, um, "dressing" tastes like. Sorry @Keith30309. I couldn't resist.
  7. Not only did they violate every policy in the book, they are just fucking stupid. No, strike that. They are too stupid to fuck.
  8. rvwnsd

    Male Sex dolls?

    It sucks that even the sex dolls have to concern themselves with cleaning out.
  9. That is what's so great about a completely free and unregulated exchange. It works because it polices itself! Oops, forgot to insert the My bad.
  10. Here are a couple "related" stories about a yoga teacher's new pose and a couple who found themselves in a sticky situation.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt2BOl7T-jw:72
  12. rvwnsd

    Electric Razor

    I've been quite happy with my Braun.
  13. Ahh, but do you thoroughly enjoy bending over and taking it from just anyone? I mean, we have some clients whom I don't want to speak to let alone, well, you know!
  14. The handsome, charming, funny, and furry man himself left about an hour ago. Definitely recommend him! Review forthcoming.
  15. Yup. In short, when an entity (whether they are a person or a business) transacts in an amount of more than $10K in cash the bank is required to file a CTR with FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. In the olden days, the CTR would be filed if a single transaction met the threshold. As technology evolved the law evolved and banks are now required to aggregate transactions. When an entity tries to create a series of transactions in a way that would avoid reporting, which is called "structuring," the bank is required to file a Suspicious Activity Referral. The initial reason was to deter money laundering, which often occurred in conjunction with organized crime activities and drug dealing. After the 2001 terror attacks it became known as a way to detect and deter the financing of terrorism. Wikipedia has a decent explanation in layman's terms.
  16. You are absolutely right. I don't remember the exact wording, but the merchant agreements usually reference "adult content" or some such. Even if they didn't deduct money from your account, they could halt your ability to accept cards. Not everyone is as upstanding in their dealings as are the majority of the members of this forum. There are guys who will hire and pay with a stolen card, those whose intent is to dispute the charge, and others who might be dallying outside of a relationship and when found out claim the charge to be unauthorized and file a dispute. Sadly, the bad actors ruin things for everyone.
  17. I had heard of the Korat, but forgot all about them until I adopted two kittens in 2017 who have the fur of a Russian Blue but not the body or face. That led me back to the Korat. Based on their personalities, the shape of their faces, and the fact that one of them has "moisture incidents" on the futon in my office I think they are part Korat. Maybe "moisture incident" kitty needs a support animal.
  18. I can be your support animal @FreshFluff!!! My DNA test stated that my ancestors came from Pomerania. There was one little teensy dot in Warsaw, Poland. That's where my maternal grandfather was from. Hey, anyone want a hug from my support boa constrictor?
  19. Don't be ridiculous! No one would do that. A crocodile on the other hand...
  20. That is not entirely true. There are several breeds of cat that form bonds with one or more of their people. Examples include Scottish Fold, Russian Blue, and Korat.
  21. I'm skeptical about the popularity of version that involves glitter. Yes, I know some people are into some, uh, "out of the ordinary" activities. That one strikes me as being an urban legend more than a "thing." I can totally see someone trying the version that involved the real apple, but I'd question the lubricant choice. It's like using water as lube.
  22. Yes. It is quite common not to mention a lot of fun.
  23. I agree with @sam.fitzpatrick . I know two escorts who wear a size small, but in Joe Snyder they need a size large.
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