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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. There is a "Jump to New" button: I'm not sure whether it was enabled before today.
  2. Prior to its demise Men 4 Rent Now had something like that. An RM profile could be used in that fashion, but I believe they are now scanning for explicit text and removing it when they find it. Also, many potential clients don't like being contacted so it is possible that escorts would not reach out.
  3. My friend "Bob" was convinced that (in his words) "bisexuality is the stop before Gayville." Every time this topic came up I told him about my friend "Steve" who came out as bisexual after his divorce (not due to his sexuality but due to his ex-wife's mental illness and mistreatment of their kids). "Steve" is equally attracted to men and women and would date both men and women. Turns out, "Bob" also knows "Steve" but not well enough to have discussed "Steve's" sexuality. I asked "Steve" if he was willing to discuss his sexuality with "Bob" and me and he agreed. It was a mind-opening experience for "Bob." PS: "Steve" was always monogamous with the people he dated. He explained that he would not cheat on a woman with a woman nor would he cheat on a man with a man, so why would he cheat on a woman with a man or vice versa.
  4. When you consider the "quality" of most television shows it sounds like you did a better job of entertaining yourself than Hollywood ever could..
  5. Non-sequiter? Really? You do not see the connection between being pissed off about your colleague and feeling guilty about it and your concern about being called out for objectifying the that you are objectifying?
  6. I am very happy that your coming out to the boys went well. Never had a doubt that it would have gone otherwise. You are a good man, a good dad, and you raised good boys. Congratulations.
  7. Perhaps re-reading this thread will inspire you to be a bit more compassionate toward your colleague.
  8. Better than “Girthy McGirthface.” ?
  9. A quick read of the entire post reveals the following (boldface added by me for emphasis) As you can see, my reply was addressing the second sentence, in which the OP indicates that RM members can unlock private pics. I'm actually glad you overlooked that second sentence when pointing out what you thought was a mistake, as I failed to mention in my post that that only premium (i.e. paying) members can access private pics that an advertiser has deemed "semi-private."
  10. Not all private pics are accessible to premium members without a password.
  11. rvwnsd


    What was his role in planning your winter travels?
  12. Which is why I didn't suggest it! FWIW, I tend to emulate a Dyson.
  13. I shall keep that in mind. You'd look ravishing in Bissell.
  14. I would imagine this helps you plan your personal lives, also. For example, taking a weekend trip, an all-day bike ride, or something as mundane as cleaning the carpets.
  15. @LookingAround, focus groups of one tend to yield observations such as this. One man's experience does not a trend make.
  16. That, my good sir, is because you are a level-headed adult. That, my good sir, is also why you have 103 great reviews as of this writing.
  17. rvwnsd


    Same here. Someone holding my head on his cock is a complete and total turn off.
  18. rvwnsd


    A few thoughts: Sounds like you are objectifying his intellect in addition to objectifying his looks and body. It could also be interpreted as meaning you are surprised that he could be so intelligent and have a high degree of academic prowess. Perhaps you could say "Wow, that's great! Congratulations." You could say nothing. That would be something to say when he mentions his grades. It sounds less patronizing than "I'm impressed by your intellect." Approaching this from a place of fear will do nothing to ensure your relationship with him is successful. Treat him how you would like to be treated. Would you like him to tell you "I love how successful you are" or "I'm so grateful for having met someone who takes me on lavish trips." That would make you sound like a living, breathing, eating credit card. Hmm...I can see his point, but I do't see how getting married would change that. Once again, I agree with you @nycman
  19. Well, it wasn't screwed up on Marissa Mayer's watch. She "pursued other interests" after Yahoo was purchased by Verizon to form Oath.
  20. Oh, my God that is hilarious. Not to mention scarier than, oh, I don't even know what. Funny you should ask, because I ran across that ad, also. No, the current "TallTom" is not the same as Thanos (Rugby, Greek, and Rugged)/Rugby Dick/Habib/Tom (Rugby and Rugged)/Thanatos. I don't think the masseur equivalent of Sybil is advertising at the moment. Maybe he is having purse-extraction surgery.
  21. I like you best as a blonde, but you really ought to smile.
  22. You are not along. I typically plan in advance. There have been times when I can't tell what my schedule will look like. In those cases I'll ask the guy for his availability is during my visit and then make solid plans once I can commit to a time. Actually, there are escorts who LIKE advance planning, particularly when they are traveling.
  23. I wouldn't rely on a cryptocurrency-only model to deter law enforcement. In the US, the Fed and FinCen are both looking into how to monitor and regulate them. There's an international financial crimes agency, whose name escapes me at the moment, that is also determining how to do so.
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