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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Through the magic of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine here is a screen shot of the Forum rules, circa 2015: When you follow the link, above. and scroll to the top you will see a revision date of 2005. As you can see, that rule has not changed with the new version of the Forum software. It has been in place for several years.
  2. That’s right - we were never allowed to post pictures directly in the Forum. That part of the terms and rules has not changed.
  3. @TruthBTold, are you referring to the emoji that can be put into a post, like this: or the symbols that you can use to vote (like, dislike, etc) on a thread. If you are referring to voting, then there is no emoji with its tongue out. Of curse, in the old version there wasn’t one, either. There was ne voting option: “Like.” Now you have more choices. If you are referring to the emoji that can be put into a post, there is still a tongue-out emoji, as demonstrated above. As @FreshFluff pointwd out, it is between the sunglasses and big smile emoji.
  4. There is a "KalEl" in NYC, but it is quite obviously a different guy. @stevenkesslar - care to chime in?
  5. Not to mention the proper use of capital letters.
  6. It already is happening. See below for but one example. Interesting and not at all surprising.
  7. According to ICANN WHOIS, the registration directory maintained by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a registration update was made on 12/11/2018. They are supposed to be seamless, but registration updates are a bear and they often wreck havoc on a website. Last year, Google did maintenance on their domain registry and my domain was messed up for days. Couldn't receive or send email. Fortunately, your friend was able to recover relatively quickly. Since he doesn't charge for his services, he didn't experience lost revenue. Still, I'd ask for a refund of a day's worth of hosting fees just to teach them a lesson.
  8. If you are missing something then I am, too. I really don’t understand what is so drastically different. The first emoji (i.e. the left-most in the row) is a thumbs-up. My first thought upon seeing it was “Oh, clicking on the thumbs-up means I like the post.” Sure enough, it was!
  9. I can recommend three guys: Rod Hagen, Rod Hagen, and Rod Hagen. https://rent.men/RodHagen
  10. It feels like a technical issue. When a site shuts down there’s usually,but not always, a splash page that indicates the website can’t be fund or is down. For me, the page just keeps trying to load until it times out.
  11. You could do what I did - create an adult-content Twitter account.
  12. It does fit nicely with the love of all things retro.
  13. Take a look at the very top of the page where it says "Testing Message-Forum." Do you see the first paragraph? The one that starts "I have a conundrum." Check out the next sentence. That will answer the question you raised about the "warnings" system.
  14. Not sure if anyone caught this story. And then there’s this.
  15. It appears Tumblr was reacting to the iTunes Store dropping their app from the App Store. IMO, they could have blocked adult content on the app and allowed it on the website. Also,IMO, the app stinks. It kept displaying tumblrs in my feed that I didn’t subscribe to.
  16. I agree with NYT and WaPo. Something else will come along.
  17. They might not be obvious right now, but after we’ve become accustomed to them we might not find them to be as confusing.
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