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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. There’s nothing misleading in what I said. Let’s take another look at what I wrote: I did not say “...this is to the dismay of those who posted...” or “...this is to the dismay of all...” Anyone who was not mean in their post/posts at the site whose name shall not be spoken would not be classified as being a “mean girl.” If you were not mean then this does not apply.
  2. While it was a surprise to see it up early, I had no doubt it would be back after the upgrade was complete. Of course, this is to the dismay of the mean girls who post at the site whose name shall not be spoken.
  3. Funny you should say that because I've contemplated forming a consulting business that focuses on helping escorts write their ads. I look at some of them, shake my head, and say to myself "you aren't going to attract paying client with that!" OK, all done.
  4. A friend of a friend was interviewing job candidates and had to ask one of them how to pronounce her name. The reply was "Va-high-na." I'll let y'all guess how it was spelled. PS: Having met the friend on several occasions I can vouch for the fact that she was NOT making that up!
  5. Inspired by @Nvr2Thick 's post:
  6. Although I couldn't find that cartoon, I did find a "Life In Hell' archive.
  7. Wish I had some intel, but sadly I do not.
  8. I always use a technique a straight former co-worker used with women. "Hey, do you want to fuck or are you straight?" Of course, I'm being facetious. I usually smile and say "hello." As for the straight co-worker, he almost got his head handed to him when used his line on a woman at happy hour. We stopped inviting him with us.
  9. Ad is gone. Clicked on the link and all of the NYC massage ads were displayed.
  10. I don't think any of us can answer that question for sure. Only he can do that. However, you might want to schedule an appointment at a time when you would be his last.
  11. At least the resident would get some exercise.
  12. I'm very sorry to hear this. Glad he passed peacefully and painlessly.
  13. While I don't think the SWA agent should have posted a pic of the boarding bass, mom did more harm to the kid by naming her "Abcde" than did the agent.
  14. You can create a signature in which you put a link to your ad. To do so, navigate to the top of the page and look for your Forum name. Place your cursor on your name to display a menu and click on "Signature."
  15. For one thing, he has aged. He began escorting in 2009 at the age of 28 and many of the photos he used before his hiatus were from that period. The beard adds years as does the grainy quality of the pictures. If you look closely at his face, you will see very few lines around his eyes. What strikes me about his face are the lines along his cheekbones. If you look at the pictures that accompany this article, you will notice that in the first couple of photos his cheekbones are noticeable. In the studio photos further down in the article his cheekbones are photoshopped away. The cover photo of his book foreshadows his current look. You can see the lines forming that are now rather prominent, again because he has aged. It would also help if he smiled.
  16. TBH, I'd be game to do a compare-and-contrast and watch you take it out. But that's just me.
  17. Oh, I am careful. I always offer the guy some gum. They can't arrest you for illegal gum-chewing if you offer them a piece. That's the law!
  18. This, too, shall pass. It might feel like a kidney stone, but it will pass. In the meantime
  19. It's his penis and he'll pierce if he wants to. With apologies to Lesley Gore.
  20. You are welcome. Perhaps if it becomes more widely prescribed the cash price will go down. I have one of Gilead's copay cards, but my health insurer is billed $2,100 (probably less due to a negotiated rate, but at an average wholesale price of $1759.60, not much less) and then the copay card pays my $75 copay.
  21. Unless he has done a complete 180 from when I hired him, you are in for a great time!
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