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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. rvwnsd


    @sam.fitzpatrick posted the same information I was searching for. Thanks for posting. The one thing I'd add is by him telling you he is HIV+ undetectable there's no guessing or assuming. You now know his status and can take whatever precautions you wish to take.
  2. You can "report" the extra threads and indicate they were duplicates.
  3. rvwnsd


    Hmm...looking at Atlanta, there are 154 ads on rent.men and 87 ads on friendboy.pro. That equates to 77% more ads on rent.men than on friendboy.pro. I hate to be the one to point this out, but more escorts appear to prefer RM over friendboy.pro. That's not hatred or hating. It is a statement of fact. I don't think the site is unreliable, it just has fewer advertisers and many of its advertisers don't have ads on other sites. That's neither good or bad, in my opinion. I do like the fact that the site administrators offer to verify the advertisers via skype or in-person meeting. My guess is it is up to the advertiser to be validated or not. It will be difficult to sustain this practice as the site grows unless the admins find a way to do so at no cost. At least they are trying to do something while they can. I still think the filter by city feature is ridiculous. Pick lists are typically alphabetical for a reason - the selections are easier to find that way. friendboy.pro will either evolve, stagnate, or die. Will be interesting to see what happens. Will also be nice to have an alternative to RM.
  4. Thanks for posting this, @Gar1eth. I just heard about her today at dinner.
  5. Like you, I find his current look to be more appealing than his looks in years past. He seems to be one of those guys who "ages into" their face.
  6. rvwnsd

    He back

    Who was he before?
  7. A group in San Diego was running a Go Fund Me Kickstarter campaign to create a public market like the one in Seattle. Unlike in Seattle, it was way off the beaten path, would only have been open on certain days of the week, and was essentially a farmers' market under a roof. Oh, and the organizers berated anyone who asked questions about their business plan and how they would sustain themselves given there is a farmers' market somewhere in San Diego every day of the week. They also didn't ask the primarily Latino neighborhood in which it would have been located whether they wanted the market in their neighborhood nor did they plan to have any neighborhood businesses locate in the market. They raised their goal, but the market never materialized as it was designed. Basically, it was a coffee shop and I think a restaurant. Glad I didn't jump on THAT bandwagon. EDIT: It was a Kickstarter campaign, not GoFundMe.
  8. Several years ago a colleague's daughter wouldn't poop. She was probably three years old. It was the talk of the office. At the time my colleague commented that her daughter would be horrified knowing her toilet habits were the subject of office conversation. Fast-forward ten years and said daughter is thirteen and competing in track. The colleague and I work together again and we were discussing her kids when she mentioned "last time we talked at length about [older daughter] she didn't want to poop!" Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
  9. I get results that say "man" or "barechested." I don't know of any. Sorry.
  10. According to their website, the Red Cross is following Federal guidelines that all blood services are required to follow. Perhaps you can have that laminated and carry it with you in case you are in need of blood. It would be helpful for the EMTs and ER staff to know that you would refuse blood from the Red Cross. Wouldn't want any of that motherfucking shit-eating blood to make its way into your body. Oh, by the way, the Red Cross is also received-blood-trasfusion-in-the-UK-phobic, human-pituitary growth-hormone-phobic, ebola-phobic, iron-overload-phobic, have-ever-used-needles-to-take-any drugs-steroids-or-anything-not-prescribed-by-your-doctor-phobic, traveled-outside-of-the-USA-and-Canada-phobic, blood-thinner-usage-phobic, retinoid-using-phobic (treats psoriasis), organ-transplant-recipient-phobic, piercing-recipient-from-a-resuable-piercing-gun-phobic, pregnancy-phobic, syphilis- and gonorrhea-phobic (certain other STDs do not result in a deferral as long as you are feeling well and have been treated, which is far more generous than the standard used by many Forum members), sickle-cell-disease-phobic; and District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah and Wyoming tattoo-recipient-phobic (again, more generous than many members of the Forum). Here is a link to the alphabetical listing of limitations associated with donating blood. Think this is a function of "puritanical" thinking in the US? Read this and this and think again.
  11. Let's see if I understand: Advice about having sex with another man: Assume all partners are HIV+ and use a physical barrier when having sex. PrEP and frequent testing is not enough. Don't want to exchange fluids, particularly those that contain blood. Don't even let another man cum inside of a condom when fucking you. Can't be too careful! Reaction to the 12-month "deferral" period between having sex with another man and donating blood: Homophobic discrimination! Got it.
  12. THAT's funny. Years ago I was testing an early voice recognition software package. Don't remember what I said, but it transcribed it to "antebellum."
  13. Got it. Regardless, the "check-in" text is bordering on too much and any more than that crosses over the line.
  14. To be honest, this ran through my mind as I was typing the post about a "check-in" text. Were I to do the check-in it would be one time only. Then no more texts.
  15. Thanks to both @PapaTony and @LJNYC83 for asking and answering, respectively, this question. Couldn't find anything in the FAQs.
  16. I would send him a text that goes something like this: "Hey [name of escort] its [my name]. Checking in to see if things are OK and we could get together. Hope all is well with you." And leave it at that.
  17. MAZEL TOV!!!!!! This reminds me of my mother's infamous Extra-Crispy Chocolate and Butterscotch Chip Cookie recipe, which everyone raved about at a high school bake sale. It is the only cookie recipe that calls for a quart of Gallo-by-the-gallon Chianti.
  18. Here in Phoenix we have people wearing hoodies when it is 80 degrees and puffer coats when it is 60. CRAZY!
  19. Thanks for posting the link to Charity Navigator. Another resource is GuideStar. Their information can appear to be a bit daunting, but it is comprehensive.
  20. It really is not a luxury. For starters, there are physician finders that allow one to specify search criteria such as "LGBT" or some such. Second, simply having a conversation with a PCP can tell you whether they are understanding. For example, when you inform your PCP that you have sex with men you can gauge his or her reaction. Additionally, if an LGBT-friendly PCP is located nearby a Google search will assist in finding health resources. For example, when I searched on "LGBT Health Resources Valdosta, GA" I found a link to the Georgia Department of Public Health South District website which states: "Every county health department provides HIV testing daily; however, appointments may be needed. Call your local health department for more information." I haven't searched for every small town or city in the US, but someone who is looking for information certainly can.
  21. "Women Are From Venus, Men Are From That Pond Over There by the Landfill"
  22. Looks like someone on social media has been circulating a fake Black Friday deal for grocery chain Kroger. Good thing I ignored the guy who promised me unlimited free airfare if I wired him $500 to validate my identity.
  23. I'd expand the warning to say "Find a primary care physician who is either gay or understands gay mens' health issues." Throat-swabbing is but a pixel of the picture that is one's overall health.
  24. San Diego is an escort desert. When I lived there I usually went to LA.
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