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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I know someone who was a public urinal at Folsom one year.
  2. Of course! Quenching the thirst for knowledge is what I do.
  3. It is always gratifying (bordering on faith-in-humanity-restoring) to read the well-thought, artfully-crafted constructive commentary that is offered up when Forum members share experiences like this. The enormity of hearts and minds is overwhelming. Simply overwhelming.
  4. Well... My cat Willy always greeted me at the door. When his hearing started to fail he began waiting for me in the window. He did that right up until he was put to sleep at the age of 21. The former feral Heidi (Willy's cat) would also come out to greet me, go back into hiding, and come back out. Linus and Lucien (my current cats) have the following routine: I walk in and make my way down the hall to the living room Linus comes out from the bedroom or office, circles the room, scratches on the scratching block, and then rubs up against my leg. If I'm sitting on the sofa he jumps up and rubs against my hand or my face Lucien follows Linus and does the same circle, scratches the scratching post, rubs against my leg, and jumps on my lap. The two cats purr up a storm while they take turns licking me On the off chance that I come in and they don't hear me, they run around meowing and then do the normal routine. It is as if they are embarrassed for not coming to me. Cats are very affectionate creatures when they are show affection. This does vary by breed. Scottish Folds, like Willy, are known to latch onto a person. Russian Blues and Korats (L&L have Russian Blue and possibly some Korat in them) are also affectionate and latch onto one person. They are also talkers, which Linus and Lucien both are.
  5. My partners always greet me when I get home, regardless the time of day. No judgement at all. Just a rub of the head against me, a soft purr, and a request for a belly rub. Don't even need to break out the dehydrated fish. Unconditional love! Meow!!
  6. That's why I was glad my brother selected his best friend.
  7. My brother selected his best friend and then very gingerly started explaining why he didn't select me. I stopped him and said "you made the right choice" which was better than saying what was on my mind, i.e. "Oh, thank God!"
  8. That's what I thought, but wasn't sure. What a weird experience. Very glad you emerged from the situation unharmed and reasonably unscathed. PS: I liked the way you wrote the narrative. Sounded like a short story.
  9. I don't "worry" per se, but I do take precautions to keep my data secure. For example, I am very careful about actioning emails. Here's a good example: Today I received an email from Amazon stating that the price of a Subscribe and Save item had increased. It also listed the other items I subscribe to and contained a link to modify my subscription. The email did not look exactly the same as other emails I receive from Amazon (different fonts, mainly) but the sender was an Amazon email address. Instead of clicking the link, I opened Amazon, checked the subscription, and saw that the price listed was the same as it was before. I reported the suspicious email to Amazon. Additionally, I look for wording that portrays a sense of urgency (You must do this today!) or is odd or out-of-pattern when purportedly set by a known sender.
  10. rvwnsd


    I'm glad that you were able to get this resolved.
  11. rvwnsd


    I don't see how downloading Mohave would affect the favorites you saved in your browser. What browser do you use? Regarding playing clips, are these clips saved on your computer or are they clips you are accessing on a website? PS: I downloaded Mohave and have encountered no issues.
  12. I've read this a couple of times and am still confused. Where in the chronology did the request to send money to Colombia occur? Was this the night of the party or the night of the other appointment?
  13. A former neighbor who worked at a hotel in San Diego that an Indian couple was VERY disappointed to learn that the elephants they rented could not be part of the ceremony without a city permit. The hotel started informing wedding parties of that requirement and asking about animals when they booked the hotel.
  14. I almost suggested asking HER that question but it is obvious that she has some balls on her already. Maybe you could ask her when she plans to have the “top”surgery.
  15. W. T. F.? I literally can’t even literally can’t even imagine how the topic of gender reassignment surgery could come up in conversation unless you presented as a woman and stated you are transgender. EVEN THEN I literally can’t even imagine saying that, but that is just one “literally can’t even” not two. W. T. F. ?
  16. He's OK. Wouldn't be my first choice, but if there was no one else available I'd hire him.
  17. Emergency calls have been traceable (whether or not caller ID is blocked) for decades. This is not a new-fangled thing.
  18. I can't think of anyone who fits the bill. San Diego is hit-or-miss to begin with and becomes pretty much a wasteland when looking for someone with specific characteristics like muscular and into wrestling.
  19. Oh, no - my approach is not subtle at all. I'm advocating asking one or more of the group why they did not invite @Smurof to the play. It really does not get more direct than that.
  20. Could be. The area code associated with his phone number is 219, which is largely the Indiana side of suburban Chicago.
  21. Hmmmm...It does seem like the addition of a self-described man-hater to your social group is the reason why you were not invited to see the play. As much as I'd like to say I would not engage in self-conscious over-thinking about how my actions could have contributed to me being excluded from the play, that would be a huge load of bullshit. I'd feel the same way. However, your friends should have included you and given the man-hater the opportunity to, um, woman-up and accept you or stay home. When the sting of being left out has abated, you might want to talk to one of the people in the group. It sucks to be in this situation. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. Hang in there. PS: It is gratifying to see that you feel comfortable discussing this topic with your fellow Forum members. That's what friends are for. Virtual hugs.
  22. Although it may not have sounded like it, I agree with you: it is an ongoing lifelong process. However, for me it is less about making and re-making declarations and more about telling someone about myself, as you did. I'm fairly well-known within my rather large company thanks to holding a position for a very long time that touched virtually every business line of the company. I'm also very open, so most people know that I am gay. At a very large meeting recently we were discussing joint bank accounts and I said something like "If my husband and I have an account." No one but a new consultant batted an eye. He came up to me later and said he wished he was as comfortable as I am to say something like that and then went on to say "I'd never have guessed!" I let him know that I am not currently married and he arched his eyebrow and said "oh!"
  23. That’s the thing about being out: once you’re out your out - you don’t have to make declarations.
  24. He reminds me of Thanos (Rugby, Greek, and Rugged)/Rugby Dick/Habib/Tom (Rugby and Rugged)
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