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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. "GoldenHole" sounds like a men.com take-off on a James Bond film. Manpussy Galore, anyone?
  2. rvwnsd

    Silly songs...

    "Ding-a-Dong" was #1 in Switzerland and Norway!
  3. AAA has people in trucks that will do that for you.
  4. Interesting that a post about vocabulary is incorrectly titled. It should read "Americans' Poor..." not "Americans Poor..." Reminds me of the time an employee stated on a self-evaluation that "grammer" was one of his strengths. Then again, he did not list "spelling."
  5. Over the seven years I facilitated the men's coming out group in San Diego (2009 - 2016) I found that many men still experience anxiety about telling family and friends that they are gay. Most of the guys were struggling with accepting the notion themselves, let alone discussing their orientation with others. Almost 100% of the men wanted to have the conversation with their family and close to 90% of them eventually did. Typically, one needs to come out to someone (including themselves) before they can "be out." The conversations still happen all the time. While the reactions have changed over time, the conversations still tend to be awkward, even when they go well, which they typically do. Interestingly, many of our members had more anxiety over the meaning of the "good" reactions (such as "They didn't ask me any questions. They didn't seem to be interested") than they did about having the conversations. Even more interesting is that we would hear that sentiment from men in all age groups. We had members ranging in age from eighteen to eighty-seven and damned if each week someone would be worried because their family member or friend felt it was no big deal. Of course, as a facilitator none of us (we had three) could say "get over your bad self, sweetie." By the way, the eighty-seven year old ended up coming out to his kids and grandkids and found himself a boyfriend at the Fellowship of Older Gays.
  6. I agree. That said, am I the only one who delights in the juxtaposition of the ascension of the Christian God’s son and the day named after a Pagan god and a Roman god?
  7. A few thoughts: People are typically too polite to ask, the exception being when getting to know a potential playmate or romantic partner where the information is relevant to the relationship. I don’t believe in the concept of “[fill in the blank] acting.” When some one is simply themselves there is no acting required. I don’t know what you mean by pretend not to be gay. Aside from the gender to which they are attracted, gay and straight men pretty much do the same spectrum of activities. When I first came out I experienced one of the two following reactions: 1) Oh, that’s nice. Thank you for sharing. How do you feel about this? 2) Really? Wouldn’t have guessed. It wasn’t hard for me, it was simply a matter of me being out to myself and being ready to share this with others. I think you mean “...who people think or perceive are gay.” The only one who knows is the individual himself. Others presume or assume or, once someone comes out to them, take the new-found knowledge at face value. To answer your original question, there is no universal answer. It truly depends on the individual.
  8. While we are at it, let’s move it to a Saturday in late May when the weather is nicer.
  9. A very enjoyable tradition! Wonder how many residents of certain areas of our fine land take this seriously?
  10. Don’t know, either. I hired him as an escort.
  11. If they are THAT concerned they would update the signature card. That has been the norm for years.
  12. I'm surprised they checked the signature card if it was signed that long ago. You could sign a new one. Well, the various charities fill that need. I must get a dozen in the mail. Turns into recycle bin food.
  13. Signatures tend to change over time. If I may ask, how long since you signed your signature card?
  14. What happens in the Midlands, Scotland and Wales stays in the Midlands, Scotland and Wales.
  15. In a written format some suggestions and pointers can come off as being criticism. Based on my read and based on knowing many of the posters' styles for several years, it seems like everyone was trying to help by suggesting techniques for avoiding an escort ending a session early and, when it does occur, how to avoid a financial loss. The key phrase is "it was at your direction." This time, the guy should not have ended the session. Bad on him. One last thought: Write a review and in that review mention what you told us here.
  16. I would not even have considered the origin to be the four cardinal directions. I mean, what about stuff that happens in the Southwest? Northeast? Midwest? The various panhandles?
  17. rvwnsd


    The fun appears to be over. Ad's gone.
  18. @Rod Hagen offers both massage and escort services. Might want to reach out to him.
  19. It is difficult to believe that there are escorts who do not have regulars, but it is also bad news to make assumptions. It is also bad news to be thinking about being a regular and what that could mean before you even met a guy. The definition of being a regular client of any service provider is hiring them time and time again. How else can one become a regular?
  20. A few things to consider for future meets: There is always a possibility that you will be, ahem, "finished" in a hour or less. When booking, schedule for an hour with the option to extend to two "if we are both having so much fun we just have to keep going." Do not leave the fee on a table, dresser, etc. Keep it in an envelope in your pocket. You can also put the first hour's fee in one envelope, the second hour's fee in another and combine if necessary. Ask him to stay for the full hour agreed-upon time. Ask him what the fee is for the time spent. (Works better if the fee is not laying out in the open.) One last suggestion: Write a review and state that he did not stay the full two hours despite having pocketed the entire fee. EDIT: Changed "hour" to "agreed-upon time."
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