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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. You said it, buster boy, not me! You would loooooooove an apartment I rented from Pearl Associates back in the 1990's. They made sure the steam heat and hot water were CRANKED! During a cold snap every other building in Evanston was without heat except for my building. As always, I had a window open. When I asked one of the Pearls why the heat was so high he said that he and his wife lived in one of their dad's buildings when they were newlyweds and the apartments were always cold. So they resolved that their tenants would never be cold when he and his brother took over the firm.
  2. You've reached your limit for today. Have a great Sunday and see ya tomorrow.
  3. I'd argue that the Catholic Church has very little influence on American politics, much like in Italy. Other sects, however...
  4. I see them here and there in Phoenix, but in my former San Diego neighborhood they really took off. Some streets had two per block.
  5. Or a red state that allows medical marijuana, like Arizona. In regards to the original question, I kill cactus. An air fern would probably die from neglect. However, I do have a talent at growing bamboo. I have a plant at work that has grown to be just shy of four feet tall.
  6. This poll reminds me of a couple wherein one guy liked bicycling and the other did not. The guy who liked it was pissed that his partner didn't and stopped cycling. His partner encouraged him to keep doing what he liked with his friends who also enjoyed it (such as me) and they would do other things together.
  7. It really isn't a stupid question. A few years ago I was convinced my laptop was dead. I even plugged it in. Then I noticed the cable that goes from the outlet to the transformer had come out. Plugged that back in and sure enough the computer worked.
  8. As long as they don't start playing the Leona Helmsley hotel ads I'm good.
  9. Based on the documentation provided by the plan offered through my employer, the plan seems to be best if you want the ability to ask a legal question or have simple documents prepared.
  10. The last time I saw an ad for Jimmy Dean sausage he was not in the ad. It is creepy that they are still using them, though. Come to think of it, the and they were pretty weird. A guy was in a sun costume and people in planet costumes were slowly walking around him. Then he served them Jimmy Dean sandwiches and they were orbiting him faster. The ones with Dean are less creepy.
  11. I hired WestCoastMike several years ago and I can tell you he was both big and hard. And really nice.
  12. One of the subjects of a post by @LoveNDino, Harold Mays (who died at age 81 in late 2017) is quoted as saying “...Sometimes I stop and think about all the turmoil of … being black and gay in America...". If an 81 year old man can use the word "gay" so can you. It is 2018. Get with the times.
  13. Better gas up the jet. Rocky and Leeloo aren't getting younger.
  14. I'm not seeing bowls for Rocky and Leeloo. Then again, my cats think nothing of jumping on the table and sticking their maws in my plate.
  15. The American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics advises against doing so, but does not state that the practice is illegal. "I can't..." in this context probably means "This is something that runs counter to my code of ethics."
  16. My dad refused to use a walker. Instead, he used two canes to get around. Regardless, he would go to Target or Walmart get a motorized cart and do his shopping. Or simply buzz around looking at stuff.
  17. Aisle seven, right next to the Which, I might add, are on special with a coupon and a Balance Rewards card through Tuesday.
  18. Not to mention that Bell Gardens is a suburb of LA.
  19. What a charmer. Then there was the comment about switching out her birth control for Tic Tacs. As my Auntie Ginka would say "Ariana, honey, you're a pretty girl and so talented! You can do better than that choom-cha-room-choom."
  20. In all seriousness, once you get a walker you can walk to your car and drive to the store, to get your mail, to get your brains f*@%ed out...
  21. Thank God you didn't serve
  22. At least it didn't become a residential sex addiction treatment facility.
  23. http://www.foodsubs.com/Photos/cuke-japanese.jpg
  24. All I can tell you is don't select "Should I Stay or Should I Go" as your song, particularly in front of a few hundred people at a popular nightclub.
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