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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. @FreshFluff , I apologize for hijacking this thread for a few minutes but @azdr0710 made me do it! Here's a Password that Betty White did not appear in: and one of the series of SNL sketches it inspired:
  2. Not to mention Betty White playing a senator from Kansas.
  3. Ever since I tried undershirts made from bamboo-based modal nothing else feels the same.
  4. Wild-caught seafood is not without chemicals, such as the chemicals that pollute the oceans and many freshwater lakes. Additionally, not all farm-raised seafood is raised with massive amounts of chemicals. You really have to do your homework.
  5. Like @Rudynate and @MikeBiDude I have opened my mind to farmed seafood. As with wild-caught seafood, it needs to be sustainably raised (or, in the case of wild, sustainably fished).
  6. In this thread, there is mention about escorts wearing their demands on their sleeves. Unless a guy truly wants to escort and spend time with a variety of men, monetizing one's looks will probably not result in a great experience for the client. Could not have said it better myself.
  7. I carried separate work and personal phones for years. Never had to guess how or when to answer the phone.
  8. I am not an escort, but here's my perspective: This sounds no different than someone asking me to give up my career in financial services in return for a relationship in which my expenses would be covered. The "offer" feels a lot like the old phrase "let me take you away from all this," which implies that there is something undesirable about working as an escort. Or, for that matter, working at all.
  9. There was an escort who used the word "boi" in his name L O N G after he could legitimately be described as a "boi." He would have been a prime candidate for a name change. On the other hand, I saw a guy who had relocated from the east coast (don't remember where) to Los Angeles. He changed his name because having a name that referenced the east coast was rather silly when he lived on the west coast. Name changes are not a red flag to me unless they occur frequently and/or appear to occur for no reason.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by "his site." If you are referring to his ad, yes an escort can block someone from seeing their ad just as a potential client can block an advertiser from seeing their profile. One thing to note is signing onto rent.men with your retmen.eu credentials will yield the same results as signing onto rentme.eu. They are simply different versions of the same site. If you log off and can see their ad then they have blocked you. Well, sounds like his loss. Also. sounds like you avoided a weekend fraught with disappointment and problems.
  11. I've not heard that one. Given the accoutrements worn by police, not sure if one would necessarily want to find out the hard way that a guy was a cop.
  12. The RM ad lists 180 CM, which is, in fact 5.9 feet.
  13. It pains me to hear that you were molested by a teacher. These are people that are supposed to watch over their students, not take advantage of them. Based on what you told us, your mother must have been very supportive in general for you to have told her what happened and for her to act in the way she did. The school administration, on the other hand, pales in comparison. He should have been disciplined. While I think it does take courage to report this type of behavior, I do not think that saying nothing is a sign of cowardice.
  14. On the flip side, during the 1977 reboot of Laugh-In an actual commercial for the "Look for the Union Label" people looked like a bad Laugh-In sketch.
  15. Ah, yes, one of the other Loyolas. Go Ramblers!
  16. Every time I look at this thread I think of the Southern California grocery chain.
  17. I often do not get hard, but I can ejaculate and have a orgasm when soft. I am also an oral and anal bottom. As long as I enjoy myself I'm good. Funny story: I was with a guy and did not get hard AT ALL. However, I went to town on him like there was no tomorrow. After we both had huge orgasms I said something like "even though I didn't get hard I really enjoyed myself." He said "yes, I know" as he wiped the cum off my leg, the carpet, and his leg.
  18. True dat! But we'll let the unwashed masses think it is. We can't convince them otherwise.
  19. Walk into any business casual office and you will see plenty of successful guys dressed like that.
  20. When someone is as well-liked, oft-hired, and oft- and well-recommended as Vin, no, it is not weird at all. I've hired him and can say that he is one of the top five escorts I have met in 20+ years of hiring.
  21. One never knows where one will end up when one is oncall.
  22. Had the "sting-er" just displayed and touched his, um, stinger the "sting-ee" would have nothing to worry about. Assuming it took place in New York City. Those are the rules, after all.
  23. @MisterMike is alluding to a rule that reviews not be posted in the forums. If you read the various posts on this forum you will see that members start conversations (a/k/a "PMs") when they want information that, if posted in the forum, could violate the rule against reviews in the forums. FYI - any time you would like to read the terms and rules you may click the link at the top and bottom of each page. If you wish to start a conversation with someone, look for the "inbox" link at the top of every page. Click it and see what happens next.
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