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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Funny, but I think of Carole King despite the fact that I was three when she wrote it and seven when she recorded it.
  2. I'm not sure I'd categorize escorts in general as being "over us" based on an experience with three escorts in San Diego. In fact, I am quite sure I would not. That being said, I typically email or text on first contact. That would not help in the case of the guy you emailed, as he did not reply after you answered his reply email, but it could in the case of the two guys you called. They do share some of the responsibility as all mobile plans include voice mail. Don't want to talk? Let the call go to voice mail.
  3. For my niece and nephew it started a lot longer than two years ago, as August 12 is my birthday!
  4. There are times (and this is one of them) where you have to hold your nose and do what you have to do.
  5. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! I spent the day in Flagstaff and experienced this phenomenon called "75 degrees," also known as "30 degrees cooler than Phoenix."
  6. Apologies for being late to the party, but it’s been a weekend full of relaxing and unplugging. You mentioned, @matt842, that you have had successful hires in the past. Thinking back to your pre-playdate interactions with the escort, did he say anything that in hindsight could have tipped you off to potential bad behavior? You can’t unring this bell, but some reflection might help you when planning future encounters.
  7. I’ve arthritis in my knees since my mid-twenties, so I can relate to your plight, @Milo Farnsworth. Here are a few suggestions that have worked for me: A couple of memory foam bath mats. I call them “coxksucking mats.” A comfort gel kitchen mat A bath stool (sometimes called a “spa stool”) up against the bed. Pro tip: the plastic ones ($29.99 @ Target and Bed, Beth, and Beyond - put those coupons to good use) also work for water sports ‘cuz you can hose ‘me off after you get hosed down [*]Lay on the bed, head propped up on the headboard with pillows, him strattling you
  8. What I don't understand is why we think "bisexuality" is defined as "more likely to want to and act upon urges to have sex outside of a committed relationship than a heterosexual or homosexual person."
  9. Being 6'4" and all leg I am almost forced to buy online. Like @FreshFluff if a store does not offer free shipping and returns I don't buy there.
  10. It is always good to hear about finds like this one. Thanks for sharing!
  11. Here in Phoenix we have a small chain of pasty shops called Cornish Pasty Company. The founder is from Cornwall.
  12. My pleasure!! Glad to have helped.
  13. I hate it when escorts are so vague about what they get into.
  14. You might want to start a conversation with @Guy Fawkes or one of the other moderators.
  15. Oh, great, Hagen and Nicholas are posting sensible shit. AGAIN. Next thing you know Slater will have a graph of revenue per milliliter of lube used quarterly since 1990 and demonstrate how the advent of polyurethane condoms increased business by 6.235%. Can't you guys make us happy and say everything is different now just this one time?:D
  16. Open marriages and polyamory are nothing new. People are simply more open about practicing them. As I used to say to guys who wanted to mess around and said they were in open relationships "is your wife/husband/parter/girlfriend/boyfriend aware of the openness of your relationship?"
  17. I knew a drag queen whose name was "Heavy Flo." She was a big girl.
  18. Not an escort here, but a client. On a few occasions I have had to cancel. One time, I had to do so from my car as I was driving to an appointment. Suffice to say something I ate did not agree with me. Each time the escort was an absolute prince about my issue. I would have understood if the next time they charged me a deposit or a cancellation fee, but they did not do so. I made certain to leave a little extra in the envelope.
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