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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Things have changed very little.


    Those escorts who have cultivated a longterm, loyal clientele remain busy. I travel now as much (or more) as I did 10 years ago.


    In starting this back in 2004, I never thought this would be a true career. I was wrong. It can be if you handle it (and yourself) properly.


    I've been escorting for decades. I certainly don't miss having to advertise in print as well as online as I did in the beginning. I do hate the culture of NOW as opposed to the previous culture of SOON. Other than that, hasn't change much since late 90s. Neither have the rates, actually. In fact, there was a period in the early aughts where the rates were, on average (this is my sense, I didn't do a study), a bit higher than now. Escorting probably hasn't changed fundamentally in centuries :)


    Oh, great, Hagen and Nicholas are posting sensible shit. AGAIN. Next thing you know Slater will have a graph of revenue per milliliter of lube used quarterly since 1990 and demonstrate how the advent of polyurethane condoms increased business by 6.235%.


    Can't you guys make us happy and say everything is different now just this one time?:):p:D

  2. Of course, in today's culture, with open relationships/marriages and polyamory, the idea of cheating is almost quaint. /end snark

    Open marriages and polyamory are nothing new. People are simply more open about practicing them.


    As I used to say to guys who wanted to mess around and said they were in open relationships "is your wife/husband/parter/girlfriend/boyfriend aware of the openness of your relationship?"

  3. I don't know, this might not need to be said but I'll say it at the risk of offending others. Please know it's not stated in the spirit of offensiveness...


    Maybe I'm going out on a limb but an unswered request might—just might—be unanswered due to the tone of the request. Like a first impression. It matters and a rewind and do-over is almost never going to happen. In this age of digital connect and personal disconnect, in an initial meeting the care in which conversation begins and the thoughtfulness, respectfulness and politeness used can set the tone for everything that follows. In the case of Mitch, one already senses a cautious hesitation to put himself "out there" fully until trust of some sort is established. It might be mentioning something you see stated in his profile that you like or that you thought was funny or creative. His face pics are private and establishing some trust first will show him that you're serious and you've read and considered everything about his profile other than..."Hey, hot body and profile! Can you unlock your private pics for me? Serious here."


    When reaching out to an advertiser—especially for the first time—I always remind myself of the risk they take putting themselves online in that way but also, that this guy is a person. He is someone's son, someone's brother, uncle, friend, etc. I'm selling myself to him. It's a dance.


    Kindness goes a very, very long way these days and toss in a little light humor and the world pays attention. Now, I'm NOT accusing anyone of not being that who didn't get those pics unlocked. Mitch could have a million reasons for doing what he does. But, those are his and he's allowed them. Even though it's a business, ALL good business relationships are just that...relationsips between people who usually connect on a personal level as much as a business level.


    I apologize if I get too wordy from time to time here. :rolleyes:


  4. Not an escort here, but a client. On a few occasions I have had to cancel. One time, I had to do so from my car as I was driving to an appointment. Suffice to say something I ate did not agree with me. Each time the escort was an absolute prince about my issue. I would have understood if the next time they charged me a deposit or a cancellation fee, but they did not do so. I made certain to leave a little extra in the envelope.

  5. I might get run out of town on a rail for this-- I don't know if responding to this thread constitutes breaking protocol-- but HI!


    I'm Mitch. Thanks to the users who have left positive feedback on this thread and elsewhere on the site. To the rest-- and to anyone else who might come across this thread with a similar gripe about radio silence from me-- my apologies for the lack of responsiveness. As some of the users have pointed out on this thread and elsewhere, the work advertised accounts for a small fraction of my time. When I'm in my home city, I'm often attending to business that pulls me away from the work advertised in my profile. So if your message has gone unanswered, I'm sorry! Unanswered messages usually mean I'm unavailable or otherwise engaged. I'll do better about that for the rest of the time my profile remains up on the site.


    Now... About my private album... 99% of the private album requests that aren't accompanied by a message are ignored-- this is especially true for requests from out-of-town profiles. If you want to meet me, your chances will be a lot higher if you simply respond to the questions in the body of my ad. If you're just "browsing" with no intention of meeting, well... I'm not a pornstar (despite being labeled as such on the site) and I'm not as comfortable as other are with having images of my face floating around the internet. I know, I know, some of you could be sharing my private photos without me ever knowing (@Bullakaun, I appreciate your discretion) but if I can help it, I try to reserve revealing my face for clients with serious inquiries.


    The vast majority of the experiences I've had with clients have been awesome. The few instances when I've been blackmailed, stood-up, ripped off or assaulted have led me to move through this pocket of the world with as much caution as possible. So... there you have it.


    See you soon, maybe?


    Thank you for posting and welcome to the Forum.If I still lived in San Diego I'd make plans to see you this weekend (LA is only a couple of hours away.) However, I live in Phoenix and don't have the time to make the trip this weekend.

  6. 1. Send an email to a reviewer thru RentMen? If so, how?

    2. Check to see other reviews a reviewer has done?



    1. Click on reviewer's screen name
    2. Locate and click on the "Contact Me" tab
    3. Click on "EMail Me"
    4. Compose email
    5. Send email

    If any of the above don't display then he has not set himself up to receive messages and/or you have not set yourself up to send them or view a member's profile.

  7. When I saw the thread title and before I clicked the link, I thought this was gonna be about straight women who act as beards for gay men. :mad:




    That's exactly what I thought!!!


    That queerty dot com is running this story this week (three years after the hoax began) might be a commentary on that site's general reliability for any news....


  8. Now middleeasternali is https://rentmasseur.com/PersianArab


    Nice guy. Massage OK. But he's more about the sensual/extras. I would not repeat due to the high price.

    His body is not that great... body fat around the tummy area. But other appendages will draw your attention, so not a big issue.


    Maybe he saw the other "Ali" ad changed his name in an effort to disambiguate himself from him.


    Sorry you had a less-than-stellar experience.

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