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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Most of my college classes didn't require papers. If I had to write one I'd hire someone to type them. But often there was a choice between a paper or an oral presentation. I chose the latter,


    Sometimes I gave the same paper to two different classes.

    My university (Loyola Chicago) required papers in every class, including Accounting and Tennis.

  2. Maybe not the same ALI?

    Number in MF is 562 546 5762

    Number in RM is 213 536 1705


    I'm confused now :( Not good at recognizing faces


    I'm pretty sure these are two entirely different people.


    The gentleman referenced in the original post (area code 213 phone number) is not the same person referenced in the second post (area code 562 number). Alex/Albert/Ali (area code 572 troptard) started advertising as Alex several years ago (like 8 - 10) and at the time he was advertising as being older than 32. When I saw him surface as 32-year-old "Albert," I immediately thought of



    Now that he is advertising as "Ali" under the "troptard" screen name (which I recall from way back when) as 30 years old I'm thinking about






    Better hire him before he becomes under age.

  3. I do! I don't know if it has any health benefits but once the pickles are gone I keep the jar with the juice. I just take a sip or two sometimes when I'm in the kitchen. I don't down it all at one sitting.


    I buy Claussen Kosher dill pickle spears.


    Although I've been known to take a sip of pickle brine, my favorite is olive brine.


    I have a local Croatian butcher who makes his own sauerkraut with pork spare-riblets, a classic Yugoslav/Croatian recipe. It a meal all by itself.


    We had that for dinner frequently when I was a kid. My father usually made it. He cut the ribs into sections, put them in a dutch oven, covered them with the sauerkraut and braised until the meat was ready to come off the bones. Nothing else added. It was really good.


    My mother occasionally made spare-ribs and sauerkraut, but she often made pork neck bones and sauerkraut. She would season with a bay leaf and whole allspice and peppercorn. We LOVED it!!


    The spare-rib and neck bone dishes are also Polish dishes.

  4. Adopted a senior (12yo) Pomeranian 13 weeks ago today:) Used to use Blue Buffalo w/ my Scotties and then read some not so good things (no I can't find them)....

    Found it!


    In a nutshell, Blue Buffalo allegedly used chicken by-product meal when it stated it didn't do so and charged the same as if it used 100% chicken meat. They were also recently acquired by General Mills, which will turn some folks off.


    I remembered there was bad press but like you could not remember what exactly the bad press was.


    Glad that your pom is doing well. All it takes is a loving human who takes good care of their dogs and/or cats.

  5. I second the recommendation of Natural Balance. Their food is of excellent quality and kept my beloved cat Willy going for 21 years. The boys absolutely love it. When our new vet asked what I feed them and I told her she said enthusiastically "wow - that's great food"


    Pro tip: Ask your pet supply store if they participate in the frequent buyer's program. I think the 12th bag is free.

  6. This reminds me of a day when one of my staff members, who happened to be pregnant, walked into the office looking very perturbed. Some woman in the elevator, whom she had never seen before, asked her if she was going to breast feed and if she was going to have natural childbirth or a C-section.


    She suggested the woman try wearing deodorant. She said it was the first thing that popped into her head.

  7. When I hear things like this, I'm happy to put up with a Midwest winter to have anywhere from a nice to a tolerable summer.

    Having grown up and lived in Chicago until 2000 I can tell you I'd rather have the Phoenix summer than the Chicago winter and summer. 95 degrees and 90% humidity is way worse than a dry 115 degrees. Plus, no frostbite!

  8. As I sit here in my castle looking into my hand-held mirror next to my gigantic mirror (joking, yes really joking, I don't have a hand-held anything), I'm wondering how many people use this available feature. I don't.


    I do.


    When I clicked your avatar I got:




    This member limits who may view their full profile.




    That's a different feature. I believe it is set by changing a privacy setting.

  9. Hey there, thanks. Yeah that is true. I’ve spent the weekend looking through listings, and most everything is $900+ in Orlando area. The places that are lower are basically dumps about an hour outside of town. And it goes back to what I was saying: why would I want to get into debt renting anywhere in Florida, when half the time, the requests I get for appointments are bullshit, bullshit, bullshit and trying to get them to follow thru is like herding cats....


    The other thing you have to consider when renting or buying is the need to create a space your clients will want to visit. You don't want to be the escort who lives in a sketchy part of town whose clients are afraid to step out if their cars. Sadly, there are fewer and fewer affordable places conducive to conducting an escorting practice.


    ...I’m almost contemplating...just living out of hotels and air bnb spots and just go city to city and only come home to relatives every couple of months. I’m just having a hard time finding apartments, and it seems I only make the amount of clients I’m happy with, when I’m traveling state to state.


    Makes a lot of sense to me! You've lived a lot of places, so why not live temporarily in a lot more places? If you get to the point where you find a place or places you think could be home you can always look at apartments during down time.



    ...I’m almost contemplating...to just give away most of my things in storage I’ve acquired to consignment...


    I’ve moved about four times since I turned 21. Every time I wonder why I have so much stuff. I’ve now gotten rid of pretty much every type of “collectors” thing that just moved with me from place to place. Wasted space. I’m good.


    Next time I move, I plan to just have clothes and some furniture. And if it were up to me, I’d just move the clothes.


    My move from San Diego to Phoenix was supposed to occur in Spring, 2017 and instead took place over two days after Christmas, 2016. Essentially, everything was packed and stored to be gone through after settling into a place. After moving into my current apartment in March, 2017 I started the slow process of going through stuff. I've made incredible progress (60% of my stuff has been donated or thrown away) and still have a ways to go.

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