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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. I'm wondering when a post becomes a review. I'm thinking to myself, "Does it have to do with length? Too much detail? An obvious agenda?"


    Then I wondered if the rule applies just to a massage therapist post, or does the rule apply to movies, TV, etc. I'll search the threads. Maybe it's discussed there.


    The fifth section of the "Terms and Rules" reads as follows:




    We reserve the right to modify the rules, at any time, as needed to meet the needs of this ever-evolving forum community. We will endeavor to keep this document up-to-date and to post changes to the rules in a timely basis. Questions or concerns about the rules should be addressed to webmaster@m4m-forum.org."

    The last sentence explains what you should do if and/or when you have questions.

  2. Quick question: Exactly how would any of these countries know you are gay? Looking in the mirror after jumping out of the shower I didn't see the word "GAY" displayed anywhere on my body. Neither my passport, Global Entry card, nor drivers' license read "HOMOSEXUAL." My glasses don't flash "GAY GAY GAY" and when ordering at the coffee shop I said "a regular drip coffee, please" and not "I take rock hard cock up my ass."



  3. I drink filtered water at home, but I've become very fond of sparkling water, which I buy in bottles, usually six-packs.

    I like the SodaStream. In summer I use the spring water to make it, but the rest of the year filtered tap water works great.


    I sure miss crisp, clean, cold, highly chlorinated Chicago tap water.

  4. I’ve witnessed this numerous times, in church, movie theaters, and public transportation to name a few places.


    What I can’t abide is the changing of a diaper in public. This has happened twice in restaurants of all places. In both instances the mother did not take the child to the restroom. One woman placed the kid on a chair and opened the diaper bag and just nonchalantly changed the wet diaper. Another time the mother laid the baby on the floor and ignored the gasps of patrons sitting nearby. When the manager told her the restroom had a changing shelf she cursed him out and created a scene. Our society is on an ever accelerating downward spiral. I dread what the future has in store. :eek:

    When working at a department store years ago I observed a woman change a diaper on the counter of the cash wrap. She was done before I could stop her and tried handing me the dirty diaper. I directed her to the rest room and proceeded to spray down the counter. I later learned that she complained about me to the general manager (with diaper in hand!) who asked her to leave the store. The store, by the way, was located in an upper-middle class community and she had just paid for a purchase with a Amex Gold Card. (This was 1986, so that was saying something).


    Regarding breast feeding, I don't look. Seems rather disrespectful. Most women I've seen feeding their baby put a blanket over the baby. My guess is they want to feed their child, not put on a show.

  5. The taste of the tap water in Phoenix is really bad at this time of year and the Brita filter does not help. So, I buy the 3 gallon dispenser of Arrowhead and recycle it when I am done. The rest of the year I use filtered tap water.

  6. The skinny jeans are only tight around my calves.

    That's how slim jeans fit me. I'm one of those guys who has a bubble butt and hips (all muscle) and muscular quads. My legs just don't fit into skinny jeans. If the skinny jeans fit and you do not look ridiculous, wear them.


    PS: My earlier comment about not liking skinny jeans isn't age-related. To me, there are very few styles that people "age out of."

  7. Where do you think much of our water already comes from? It goes down the drain, through the sewers and to a reclamation plant, from there it's back into the pipes and out of our faucets.

    Well, sort of. The treated wastewater is released somewhere (ocean, river, evaporation ponds), evaporates, returns in the form of precipitation, lands in a body of water (lake, river, reservoir, groundwater ), makes it way to a purification plant, is purified, and ends up in your tap.


    In NYC the waste water, after treatment and purification is released in to the ocean not resent into the pipes for drinking. So we mostly drink rainwater accumulated in reservoirs and rivers.


    I would have no problem if the water was recycled, tbh, the only thing that matters to me is that the process actually removes bacteria, viruses, and molecules/elements that can harm me, and any odour or taste.


    But any process that matches this criteria is game.

    If you have faith in the existing filtration and treatment processes you should have no issues. Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs contain all sorts of microorganisms and bacteria.

  8. Back in San Diego... Wow... that ass!

    Face looks like a little bit with acne... steroids?



    His body doesn't look to me like it was built using steroids. For what it is worth, my mother and father had and my brother and I have acne. None of us have used bodybuilding steroids.

  9. This thread has inspired me to try and write a gay based novel seeing as writing ability does not seem to be a premium requirement. In addition, I know I can write a hot gay sex scene better than a woman, just need to tap into my personal collection of favorite close encounters of the 69 kind. Anyone want to preorder?

    You will have a hard time topping this:



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