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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. ...If you're a police officer and you try to show off how much you're combating crime... why not going for escorts, mixed with soliciting, buying, using drugs... etc.

    It does not seem like sting operations are one-offs. The ones I've read/heard about are usually pretty well-organized. Additionally, almost 100% of stings I've heard of involve men "hiring" women, not men hiring men.

  2. I wonder if he means “MuscleVIKING”?

    There was an escort who called himself "MuscleViking." I think the last iteration of his ad had him transitioning to female. He is not to be confused with "VikingMuscle." That said, this gentleman could have called himself "MuscleVikingNJ" or "RealMuscleViking."


    possible candidate for @30somethingsexybear needing somebody "less than bright"????

    There's always that.

  3. I agree that it is not rude, but the questions to ask yourself are 1) what you will do with the information and 2) will it change the protocol and practice you follow when having sex with someone.


    To me, it is more important to educate yourself on the risks associated with having sex and the methods by which you can mitigate them than it is to ask about HIV status, particularly if you are not going to inquire about other STIs.

  4. The latest wrinkle (at least for me) is the call shows up with a number close to my own. I ignore it. Another call comes in from a slightly different number. After the third call, they stop for a few days.


    My dad dealt with telemarketers by engaging them in conversation. After about twenty minutes they would hang up never to call again.

  5. I think with the trend toward cremation followed by memorial service, there can be a fairly long interval between death and the funeral. My mother died in late March and we didn't have her funeral until the middle of April.

    When my mom passed, the church told us they could accommodate us the following week. My brother looked the priest in the eye and said "Father, with all due respect my brother has to get back home to San Diego. If you can't have the memorial service before Friday we will have to go somewhere else."


    Service was Thursday at 10:00.


    When my dad passed they got us in right away, too.

  6. I saw Troy for massage. His massage skills are ok but he relies more on pressure than technique or skill. If the pic he uses is him, it was him when he was younger and not as bulked up. I wasn't able to relax. I think we weren't a good match. The location was fine, quiet, and seemed clean and safe.

    I saw him five years ago and the pics were dated back then.

  7. The feature is probably more useful in a city like Phoenix (where there are fewer escorts and a relatively compact metro area) than it is in a sprawling metro area like New York City/Long Island/New Jersey, LA, or Chicago.


    The results of the "map" function can be comical. They range from the middle of a city park (apparently, the geographical center of a zip code) to an exact location such as the house two doors down from a corner.

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