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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Oh, wow, now there's a blast from the past! Never had the chance to hire him, though.
  2. Well, if you talk to the guy from Turkey he is all yours. If he two-times on @Rudynate with me, he'll two-time with you, too!
  3. The quality of their furniture is highly variable. A friend bought all of her furniture from IKEA when she bought a house. The veneer on all of the tables started peeling away after about 18 months. The one table she bought at Target is still holding strong almost 20 years later. On the other hand, I've used their desktops and adjustable legs for years and they have held up well. My only complaint is the newer components are not quite as sturdy as the older components. However, the difference is negligible.
  4. My God, how many TUDRUNGRENs and VLSHKJAs do we need?
  5. And yore lookin mighty purdy there yourself!
  6. Same here, on both counts. Again, same here. I never thought about the use of fake names as reminding one of being in the closet, but that's a great point. For me, it was too much to remember and keep track of. When I used a fake name and would then not respond when the guy would use "my" name it was obvious it was fake. I used to hire a guy who would host me at his apartment from time to time. At first, if he escorted me upstairs we did not have to go through the rigamaroll of presenting and swiping an ID. Then the policy changes and guests whom he met in the lobby and escorted up had to present their ID and it became too much trouble for him to host. We would simply play at my hotel.
  7. Not an escort here, but several escorts have gladly played out fantasies with me. One, in particular, asked me if I had any I wanted to be played out. Alas, he no longer escorts.
  8. The doctor's response tells me that he is less than honest. If he did, in fact, post the patient's medical and billing records online then he is in violation of a number of statutes, most notably HIPAA.
  9. Yes. It is delicious.
  10. The article was published in January, 2016 more than two years prior to FOSTA/SESTA being passed. Not sure of the connection between the two.
  11. Wait...you didn't immediately call and book him for a multi-day appointment?
  12. Hmmm...I'd probably tip the drivers. It sounds like it was the kitchen's fault and not the drivers'.
  13. Hmmm...I'd probably tip the drivers. It sounds like it was the kitchen's fault and not the drivers'.
  14. Both the Instagram and Twitter handles include the name he uses in his ad. His ad states he is from Texas and so do his Instagram and Twitter. Neither his Instagram nor his Twitter state he is in Houston right now. I don't see anything indicating the Instagram, Twitter, and RentMen accounts belong to different people.
  15. I don't feel the OP intended to haggle. He stated that $400 was too high for him and the escort lowered his rate to $350. To me, stating "the most I pay is $300" is not haggling. It might not be what I'd say, but it is easy for me to make that declaration when not thrust into the situation. That said, the escort's offer to lower his rate not once but twice is not a red flag to me. As others have pointed out it seems like he is unsure what to charge, set his rate too high and knows it, and is trying to save the potential client from walking away. Prior to the removal of rates his ad would probably have stated "ask me."
  16. To me, we can't control who we find, and who we don't find, to be sexually attractive. I don't find women to be sexually attractive and I don't find all men to be sexually attractive. However, I am not charging people to spend time with me. That's the key here. If an escort can only perform with a narrow band of clients he finds attractive then, in my opinion, he is trying to get paid for a hook-up. As many Forum members can tell you, there are plenty of escorts who perform well with people who span a multitude of "types," many of which do not fit into the conventional definition of "attractive." That's why these guys are well-liked, frequently recommended, and successful. Interestingly, the ones who come to mind do not charge outlandish rates. They also have nicely-worded ads, reply to inquiries quickly and professionally, and treat others with dignity and respect.
  17. I wouldn't leave a negative review. First, as others have mentioned, he might actually have thrown out his back. Second, you many readers of said review would consider you to be a jerk for writing a negative review about someone who injured themselves.
  18. For those who prefer less sensational news stories, here's the Washington Post story on the same topic.
  19. With all the talk about privacy, using burner phones, special email accounts just for contacting escort sites, VPNs, cash only for fear of tracing credit card transactions, and the list goes on why in the world would anyone open Rentmen or this site in a public place? Anyone looking over your shoulder will see what you are doing. Not to mention that the wifi in a hotel lobby is not secure.
  20. That is exactly why every website is requiring that you re-accept their privacy policy. Speaking from the viewpoint of someone who works for an online financial institution, we wish consumers would read, understand, and ask questions about our privacy, data usage, and solicitation policies. Doing so would save everyone time and frustration. To summarize... We know you don't but we wish you did.
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