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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Am I the only one who pays zero attention to the RM “list” of activities? Many escorts have told me they check the entire list of activities, check none, leave defaults....

    No, you are not. I pay little or no attention to that.


    My “list” of preferred activities I’m looking for are usually covered in the first or second actual conversation with someone new that I’m contacting. There are a few things in an ad that will kill/spike my interest.....but it’s more the position, orientation, etc. which I find most guys pay more attention to than a long list.


    Just to make sure I'm not misunderstanding anything here, you are telling us that you rely on direct communication with the actual escort to determine whether you and he are compatible.



  2. OMG the second one is so clearly written by a non native speaker and someone who has never set foot in Chicago. “Upstate Chicago “?!?!?


    Maybe he means Waukegan? ;)


    think he mean not Downstate illinois but! from great city on great lake. chicago!! u be surprised. good sexi and sportif 2!!


    Or the ad is bullshit.

  3. I had a masseur from OKC who was visiting Dallas and he gave me the room number of the room across from his room. I knocked on the door and no answer. He then opens the door to where he’s staying and asked if I was here for a massage. Somewhat startled I said yes and he explained to me that he always used this method to screen for police and undesirable clients.


    Then when I mentioned this in another thread he has the audacity to rip me a new asshole as if I’m the one who’s at fault. Sorry, Wally from OKC. That’s not standard operating procedure. Thank god no one answered the door to the wrong room.

    Hmm...the person in the room across from his might have gotten pissed after, oh I don't know, the first time. Sheesh.

  4. The annual insurance renewal is next month (June). I could still drive but I can not get to my car. I can not walk the 50 paces to where it's parked. It's not been started up for almost four weeks. Not since I fell in the parking lot and one of the rescue squad had to move it in order to help me up. I had gone out just to start it up for a few minutes.


    The registration is due in a couple of months. If I can't use it I'm thinking of having it registered as inoperable. It would need to have its smog inspection renewed if I were to get the regular renewal tags.

    I agree with @BabyBoomer - sell the car. However, you might not be able to see it before the auto insurance is due, so you might want to switch to monthly billing. By doing that you can keep the insurance while it is still under your ownership, but not be required to pay the entire year's premium and then pursue a refund when you sell it.

  5. That pretty much exists, no? I guess most rely on a water tank, but I'd be happy enough to use water placed in the tank the night before. Plenty of bean-to-cup machines do the rest, and include a built-in water filter.

    That's kinda my point - there are coffee makers where you can set a timer and when the time rolls around it grinds the beans and makes the coffee - no wifi required.

  6. ...Years ago I had an instance (as a client) where I went to an escort's hotel room and as soon as I arrived he started trying to get me to spell out what I was paying him for ("If I let you fuck me, you are going to give me money, right?"). I kept it vague, but after about three minutes of wordplay I walked out, never having touched him or mentioned money. Perhaps that was overly cautious, but it just didn't feel right.

    Good for you. Sounds like it was either a setup or a crazy person.

  7. Yes, but is it necessary to spend $1000+ on a new washer & dryer just so you can start it with your phone? You need to load them & add detergent/fabric softener anyway, so you're already standing there. That's why the woman in the commercial needs intensive therapy...

    As wise old Great Auntie Rvwnsdska from "old country" used to say "Ja, ja you tell dem!"

    ...You know within the next few nanoseconds, somebody will come up with a robot that WILL do all that.

    Hey, I'd consider that robot. Or, as wise old Great Auntie Rvwnsdska from "old country" used to say, "Robot - ja, goot!"

  8. I was assuming the influx was due more to professionals, but I forgot BP was also used otherwise. But I would describe the owner(s) as risk takers who may be operating without a net. So which is worse? How much will or have they cracked down on between the lines commercial transactions? How well does any of that protect them?

    I don't see any increase in the number of "pro" ads on A4A. It has been and continues to be primarily a dating and hookup site.

  9. ...I also have a wifi-enabled coffee maker. Of course you can just get up and push the button, but I find it the height of luxury to lay in bed on a Sunday morning and trigger the coffee maker so that it's ready when I get up a few minutes later. It's also set up to automatically start when I use Alexa as an alarm clock. The alarm goes off, the coffee maker starts, and my lights slowly come up to full intensity. None of these things are necessary, but you can say that about virtually any luxury item.

    When the wifi-enabled coffee maker draws and filters the tap water, automatically measures the beans, grinds them, and disposes of them when the cycle is done I will buy it.

  10. I'm a little surprised A4A is still plugging along.

    I'm torn on that subject. On the one hand, it is klunky and I'm surprised it hasn't collapsed under its own weight. On the other hand, it is pretty easy to set up a profile and there is a wide variety of guys on the site. Unlike many of the dating apps there isn't a huge questionnaire nor is there a fee to post a profile. There's something to be said about simplicity.

  11. I used to be more sympathetic to Greenpeace and PETA than I am now. I can't get worked up about dumping paint on fur coats, but shaming people for eating meat is no better than body-shaming or looks-shaming....


    IMO, many of Greenpeace's tactics amount to ecoterrorism.


    About a year ago I was having dinner with a doctor friend and she listed many of the same items from this list as well. She also listed the problems associated with a gluten free diet. Unless one actually has celiac disease there’s no logical reason to be on a gluten free diet. She views both vegan and non-celiac gluten free diets as cultural fads.


    A few years ago I was at a party where many of the guests where self-described woo-woo Southern Californians who worked as "nutritional consultants" and natural healers. Many of the guests were vegan, including a woman I was talking to about diet and nutrition. I mentioned that I had problems digesting soy and dairy, which rules out many vegan and vegetarian foods, and she said "OMG - don't ever let someone talk you into becoming vegan or vegetarian. The diet will kill you." She then proceeded to call over her massage therapist/nutritional consultant boyfriend and introduced me as "[my name] - he's a chicken and brown rice person." He and I talked for at least a half hour about foods that I could and could not eat. He also admonished me against a vegan or vegetarian diet as well as eating too much red meat.

  12. I saw 6’9” Plowboy in Starbucks this morning. Not much to look at, I’d guess him to be heavier than he says. However, the 6’2” guy with him was definitely a milf — man I’d like to fuck.

    He's added some pics, including a full-body nude, to his ad. I will not be making a special trip to LA to see him.

  13. I think it depends upon how the people working the orders handle them. Starbucks' mobile order system seems to be a problem at some stores while at others (like the one near my office) the team won't keep in-store clients waiting for a drip coffee while they make up the double-whip-mocha-frap-extra cold-no water-lattecino.


    In the case of the deli, it pisses me off when I have to wait to get my half pound of ham while they assemble an order to feed the entire Phoenix PD. My local Safeway is great about getting folks from another department to help out.


    ...On a not-too-far tangent, if I found a deli counter where the people behind it actually hustled, it would have my loyal business forever.

    Ain't that the truth! When I was a kid one of the local supermarket chains was a family-run business that had a really good deli. Sadly, the deli employees at our local store were as bad as the food was good. One of the worst was the spitting image of Laverne DeFazio from the show Laverne and Shirley. Recently, I read a Yelp review about the hideous deli employee at that same store, so when I visited Chicago I stopped in. The lady behind the counter looked like she could be Laverne DeFazio's daughter! She was also as rude and slow as the day is long.

  14. I woke up this morning and I was confused as to whether I found a large lump on my dog or if it was a dream. I was hesitant to even check the dog. Eventually, it turned out it was a dream and the dog is fine. He is still recovering from knee surgery and during my period of doubt, I kept thinking that if he really had a large lump they would have found it during the surgery.

    Have you ever awoken and not known whether something was real or a dream?

    Although this has not occurred recently, I have awoken confused as to whether something was real or a dream.

  15. Dont stay at Parc 55. Keeps changing ownership/brand-affiliation. ( currently a Wyndham?) And bad karma.... it was the site of a big prostitution bust many years ago.

    It is actually a Hilton now. Switched from Wyndham within the last year or two. Which, of course, proves your point.

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