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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Of course! BTW: You, sir, have no reason to resort to any of those social media boosting tactics.
  2. Nice one. PS: I used to play with an escort whose dick would hang when it was hard. He was truly rock-hard, but it pointed down and not out. That said, not sure I'd risk $300 only to find out the guy doesn't get hard.
  3. I was thinking the opposite.
  4. Adam 4 Adam's app is the same way.
  5. I look at "restrictive" ordinances this way: the ordinance would not be necessary if folks used common sense and didn't do stupid things like sending a lawn service crew out at 7:00 AM on a Sunday.
  6. I laughed so hard that I started to cough. Thanks for that, @LaffingBear
  7. Matt LeBlanc can do my "how ya" any time he wants.
  8. http://www.ljagilamplighter.com/wp-content/uploads/Smelling-salts.jpg
  9. I think it was a misunderstanding. He was probably thinking "I don't know why this guy would ask me to toss the paper out to the street, but he just gave me a tip..."
  10. Who needs an orbital launch vehicle when you can have a '99 Corolla?
  11. Or this: http://www.latimes.com/resizer/s5wLP2QnWxOFlUYXBDtxZQlk4n8=/1400x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/DIPFE5O2KVD47JIHLOE5XS2ANI.jpg
  12. You would download the pic to your computer first, then follow @azdr0710 's instructions. To save the picture, open the URL, right-click on the picture and select "Save image as" and either specify a name or use the one that displays in the pop-up.
  13. I'm in one of those roles in which my time is flexible. I typically work late into the evening, so if I arrive at the office at 9:00 no one is going to bat an eye. Of course, if someone schedules a 7:30 AM meeting, I am working at 7:30 AM.
  14. There are a few reasons other than tardiness you might be getting his voice mail: He is taking a vacation day He is taking a sick day He is out in the field He is on another call That said, it must be frightening to find that your LifeAlert box is lost and I can see why rational thinking in time f crisis might be difficult. Take a deep breath and call the company's technical support team. They can help you. The salesman really can't at this point.
  15. Gives new meaning to "The friendly ghost."
  16. That was my question, too. I volunteered with a gal who had transitioned from male to female and who also happened to be married to a woman she met after having transitioned. When I asked her whether she was a lesbian she answer was "it's complicated - not sure myself." She was not being facetious. It actually opened up a dialogue and deepened our friendship. EDIT: I accidentally referred to her as "he." Typo corrected.
  17. http://www.heraldscotland.com/resources/images/7546529/
  18. If you look where you are going you won't see others' feet. My favorite sandals are Ecco Yucatans.
  19. Gee, we were all hoping you were serious. I'll tell them to halt electric shock delivery development. And they were so close. I can't see that ever happening here on the Forum. Uh-uh. BTW: Your sentence structure is awkward and the dash is not the proper punctuation mark.
  20. Did you specify the delivery should be sent to your address at the UPS Store? When I was staying in a hotel for three months (extended business trip) I opened a UPS Store mailbox and had mail and packages sent there. It was easy!
  21. His "advertiser since" date is November 2, 2017 and his first review was posted on November 20. I'm not seeing a red flag there.
  22. If you ask them nicely I'll bet Butt Drugs would carry the brand.
  23. Hmm...maybe your annoyance antennae were on the fritz from, like, 1985 to, like, well, like now! I'll admit the "like" habit is hard to kick. There are four of us at work who are around the same age (50 - 56) and we say "like" all the time. One of our 40-ish colleagues asked one day "what's up with 'like?'" We all laughed.
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