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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. After watching it several times the one problem I have with it is the boy wearing high heals. A gay male is not a chick with a dick!

    There are plenty of gay men who dress in drag. I dated one who looked better dressed as a woman than he did as a man. No, we wasn't really transgender, he just liked to dress in drag.


    This is one of the better videos. I love the "preacher's" name - Tammy Filet Baker!

  2. Kitty cat play time (I see this kind of thing a lot at home):




    Yup. 24/7


    For @rvwnsd and other fans of Snoopy and beagles in general"



    SWEET! Thank you. If I could tolerate that bay and have more than two pets in my apartment, I would TOTALLY have a beagle.


    From @cerestheories' Twitter:


    Someone at my husband’s work shared this photo of a stray cat in their neighborhood. He’s being professional and not saying anything, but after I told him what I saw when I looked at the cat...



    Oh, my!

  3. why?????????


    Does buying twitter followers, likes, retweets make a companion more or less serious?...


    I think the word you are looking for is "desperate."


    ...Do ya’ll even notice when there is definite “popularity-boosting” going on in someone’s social media?...


    Typically, I don't pay attention to guys' social media accounts, but if I did and suddenly there was a surge in commentary I would suspect something untoward is going on.



    ...If someone is willing to buy fake engagement, do you think it is a stretch to think that they are also: writing fake reviews, faking forum posts, lying about stats?

    Not a stretch at all. In fact, it would seem to be the logical progression.

  4. Symbiotic relationships between humans and dogs have been around for millennia. I have seen the case made that they domesticated us, not the other way around. Not a pet relationship but on the south coast of New South Wales in the 19th century, killer whales trained human whalers to feed them. They herded prey whales to the boats and in return received the tongues.

    My cats definitely chose me, trained me, and have enslaved me.

  5. thanks for your "review" here @Gymowner....glad it went well.....


    it may not pass the "no reviews in the forum" test and may soon (?) be deleted here, so you may want to submit a formal review to daddysreviews and/or invite PMs from others here in the forum about the specifics

    It "may not?" You can be almost guaranteed it won't. My recommendation for the future, @Gymowner, is to post a comment that reads something like this:


    "I met [insert name of escort here] last night/yesterday/last week/etc. Had a great time. PM me for details."

  6. ... I cannot rule out bestiality. I have never done it and it is not in my plans, but in the proper conditions I do not see a moral issue and I may feel curiosity some day in the future. I love animals but so far it has been platonic....


    @latbear4blk you are in luck! Zoosexual activity is legal in DC!! Woof!!!


    However, in puritanical Europe, it is illegal in every country except for the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Iceland, and Russia. However, leave that puppy porn at home when you visit Helsinki. Zoosexual activity is legal, but zoophilic pornography is illegal in Finland.


    Pro tip: When visiting IML in Chicago, stick to messing around with men (or ladies) in puppy costumes. Zoosexual activity is a felony in Illinois.

  7. There are several good reasons for spelling out exactly what I am looking for in a playdate and this is one of them. To use one example, a guy's natural scent is a huge turn-on. However, I prefer to be squeaky clean unless otherwise requested. There was a guy who advertised "proper hygiene is a must." He was very physically attractive so I described what I like, including the natural scent/me being clean. Turned out, he LOVED to have sex when he was unshowered/unshaved/non deodorized/non groomed and all sweaty/pumped from the gym. He didn't mention that in his ad because he thought it could turn off clients. We got together several times until he moved away.

  8. Happy birthday, Sam!


    Happy birthday, Sam.


    You are, in effect, one of our bankers. You sure helped us a lot when you figured out how to divvy up the bill at Sunday night's after-pool-party dinner.


    Bankers never get the credit they deserve.


    We love you. Happy birthday. And thanks a million for your contributions.



    Years ago I was out with my colleagues from the Financial Planning and Analysis area of the bank I worked for. The check came, and we were all struggling with the check. After a few minutes the CFO said "My confidence in our financials is soaring right now."


    We divided the check evenly.


    I consider myself willing to try most things sexual once or twice before deciding it is not for me. I do draw the line at skat, pedophilia and bestiality.

    Where are your limits as to something you will not even try.

    In addition to the above, I'd add breath control, blood, pain, hard nipple play (when I ask someone nicely to be gentle on them and they don't listen they get to experience "knee-in-the-goddamn-balls" play), drinking piss (being pissed on is great), and overly verbal play.

  10. Agree, they are fun. The airborne captain swept me off my feet. He hadn't asked for anything yet and wanted to meet me in LA when he got back from Turkey.

    Funny, but MY military guy wanted to meet me in LA, too! I don't recall whether he was stationed in Turkey, though. If he was, I'm giving that two-timing son-of-a-so-and-so a piece of my mind when we meet. Not a big piece, just a little piece. Have to conserve brain cells for the shirtless marine stationed in Turkmenistan who wants to meet up in Fargo, ND when he gets back.


    To be clear: they military guys don't sweep me off my feet. The fun part is toying with them. Maybe a better analogy would be the kitties batting around the bird-like feather toy before they "smother" it.

  11. Yes, I've had it happen twice. Both times the guys were amazing looking. The first was supposed to be a captain in an airborne unit on a top secret deployment to Turkey. Total hunk. Suddenly, he stopped communicating and his account was closed. The second was a beautiful hunky blond boy in Afghanistan who loved animals. Very quickly, he started asking for little things, ITUNES gift cards, etc. When I grew tired of the game and stopped responding to his texts, he kept texting me, asking what he had done wrong, why was I hurting him so.

    , etc., etc.

    I receive the messages from hunks on a regular basis and upon clicking their profiles receive a message that the account no longer exists. That tells me A4A shut down the account. There's another flavor, though - the profile pics are taken from a distance and they feature the "good soldier" and a couple of kids or dogs or what looks like a community event. Those are the ones where the "good soldier" "writes" these long emails. Each time they press me for my phone number and each time I say something like "oh, gosh, I prefer to wait til I know someone to provide my phone number." After a few more messages I block them, report them, and move on.


    For those who are wondering why I even engage the "good soldier" it is analogous to my cats chasing the laser pointer dot. They know it is me making the dot happen and they know it isn't a real mouse/insect/tasty morsel of food/insert other item cats like to chase. They also know it is fun.

  12. Thank you @bigvalboy That made me laugh.


    Of course, it isn't entirely true. I can think of 2, possibly 3, working male models possessed of very good physiques who would certainly be upset if anyone here suggested that they may on occasion and very discretely monetize their assets (to supplement their variable and meagre incomes as well as indulge their taste for expensive accessories).

    Um, if they are models then they are already monetizing their assets. They would simply receive a larger return on said assets.

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