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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. given the number of replies and discussion on here, dont you think it's just time to write him a note on rent men and ask?

    Oh, for heaven's sake. You've been a member since 2002 and you haven't figured out that asking an escort for information about himself is anathema?


    I'm being facetious, of course. Your post should be pinned at the top of every forum.

  2. What do they get out of the scam? They ask you for money to pay for the flight back home?

    I don't know. Several guys have sent me messages on A4A about being good soldiers, looking for love and not hookups, etc. One went on about being a single gay dad of a couple of kids.

  3. He was the voice I started my mornings with for many years! I think he could have announced the end of the world and I wouldn't have panicked! These lifelong legends always inspire me and it is truly sad to see them go.



    So true. I was sad when he retired from Morning Edition. While I was not a huge Bob Edwards fan, Carl Kassel made Morning Edition.

  4. It'll be an improvement over the education I received in an Illinois public high school.


    I can only recall one "LBGQ" lesson, and it was in health class:


    "Anal sex is unnatural. The ass wasn't made for that, and you'll just hurt yourself."

    Hmm, we didn't receive that lesson in Chicago Public Schools. Then again, Chicago has as much in common with the rest of Illinois as a fish does with a bicycle. Or something like that.

  5. If he had Alzheimer's it must have come on quickly. He didn't retire that long ago, and always seemed sharp on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.

    He retired from the show in May 2014 and I am going to guess that's when the symptoms began manifesting themselves.


    He was one of my favorite NPR newspeople. I was very sad when he stopped doing the news on Morning Edition.

  6. Let me preface this by saying RM's review process is pretty poor and their complaint process is even worse.

    I've had RM actually send me the actual process:


    What is the proper procedure to communicate with an escort via RentMen?



    Use the contact information provided by the advertiser: phone or email. Use

    the Contact button on all profiles.


    Which doesn't work on a browser...

    I use the "Contact Me" button all the time. Every time I click "Contact Me" the escort's contact methods display, I choose, "Email," and compose a message. Are you referring to the inability for a computer to place a phone call when you click on "Call Me Now?"

  7. If you think you should cancel, then cancel. As others have said, trust your gut.


    Here's a question, though. This type of exchange seems to happen quite frequently for you. Is there something about the type of guy who attracts you that results in a curt exchange and a should I hire/should I not hire dilemma?

  8. I just spit coffe on my computer.


    God I wanna have dinner with you!


    For the record, just last night I kept getting distracted by the

    way a dude was spitting on my cock. Of all the wacko things

    to get distracted by. Nonetheless, every time I would get close,

    he’d spit again....and I’d have to start all over. It was a funny

    little half asssed spit. More polite than sexual. It was almost

    commical. Me laying there. Raging hard on. Thinking “please

    don’t spit again, please don’t spit again, almost there, please

    don’t spit”....and he’d spit again.

    I'm truly surprised you didn't stop and shout "Stop spitting on my freakin' cock!"

  9. Not everything in life is about being safe coming out or not. For example when it comes to jobs now a days it's very competitive out there, renting, college debt, etc. Besides now a days with social media you can't just hide, folks will know your successes and failures.

    That's an excellent point. I joined the professional workforce at a time when salaries were low thanks to the various crises (S&L, stock market crash, etc) but at least there were jobs. Internships were paid. I interned at a CPA firm and made roughly $9/hour in 1984. The problems are different, but there are still problems.

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