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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. So I recently came back from Japan where you don't tip...for anything. Well, at least not your standard things. Having been in the restaurant and on some tours I came to appreciate a society that actually looks down on tipping. At one restaurant a customer kept calling over a waitress and actually felt bad for her but yet each time she came over with a cheerful attitude, knowing full well she would not get any extra money for it.


    From what I understand even if you try to tip they may refuse as it comes across as you are paying them for what is expected from them anyway.


    US is completely opposite where you would be called out or looked down with scorn for not tipping.


    How different things would be if we all shared the attitude of I will do my best and be pleasant because that is what is expected not to earn extra tip.

    While that sounds good on the surface, servers/waiters/waitresses are usually paid less than minimum wage. They are paid less than minimum wage because they can receive tips. If we abandoned tipping, we would have to pay the servers, busmen, etc a higher wage to make up for the lost tips. Menu prices would likely increase accordingly. Not saying that would be a bad thing, but I am saying it is not quite as simple as "I will do my job extremely well because that is what is expected of me."

  2. ...just getting your ears scratched and your belly rubbed. ;-))))

    That's kitty play. And when I am scratching my cat's ears I think "Hmm...not such a bad life they have." ;-)


    They’re Snapchat “filters” and they drive me nuts...I’m not a fan


    And I think most of those who use them have zero clue about hinting for “puppy play” etc.


    Agree. Wonder what's going to happen when a bro gets hit up by a master who saw his puppy-ear Snapchat photo.


    Then again, it would signal that one's masculinity is anything but fragile.

    I read a profile on line that said,"looking for a masculine male and no fragile masculinity." Does any one know what that means?
  3. The technogeniuses have been trying their hands at connected sex toys.


    My favorite line from the article: "...Getting access to those enhanced features usually requires bringing your phone into the bedroom or even actively using it during sex, a mood-killing ask that many people find off-putting. And though devices like Lovely consider tracking to be a plus, many consumers see it as a minus. '[users] don’t want a device to know how often they’re masturbating,'..."

  4. Obviously a few of us with the same issue though did think it was an odd name for an escort, might not be too good for business!

    My first thought was "Hmm...needs to re-think that name."


    great minds...

  5. are you trying to see the full text reviews of providers beyond only the few "yes/no" questions that are all that's visible to US viewers??.....


    if so, go to https://hide.me/en/proxy .....enter (copy and paste) the individual provider's full RM address in the white box, then click on the yellow box, and look for the full reviews (if any).....some reviewers do not write anything beyond the few yes/no questions

    Additionally, you can view the written commentary (assuming there is any) using any of the various rent.men sites as long as you use the vpn.

  6. His ad states no kissing, giving oral, or giving/taking anal. "This" and "that" might be OK, though. ;)


    But seriously, the google.com link he provided is dead and judging by his pictures he has long since past 21 years old. I prefer guys who re way over 21, but mis-stating one's age isn't cool and makes me wonder whether the pics are his.

  7. Exactly my point. Low mileage in porn doesn't mean he doesn't look haggard for his age. Chronic drug and/or alcohol use has an impact on one's appearance, even those who start out with genes that lend themselves to someone being good looking.

    Right, but the question is whether he looks like that when he is not drunk and/or high. For example, if you bumped into him while having lunch at a restaurant would he look haggard and strung out or would he look like everyone else.

  8. BVB, I can top your news article. Look at the 'background check' Uber did with their driver involved in Tempe AZ fatal crash:


    TEMPE, Ariz.—The test operator in the Uber Technologies Inc. self-driving car that killed an Arizona woman was a felon with a history of traffic citations who wasn’t watching the road before the accident happened, facts that raise new questions about the company’s testing process for autonomous technology.


    The accident and its resulting disclosures are a potential setback in the progress of self-driving cars and to Uber, which has grappled with a number of problems including legal woes and clashes among its board and investors that led to the replacement last year of its founder and chief executive.


    The driver, whom police have identified as Rafael Vasquez, is seen in a video looking down for several seconds as the car moved at about 40 miles an hour, right before it hit and killed a pedestrian.


    According to Arizona Department of Corrections records, the driver was convicted and received a five-year sentence in Maricopa County for attempted armed robbery in 2000 and served the sentence concurrently with a one-year sentence for a false-statement conviction in 1999. In 1998, the driver pleaded guilty to driving with a suspended, revoked or canceled license in Tucson City Court and was cited for failing to produce proof of insurance and for driving without a current registration.

    Here's an article from the Phoenix Business Journal about a key safety system being turned off on the car involved in the fatal accident last week.

  9. He didn't start porn until 39 so not a lot of mileage. He worked for DF and Lucas which are tired star sites though.


    I thought it was funny he got charged with expired license plates on a stolen car.


    In the mug shots he looks awful but in films he still looks hot.

    He started for Dominic Ford in April, 2011. Given the arrest record confirms his current age as 43, he was 36 when he started. To your point, it isn't like he has been doing porm for 25 years.

  10. It’s my understanding the escort has the opportunity to present his side of the story before the review is published and he has the last word. His failure to offer a rebuttal tells me all I need to know. His silence is deafening.


    Forum members....correct me if I’m wrong about the escort having the final word in the review process. God only know I’ve been wrong before.

    That is my understanding, as well.

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