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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. His ad states no kissing, giving oral, or giving/taking anal. "This" and "that" might be OK, though. But seriously, the google.com link he provided is dead and judging by his pictures he has long since past 21 years old. I prefer guys who re way over 21, but mis-stating one's age isn't cool and makes me wonder whether the pics are his.
  2. Right, but the question is whether he looks like that when he is not drunk and/or high. For example, if you bumped into him while having lunch at a restaurant would he look haggard and strung out or would he look like everyone else.
  3. rvwnsd

    Mikey Hawk

    Yeah, no, not straight!
  4. Here's an article from the Phoenix Business Journal about a key safety system being turned off on the car involved in the fatal accident last week.
  5. rvwnsd

    Mikey Hawk

    I met him a few years ago and enjoyed the time we spent together. Despite a screw-up on my end (gave him the wrong phone # in an email) he was very easy to schedule with.
  6. In what area of the country are you looking?
  7. I hope I live to be exactly as old as I should live.
  8. Last time someone posted a thread on him no one had any experience. You might have to take one for the team.
  9. The review site page for March 27, 2018 addresses the topic raised in this thread.
  10. He started for Dominic Ford in April, 2011. Given the arrest record confirms his current age as 43, he was 36 when he started. To your point, it isn't like he has been doing porm for 25 years.
  11. That is my understanding, as well.
  12. With all the complaints about age shaving it was only a matter of time.
  13. I had to do this before my friend @azdr0710 beat me to it.
  14. RentMasseur is $9.95 per month for a premium membership and you can cancel at any time.
  15. @Kevin Slater, you will be happy to know that tonight I saw a car driving in Phoenix with one headlight. It is the first one I have seen since moving here nearly eighteen months ago. I immediately thought of Officer Slater putting his billy club to good use.
  16. Yes, I think minors and female sex workers who lawmakers think are all being trafficked and exploited are really the priority. I do not think they care about male sex workers who serve women or gay men. I also do not think they care whether I look at dick pics or my straight brother looks at tit pics. Backpage and Craigslist brought this on themselves. Had they cooperated with families of sex trafficking victims we would not be having this discussion. Before citing Rentboy, I believe it is a different, albeit equally stupid, case. The owner attracted attention by submitting a suspicious visa application for a non-citizen employee and then sealed his fate when further investigation revealed he called himself a "cyberpimp." The conventional wisdom is that pimps exploit the people who work for them by forcing them into involuntary sex work and keeping the money. While I disagreed with the case and supported the legal defense fund, one cannot not call oneself "cyberpimp" and then try to claim they are not doing anything illegal. That ranks up there with specifying "bomb-making terrorist" as one's occupation and questioning why the FBI shows up at one's front door. As this article in Wired states, Google and Facebook were invited to testify when the bill was being debated. They declined to participate. Instead, they relied on a trade association. Let's hope the various organizations who oppose the bill take steps to fight or amend the law. Protests will not work on this one. It will take a well-funded legal campaign. Time to put our money where our mouths are. Literally.
  17. I'm not convinced this is the apocalypse. Not many members would disagree that Craigslist and Backpage were bad actors and both sites knew it. If they allowed out-and-out thieves and scammers to advertise and proceeded to cloak themselves in the shroud of "we are not responsible for content" it is not a stretch that they turned a blind eye to minors and traffickers. Additionally, the complaints about M4RN have been voiced on this forum for years and years. More than one member has wished they would be shut down. Wish granted. Neither of the laws have my support because existing laws would accomplish what these set out to do and they paint with an extremely broad brush. However, had Backpage and Craigslist done a better job of policing their advertisers they might have avoided this.
  18. I've received flowers a couple of times, a gift card, an offer to pick up groceries and a prescription when I was sick (from a guy who did not have a car - and he refused to let me pay him for the stuff he bought), wine, and two free hours at my birthday. Pays to be nice to your escorts. (PS: I rarely tip)
  19. LOL! However, M4SN doesn't patrol content, either, which would seem to make it a haven for those who engage in illegal activity, such as human trafficking.
  20. Interestingly, their "brother" site (men4sexnow.com) is still up.
  21. I work in Tempe and can tell you that the Uber self-driving cars zip around above the speed limit all the time. I HATE having to cross the street in front of one.
  22. The poor thing needs some Benadryl.
  23. My guess is the cost of replacing a headlamp has increased and so owners are not having them replaced, especially in places like NYC where the cops don't bother handing out citations. Here in Arizona, where you will get pulled over if the expression on your face signals you might have sped one time in the distant past, people have two headlights.
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