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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Do you feel minor related content and traffickers are really the priority target here?


    Well put @ArVaGuy

    Yes, I think minors and female sex workers who lawmakers think are all being trafficked and exploited are really the priority. I do not think they care about male sex workers who serve women or gay men. I also do not think they care whether I look at dick pics or my straight brother looks at tit pics. Backpage and Craigslist brought this on themselves. Had they cooperated with families of sex trafficking victims we would not be having this discussion.


    Before citing Rentboy, I believe it is a different, albeit equally stupid, case. The owner attracted attention by submitting a suspicious visa application for a non-citizen employee and then sealed his fate when further investigation revealed he called himself a "cyberpimp." The conventional wisdom is that pimps exploit the people who work for them by forcing them into involuntary sex work and keeping the money. While I disagreed with the case and supported the legal defense fund, one cannot not call oneself "cyberpimp" and then try to claim they are not doing anything illegal. That ranks up there with specifying "bomb-making terrorist" as one's occupation and questioning why the FBI shows up at one's front door.


    As this article in Wired states, Google and Facebook were invited to testify when the bill was being debated. They declined to participate. Instead, they relied on a trade association.


    Let's hope the various organizations who oppose the bill take steps to fight or amend the law. Protests will not work on this one. It will take a well-funded legal campaign. Time to put our money where our mouths are. Literally.

  2. Is the apocalypse upon us?

    I'm not convinced this is the apocalypse. Not many members would disagree that Craigslist and Backpage were bad actors and both sites knew it. If they allowed out-and-out thieves and scammers to advertise and proceeded to cloak themselves in the shroud of "we are not responsible for content" it is not a stretch that they turned a blind eye to minors and traffickers. Additionally, the complaints about M4RN have been voiced on this forum for years and years. More than one member has wished they would be shut down. Wish granted.


    Neither of the laws have my support because existing laws would accomplish what these set out to do and they paint with an extremely broad brush. However, had Backpage and Craigslist done a better job of policing their advertisers they might have avoided this.

  3. I've received flowers a couple of times, a gift card, an offer to pick up groceries and a prescription when I was sick (from a guy who did not have a car - and he refused to let me pay him for the stuff he bought), wine, and two free hours at my birthday.


    Pays to be nice to your escorts. (PS: I rarely tip)

  4. BVB, I can top your news article. Look at the 'background check' Uber did with their driver involved in Tempe AZ fatal crash:


    TEMPE, Ariz.—The test operator in the Uber Technologies Inc. self-driving car that killed an Arizona woman was a felon with a history of traffic citations who wasn’t watching the road before the accident happened, facts that raise new questions about the company’s testing process for autonomous technology.


    The accident and its resulting disclosures are a potential setback in the progress of self-driving cars and to Uber, which has grappled with a number of problems including legal woes and clashes among its board and investors that led to the replacement last year of its founder and chief executive.


    The driver, whom police have identified as Rafael Vasquez, is seen in a video looking down for several seconds as the car moved at about 40 miles an hour, right before it hit and killed a pedestrian.


    According to Arizona Department of Corrections records, the driver was convicted and received a five-year sentence in Maricopa County for attempted armed robbery in 2000 and served the sentence concurrently with a one-year sentence for a false-statement conviction in 1999. In 1998, the driver pleaded guilty to driving with a suspended, revoked or canceled license in Tucson City Court and was cited for failing to produce proof of insurance and for driving without a current registration.

    I work in Tempe and can tell you that the Uber self-driving cars zip around above the speed limit all the time. I HATE having to cross the street in front of one.

  5. Yeah, it doesn't look like they're just turning on their high beams. But if so, that raises the question of why so many cars are driving around with one low beam out.


    Kevin Slater

    My guess is the cost of replacing a headlamp has increased and so owners are not having them replaced, especially in places like NYC where the cops don't bother handing out citations. Here in Arizona, where you will get pulled over if the expression on your face signals you might have sped one time in the distant past, people have two headlights.

  6. Totally and completely wrong. When Rentboy was shut down, @stevenkesslar led the efforts here to respond and raise money for the folks who worked at Rentboy. Steven --- a community activist with his late mentor, Senator Paul Wellstone --- has responded several times. Perhaps you should get to know him.

    To add on to what @WilliamM stated, many Forum members (including me) contributed time and money to the Rentboy defense fund. How much did you contribute @tassojunior ?

  7. Tarte Gogo -- another word like "like" is "stuff" which is used as a verb but also all to often as a noun.

    According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, "stuff" as a noun entered the English language in the 1400s. Its meaning was extended to "matter of an unspecified kind" in circa 1570 and was recorded as meaning subject matter ("she really knows her stuff") in 1927. Ergo, "stuff" as a noun is nothing new or unusual.


    **NOTE: I found one online comment regarding the use of stuff to mean "matter of an unspecified kind." It claims the OED mentions this is in regards to gases and particles, not "things." However, I don't have an OED subscription so I can't verify.

  8. Any idea when I search rentmen, that pictures are blocked? I double checked cookies, and I of course they are not blocked.

    Have you submitted a problem report with Rentmen? To do so, navigate the the Settings page, scroll down and on the right side of the page you will see a link that says "Contact Us" and below that a big grey button marked "Email." You can describe your problem and send it off. In my experience they get back to you within a day or two.

  9. New to escorting, and feeling the waters here. Any do's and don'ts appreciated.

    Profile coming, this is a lively crowd I can see.



    A couple of suggestions:


    1. Create a signature that features your contact info. You may do so on the Information tab of your profile
    2. Once your rent.men, rentboy.pro, etc ads are complete, include links to them in your signature
    3. Have fun!

  10. Sad news, indeed.


    ...Nowadays when something happens in a high risk venture, news reporters start talking about past injuries and report that deaths have occurred in the past. ...

    I've been watching, listening, and reading the news for approximately 48 years. This is not a new phenomenon.

  11. Hi. These appointments were made at least 4-5 days in advance. I felt stupid because I knew I should have sent a confirmation/reminder the day before or the morning of, but I didn't. I am learning a lot from you guys here and I really appreciate it!

    Hmmm...I wouldn't call it being stupid. Yes, I always confirm - unless the escort confirms first, which is often the case. It is a two-way street.

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