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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. To add on to what @WilliamM stated, many Forum members (including me) contributed time and money to the Rentboy defense fund. How much did you contribute @tassojunior ?
  2. Hey, stud - welcome to the desert! You'll be driving distance from where I live in Phoenix. YAY YAY YAY
  3. I don't think there is one. Just different venues. However, I did find JustForFans to be easier to navigate and search. My guess is they learned from OnlyFans' mistakes.
  4. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, "stuff" as a noun entered the English language in the 1400s. Its meaning was extended to "matter of an unspecified kind" in circa 1570 and was recorded as meaning subject matter ("she really knows her stuff") in 1927. Ergo, "stuff" as a noun is nothing new or unusual. **NOTE: I found one online comment regarding the use of stuff to mean "matter of an unspecified kind." It claims the OED mentions this is in regards to gases and particles, not "things." However, I don't have an OED subscription so I can't verify.
  5. Pics 4 and 6 look to me like the same guy. When you say he does not seem like some one who is 6'5" and 230 lbs do you mean you expected him to look heavier or slimmer? To me, it looks like the stats are correct.
  6. Have you submitted a problem report with Rentmen? To do so, navigate the the Settings page, scroll down and on the right side of the page you will see a link that says "Contact Us" and below that a big grey button marked "Email." You can describe your problem and send it off. In my experience they get back to you within a day or two.
  7. Welcome. A couple of suggestions: Create a signature that features your contact info. You may do so on the Information tab of your profile Once your rent.men, rentboy.pro, etc ads are complete, include links to them in your signature Have fun!
  8. Sounds like a hoax to me. If he was truly a massage student he would state the name of the massage school.
  9. Sad news, indeed. I've been watching, listening, and reading the news for approximately 48 years. This is not a new phenomenon.
  10. rvwnsd

    411 on nel

    When I saw the headline to this post I immediately thought of http://s6.postimg.org/dv1x6scb5/Dudley_Do-_Right_and_Nell.jpg
  11. Hmmm...I wouldn't call it being stupid. Yes, I always confirm - unless the escort confirms first, which is often the case. It is a two-way street.
  12. If you don't mind my asking, how does getting stood up make you stupid? When did you set up the appointments?
  13. Wait a minute! You were asking about smooth, not smootth, peanut butter? Well, hell, that changes everything.
  14. Über's app sent drivers down the alley behind my condo building in San Diego. I started sending a message to the drivers to ignore the app and turn down my street, not my alley.
  15. I was referring to the fact that his lack of new contact is invisible until one subscribes. To me, that's shady.
  16. I'm one of the folks whose experience has been positive, but who also finds fault with OnlyFans' design, as it enables bad behavior like the type you described. XTube provides members with a way to post content and charge a fee for viewing it. However, there is a preview function and a description of the content. OnlyFans allows users to completely hide their posting history from non-subscribers, resulting in the situation you described. Hence, they are not completely blame-free. Makes perfect sense. If he hides his posting history on OnlyFans one can only wonder what types of shady business practices he follows in his escort business.
  17. I have this thing about artificial scent - hate most of them. Kiehl and Lab Series both have unscented products, which works great for me. That's actually why I am loyal to Braun - no face-washing required before shaving. My Braun has the razor cleaning feature, so the pre-shave solution gets washed off the razor every day. I've noticed the latest iteration of the high-end Braun provides a closer shave that previous versions. Hence, I use the pre-shave solution only once or twice a week.
  18. And there you have it, folks.
  19. I have not shaved with olive oil, but the Kiehl's waterless shaving lotion is quite good. Some days I use a Braun electric razor and Lab Series Electric Shave Solution. Makes for a nice, close shave. EDIT: After replying to @Pensant it occurred to me that I said "most days" in relation to Lab Series when, in fact, I only use it once of twice a week.
  20. I've had two recent issues one with Amazon delivering a package to its own locker and another this week with UPS. The Amazon one included the "package undeliverable" excise followed by "we can't locate the package." Meanwhile, the tracking app reported the package was on its way to Nashville, TN. No word on why it was going to Nashville. The UPS package started at a Macy's distribution center in Goodyear, AZ located about 15 miles due west of my apartment building. The tracking app reported it would be delivered the next day. Three days later it was delivered. The (not so) funny thing is the package had to pass my apartment building on its way to the UPS center, which a few miles east of where I live.
  21. Hey, GMan, I'll be thinking about you move back home and as you fight this disease. Stay strong (or as strong as you can) and keep fighting. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  22. Could be, but leaving out the possibility of absolutes based on a small sample seems to be less than sound
  23. I want to take that professor to dinner! Beautifully written response to ignorance.
  24. While United and the flight attendant should pay very very dearly for this, the puppy's owner is not without responsibility here. I would never put my pet in the overhead bin. I'd get off the flight and immediately request to speak with a superior or stay on the flight and request to speak to the purser or the captain.
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