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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. It was a long time ago that I switched to Gmail, but I do not remember the switch being difficult or time-consuming.

    I switched back when it was invitation-only. It was much easier to use back then. Now, I find it to be a rather frustrating service, but the others don't seem to be much better.

  2. I don't think it is the infamous Scott Sloan. The pictures don't look like him. According to his Colt Studios page, he is 5'8" and according to his last ad, he is 5'9 (which is close enough for me). This guy advertises at 5'11".


    EDIT: Based on the post @azdr0710 made (thank you for that) Scott Sloan could show up when you respond to an ad that says it was placed by a 20 year old twink, so i might be wrong.

  3. I’m curious if many guys travel to a city just to see an escort? That’s not the best way to state my question. However, I’m curious how many of us on here would base a trip or vacation on the fact that one or more particular escorts were in the destination city.


    I can see myself doing that.


    The answer may be obvious. I miss the obvious a lot.


    By the way, I hereby claim rights to the term “destination escort.” LOL.

    I have done this, but only when I could find something else that would hold my interest, which is usually not too difficult to do.

  4. I am very, very sorry to hear you experienced this. Aside from the shopping spree misunderstanding, it does not sound like anything that occurred during your first experience with him would have tipped you off to potential bad behavior on this visit. The only takeaway from the Nordstrom Rack miscommunication is "don't accompany him on a shopping trip." His behavior this time was over-the-top bad. While I agree one should never pay an escort upfront, he isn't someone you never met before and, therefore, it is understandable that you would have trusted him.

  5. Since homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness can not these quacks have their licences revoked by the proper government authorities? It might not stop them from their quackery but it would deny them any legitimacy and make it easier for their patients to bring lawsuits.

    From the headline of the article:


    Psychiatrist who treated patients for their homosexuality had sex with male patients in his office

    Dr. Melvyn Iscove's licence was suspended after he was found guilty by Ontario’s medical regulator.

  6. Bump! Anyone?


    Edit: he seems nice in his correspondence...I just have a fear (irrational or justifiable?) of accidentally getting a cop. He has the legal disclaimer on his ad, in addition to nudes (he unlocked private gallery), is it a safe assumption to make that he isn’t one?

    What leads you to believe he might be a cop?

  7. But many do not apply to male male encounters.


    Actually, if you think about it, they do.


    And you don't have to think very hard.


    Numbers 2 and 8 might be tricky, because the two guys would be jockeying for position. 14 is simple - the gentleman offers to pay. If they both offer, they are both gentlemen. If one doesn't offer, then he doesn't get a next date. If neither offers, we have a match made in, well, I'm not sure where.


    Who walks closest to the curb?...


    ...I was told that in pre-1993 NYC, men started walking on the side away from the curb so as to protect the woman from muggers who lay in wait in the alleys.


    I was told the same.

  8. I clicked on this thread hoping to see a serious answer to this question, lol.


    Apparently, I'm measuring mine wrong, but I guess I don't know the right way to do it. I always say I'm 7", but a guy I hooked up with recently said, "If you're 7 inches, I'm changing my Grindr profile." I hate to think that I'm selling myself short, so to speak.



    I hooked up with a guy who said he was 9" once. I am about 7"/7.5" and 8" on a very good day. We get naked and I'm easily two inches bigger than he is. Immediately he says "Wow - you must be 11"!" I sucked his dick instead of making him go home 'cuz quick thinking and creativity deserves a reward.


    It all worked out in the end, as he shot a huge load.

  9. Hes hot but his add doesnt say much about what hes "into." Another straight guy Im assuming?


    Whenever I'm interested in hiring someone I tell them what I'm into and ask them what they think. If they reply that they are also into the same things I consider hiring them. Otherwise, I don't.

  10. Don't you mean, " ... when to use an apostrophe properly."? Good grammar, correct punctuation, and proper syntax indicate formal education, but poorly punctuated and written material don't necessarily rule out intelligence.

    No, he means comma. The OP wrote the following:


    In preparation for an upcoming business trip, I am starting to make a list of potential encounters. Am I being too picky? I’ve always enjoyed beauty, brains, and a little proofreading along the way. A current ad reads,


    Drama free & Descreet

    Erotic message 150.00

    serious inquiry's only please




    I added the red boldface for emphasis. The OP should have used a colon, not a comma. The escort in question needs to learn many things, including the proper use of an apostrophe.

  11. My doctor was not able give me a 90 day supply due to insurance requirements. This is absurd particularly since my insurer constantly promotes 90 day prescriptions as a cost savings.

    It might not be the insurance - it could be the pharmacy benefits manager (PBM). Anthem pushed me into mail-order for Truvada a couple of years ago. After messing up the copay card, ExpressScripts relented and I was back to getting it filled at VONS. Last year, they tried it with Advair. Fine. Doctor sent a 90-day script, they sent one inhaler (30 day supply). Doctor sent another 90-day script, they sent one inhaler. And they didn't accept the copay card. Called Anthem, explained the situation, and voila I could fill my scripts at the retail pharmacy again.

  12. I knew a sraight couple both named Kelly. Why would this even be an issue?

    For some people, everything is an issue. I knew a couple (they happened to be gay) who were ready to call off a party because Costco ran out of the corn chips they always bought. The same couple called me while driving from San Diego to LA to visit them stating I couldn't come up because the washer stopped working. No, laundry was NOT one of the activities we had planned and, no I was not staying with them:confused:.

  13. You’ve said it!! Options are good to have....


    So true! Good to see we might have options soon.


    ...It’s remembering to take it every day. ...


    As my physician and I discussed when he started me on PrEP, my asthma requires the use of an inhaler twice a day every day. One pill after dinner is a piece of cake.



    ...Or you miscalculate how many you have left on a vacation. Over the last two year, I was stuck in Dallas twice over the holidays for much longer than I thought I’d be. I had brought my Truvada, but I came to the end of my prescription. My insurance only allows me to get non emergency medication back in my state of residence. I called several pharmacies back home to see about mailing me the medication. None of them would. I was getting a bit worried at the 2 or 3 tablet left stage. I finally discovered there was a hospital outpatient pharmacy that would mail me medications....

    I'm surprised a chain could not fill the script. Strange. The same situation could occur if you were out of state when it is time for an injection.

  14. Are there places for escorts to review clients? The “backstage” forum at the bottom, being invitation only is probably one....

    As @mike carey mentioned in his post above, the "backstage" forum is not a place for escorts to review clients. The review site "Daddy's Reviews" is separate from the forums. Escorts do not review clients over there, either.


    ...I think escorts see the reviews we write before they are posted....

    Check out the FAQs on the review site. Based on my experience, the escort does not see the review before it is published. The FAQs do, however, state that escorts are given an opportunity to respond about negative reviews. You do raise a good question, so perhaps a note to Daddy is in order.


    ...I just wish we had a chance to see reviews of us, even if they were very general and undated. I think it would make for better clientele. After all, they get to read what we write in here. Any thoughts?

    I don't see this working. Given that escorts post an ad, it is pretty easy for a reviewer to review a specific escort and for a review site, like Daddy's, to correlate a review with an escort. As others have mentioned, it is not so easy for an escort to review a specific client nor is it easy for a review site to correlate that review with a specific client, mainly because clients don't have ads. Even if the escort used the login name the client used on, for example, rent.men, there is nothing to say that the reviewer used that login name when they contacted the escort. I could call any escort right now and not even provide my RM name. They would have no idea who I am.


    When I first started the practice of hiring, almost a year ago, I was surprised at the length of time it took for my profile on Rentmen to be approved. I quickly came to the understanding it is for the protection of the escorts. At that time it took about 24 hours for “the administrator “ to verify my identity. ...

    The site administrator (every site has at least one) is not validating your identity. They have no way of doing so, as you do not provide identification when you sign up as a member who hires escorts. Typically, sites review the information provided to ensure it follows their terms of service. The one that stands out to me is the requirement that the user name not contain x-rated content. Making a change to an existing profile also requires a review, which again is a pretty standard practice among websites.


    ...I am genuinely concerned about the well being of these guys. Even though the guys I like could throw me through a window if they chose to I worry about guys who may have more sinister agendas.... The first of two guys I hired, I ended up asking him to block me because I really didn’t know what I was doing and made a nuisance of myself in terms of over communication after the encounter. I got “infatuated “ with the mere idea of him and I couldn’t stop writing him. ...

    Letting go of that worry about "guys who may have more sinister agendas" would be a great first step toward not making a nuisance of yourself after a meeting.


    ...I am just hoping he doesn’t bad mouth me. LOL I gave him nice reviews each time. I don’t know. My screen name is ever more telling than previously stated!

    Is the desire to have sites where an escort can review a client a way for you to deal with the potential for being badmouthed? Frankly, I don't think escorts compare notes as much as you might think. They don't all know one another.

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