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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. rvwnsd

    Reviews of Clients

    As @mike carey mentioned in his post above, the "backstage" forum is not a place for escorts to review clients. The review site "Daddy's Reviews" is separate from the forums. Escorts do not review clients over there, either. Check out the FAQs on the review site. Based on my experience, the escort does not see the review before it is published. The FAQs do, however, state that escorts are given an opportunity to respond about negative reviews. You do raise a good question, so perhaps a note to Daddy is in order. I don't see this working. Given that escorts post an ad, it is pretty easy for a reviewer to review a specific escort and for a review site, like Daddy's, to correlate a review with an escort. As others have mentioned, it is not so easy for an escort to review a specific client nor is it easy for a review site to correlate that review with a specific client, mainly because clients don't have ads. Even if the escort used the login name the client used on, for example, rent.men, there is nothing to say that the reviewer used that login name when they contacted the escort. I could call any escort right now and not even provide my RM name. They would have no idea who I am. The site administrator (every site has at least one) is not validating your identity. They have no way of doing so, as you do not provide identification when you sign up as a member who hires escorts. Typically, sites review the information provided to ensure it follows their terms of service. The one that stands out to me is the requirement that the user name not contain x-rated content. Making a change to an existing profile also requires a review, which again is a pretty standard practice among websites. Letting go of that worry about "guys who may have more sinister agendas" would be a great first step toward not making a nuisance of yourself after a meeting. Is the desire to have sites where an escort can review a client a way for you to deal with the potential for being badmouthed? Frankly, I don't think escorts compare notes as much as you might think. They don't all know one another.
  2. While this is a tragedy, I am struggling to understand how it pertains to "The Deli," which is a forum to discuss escorts. Seems like it belongs in "The Lounge."
  3. rvwnsd

    Reviews of Clients

    Can't speak for you, but I don't give a last name because it is irrelevant.
  4. My parents met at work. My dad was smitten by my mother and she was playing hard to get. She was a master of the double entendre and would say things like "I have cookies, would you like some?" Interestingly, I have a sketch he did while in art school. It is of a woman holding a roast turkey on a platter and a man admiring it. They man looks nothing like my dad, but the woman looks just like my mother. He made the sketch ten years before they met.
  5. I only knew my paternal grandmother (the rest passed away before I was born) and she was "gramma." My parents were "mommy" and "daddy" until I was about 10 or so and then they became "mom" and "dad." A friend once noted that when discussing my parents I'd say "my mother" and "my dad," but never "my mom" or "my father." Never noticed it until he mentioned it.
  6. "LOL" really ought to be typed in all caps.
  7. rvwnsd

    Ted Colunga

    His ad was placed in January, 2016. I wonder if this is less about age-shaving than it is about neglecting to update his age? Regardless, I'd be more than happy to let him shed some of that fur on my bed.
  8. Some of the pics are from "Copperhead Canyon," a Titan Men film he appeared in - circa 2008.
  9. So, @BasketBaller - how'd it go? Or is it ongoing?
  10. rvwnsd

    aol mail

    No, @Kevin Slater, MySpace was replaced by the pterodactyl. AOL was replaced by MySpace.
  11. And you get to see Forum drama! It's two-fer T, uh, well, Saturday.
  12. Aww, man, I am very sad to hear that.
  13. This is one of the reasons I buy furniture from Macy's. When looking for a coffee table I saw one at Macy's that was quite nice, but it was round and I wanted oval. No problem, said the sales associate - they had an oval one on display across the store. Liked it. My companion said jokingly "too bad the table isn't displayed with everything else you bought at Macy's." The sales associate asked me to show her what I already had and proceeded to call two stock guys to bring the table and side chair over where the sofa was located and arrange it the way my living room is arranged. Nine years later, the coffee table still looks wonderful in my living room.
  14. THAT's the other thing I liked about these chairs - no assembly required. Glad to hear Lowe's took care of you and your friend. I found them to be very service-oriented in San Diego.
  15. Ya know, I am not a fan of the escort wanting a pic before meeting.
  16. If my brother and I were to take a DNA test I'd be surprised if the results of the two weren't quite different. We are full brothers, but he looks almost exactly like my dad and I look almost exactly like my mom. He thinks and acts like my dad and I think and act like my mom.
  17. Nope. The only difficulty I've encountered when using a mobile device is copying links, but that's an issue with every site and app.
  18. Patio furniture! Oy!! I've had the same experience as you and your friend. Where did I find chairs that fit on my balcony and were the right size for me (6'4" and all leg)? Walmart! (The nice one in North Scottsdale). Most were too low or had a million pieces to assemble.
  19. I think you hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head. In my experience, my privacy settings have blocked escorts seeing my visits to their ads (I've asked!).
  20. Alright, @rocky, you have yourself an escort who will see clients in Times Square. Better hurry - time's a-wastin'!
  21. I neither completely agree not completely disagree with this comment, mainly because I'm not completely sure what you are trying to say nor am I sure what the OP meant when saying "I was open with everyone at work." I consider myself to be "out" and "open" at work. I haven't made a formal announcement, but I was open about my previous volunteer work as the facilitator of a coming out group and, when in a relationship, would discuss what my partner and I did on the weekends. My group managing director and I have discussed the notion of me carving out work time to plan and implement a coming out group in my current city which could lead toward starting an LGBT center. That said, I don't introduce myself as "Rvwnsd, Homosexual Director of Operations." In terms of being "open" or "out" at work, my advice to members of our group was this: do what feels right to you. For me and for many colleagues, being open and out means having the same types of conversations our heterosexual colleagues had. What we did with our spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends/friends/kids/neices/nephews; new restaurants we tried; TV programs we watched and so forth. A female colleague recently got married. We met her wife and she refers to her as such. No one bats an eye. However, it is completely inappropriate for anyone, regardless of sexual identity or gender, to discuss pursuits of a sexual nature or to pay unwanted attention (such as leering, checking them out, touching, and kissing) to colleagues. Period. When a member of our group asked the group for advice on what to do about a male co-worker he found to be attractive we almost universally said "nothing." Two members, one very young and the other very elderly, asked the guy what he would think of a man checking out a female co-worker. The member who asked the question got the point.
  22. He isn't Italian and is slightly older than your age parameter, but @Eric Hassan would most definitely show you a good time if he is available. He has no problem traveling to Times Square. In fact, I met him at one of the Hilton Garden Inns down there a few months ago. Here's a link to his ad.
  23. If you were not logged in and still received a message from an escort, it sounds like a coincidence. Alternatively, it could be a bug and you could send them a note reporting it.
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