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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Here's my perspective...


    ...My boss's boss made a comment the first time that she met me that I was "nothing like she expected." I kind of laughed and pressed her why and she said that she didn't expect my gray hair and Dad-bod....

    Not a particularly wise statement and could be construed as harassment or at the very least inappropriate and offensive.


    ...Same person continually addressed me (and others) as "Love". Like "How are you today Love?" "Yes, Love, what is it?"...

    I would not classify this as harassment or discrimination. Inappropriate, maybe and it appears to have offended you. To me, relatively innocuous.


    ...My immediate supervisor told me the reaction of two other people who interviewed me. They didn't think I was "gay enough for (her boss). "You know how she likes her Gays."...


    THAT is an inappropriate statement and, to me, discriminates on sexual orientation and gender. Wonder whether she would like any straight men?


    ...In a group conversation at work, one co-worker asked if I had ANY non-white friends....


    If the topic of conversation was "non-white friends," I could see the relevance, but that is a topic that does not belong at work.


    ...Same co-worker asked to see my driver's license picture one day and checked out my birth date, then remarked that she had no idea I was that old....


    Wow - that smacks of age bias. Quick question: why did you give her your license?


    ...Another co-worker, who knew I was Gay (I was open with everyone at work), made a comment to me one day in the hallway when I almost ran into her on my way to the men's room. Another man had just walked by us and I was checking him out. The co worker suggested that I should watch where I was going and not to be looking at other men...


    I'm with your co-worker on this one. A man eyeing up another man in a work setting is as inappropriate as a man eyeing up a woman. Unwanted attention and leering apply to people of the same gender as well as people of opposite genders. In fact, in this year's version of my company's anti-harassment video one of the examples was a gay man paying unwanted attention to another gay man. If the other guy or the woman complained to ER about your behavior this might explain why you were fired. However, one is usually warned and coached/counseled first.


    ....This company is the world's largest in it's field. The workforce is diverse and inclusive, so I'm surprised at the comments that I received from people who should be more sensitive...


    I am also surprised. However, in a recent training class at work we had a case study about a financial services firm (not the one I work for) where a New York-based employee observed behavior that appeared to be unethical and illegal, reported it to his supervisor, and was retaliated against. The employee was transferred to Chicago where he reported it to his new supervisor. The new supervisor immediately reported the incident to his management, the company's employee relations division, and its ethics office. As a result, the company had to disclose the behavior to a regulator who fined the company and the person in NYC who committed the bad behavior. The person who did the deed and the manager who did not take action were both fired.


    That being said, I am surprised you did not consult with your company's employee relations team when the first offensive behavior occurred. If the company has a diverse and inclusive workforce it seems ER would have been interested in hearing about your experience. Is there a reason you did not say something?


    FYI - I am simply curious as to why you didn't saying anything. I do not believe that not reporting the offensive behavior justifies it or the actions taken against you.


    Did you happen to ask your former SVP what "performance issues" got you fired? For that matter, when you were fired did you ask? You mentioned that none were offered, but I am wondering whether they would have provided something if you had asked. Again, not excusing the vague reasons.


    Nonetheless, it is unfortunate that you had this experience and I am sorry you had to endure it.



    ....I am not sure I would ever go as far as to actually take them to court. (They are based in another Country.) However, I would ask an attorney friend to write a letter intended to make them think I was serious. I am prepared to make comments in social media (Facebook, Instagram, blogs, Linked In, Glassdoor, etc.) to turn up the heat. I also don't want this to drag on too long, so I want them to make a decision quickly--let's say in a couple of weeks.




    In terms of seeking compensation, unless you file a complaint with the EEOC I don't see you receiving money unless you sue. If you ask them for compensation now they will likely say "no." They are also not likely to respond to threats of posting negative comments on social media. That can be construed as blackmail. Probably would not help if you chose to sue/file a complaint nor would it be helpful when finding another job. If you want to use social media to vent, I'd suggest checking out other comments first. If they receive consistently great comments about the workplace your negative comments will appear as sour grapes from a disgruntled former employer who was fired for cause. That's not to say the comments are without merit, just saying you might do yourself more harm than good.

  2. If you are staying in a hotel, your best bets are the Loop, Magnificent Mile, or River North. There is also a Days Inn in Lincoln Park, a Best Western in Boystown, and three boutique hotels in Lakeview that are worth checking out. If you are staying in an airbnb, I agree with the neighborhoods others have recommended and would add Old Irving Park and Logan Square on the Northwest Side (just make sure you are within walking distance of the Blue Line) the western edge of Lakeview (anywhere near the Brown Line), Lincoln Park, and Ravenswood. If you happen to be visiting in summer be aware that many vintage apartments still do not have decent air conditioning or even no AC at all. If you think sleeping in 80 degree heat with 80 percent humidity sounds like fun then you will be all set. Otherwise, make sure to inquire about AC.


    As @azdr0710 mentioned, Chicago is a great city for walking. Also, it is a great city for eating and drinking.

  3. @body2body, you have summed up why I won't buy furniture online. Bought two dining chairs from Overstock. When I assembled one of the chairs I found that it sat too low to the ground for me. Measured the chair and found that it was lower to the ground than what was specified online. Overstock allowed me to return it, but I had to pay to return the chairs. Shipping cost was almost as much as the chairs. I donated them. Bought chairs at Home Goods and loved them. When it came time to buy a dining room set for my current place I went to my stand-by: Macy's. L O V E my set.

  4. Wow.

    Today's coverboy 2/28/18 has a magnificent body and a very handsome face. Wish he were a Friday cover so I could have a date for the weekend.


    How does one get to Kokomo, Indiana?


    Fly into Indy, rent a car, and drive to Kokomo. ;)

  5. Here is the rule:


    "2. No personal information may be posted about other posters. This includes all information that could identify a person, including photographs and other images. Personal information that an individual has publicly provided may be allowed in some cases. But we ask you to always err on the side of respecting the others who come here and those who are the subject of discussion here. "


    What isn't clear? Don't post the member's personal information. As the rule states, personal information that an individual has publicly posted may be allowed. An escort's ad is publicly posted and the information he puts in that ad is public information. If you have a question about whether posting a link to an ad is permissible, then ask an admin. What is so hard about this?

  6. I'm 55 years old and I've never met a Curler. Isn't that sad? Plenty of baton twirlers, several flag unfurlers but never a Curler! I need to Curl up in my bed

    That is sad, @Stormy. This is 2018, for heaven's sake. No one in America should be denied the ability to curl up with a Curler, dadgummit. I think we need to take up a collection to get you a Curler.

  7. Banks won't take 50% of a bill. Both serial #'s have to be present I think too. In any person-to-person transaction with a lot of risk, cutting a bill in two is proof you're not intending to keep the money, but rather only intend on withholding it from the other person if they don't perform their part. Shows punks you have street smarts.

    If the currency is truly mutilated, the bank will accept it, provide the customer with a receipt, and forward to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. They will not immediately provide the customer credit for the deposit. Upon confirmation from BEC that the currency is valid the bank would credit the customer's account for the amount of currency that was turned in.


    As to the original question, I don't pay up front. Period. I had one provider ask upon arriving to see the money, which I thought was fair and so I showed it to him. The only other time I was asked to pay up front was during the initial emails to set up the playdate. The guy wanted to be paid in advance. I told him that I make it a practice not to pay in advance and so the date never happened.

  8. If I want to shower afterwards I ask if I can shower. Only one guy said no because he was short on towels. After seeing the condition of his hand towels I was glad I didn't use a bath towel.

  9. I must be missing something, as the reviews don't appear to be fake to me. Reviews written by the provider typically all sound alike, but his all sound like they were written by different people.. The future-dated review is written very differently than the others and could easily have been a mistake. I'm surprised massagem4m's review page didn't catch it. Wait, no, I am NOT surprised.

  10. I clicked on this thread thinking it was the first line of a joke. So, three straight guys come to San Francisco. The first one sees ...


    But no joke, just a warning. And as others mentioned, links to three guys who don't look particularly straight :p

    Funny, but that's what I expected, too. Instead I got, well, I'm not sure WHAT I got!

  11. Hey, @Vegasguy, sorry to hear the guy you are sponsoring told you a story (or "his friend" told the prospective client a story) that isn't true and that said story has caused you to question your sponsor relationship with him. Here's a point to ponder (and you don't have to answer in the Forum): if he answered "yes, I am escorting because [insert reason such as 'I need additional funds and did not want to ask you to increase your very generous contribution'] would you be upset?


    ...I have a lot invested in him.


    Just curious: By "invested" do you mean "have spent a lot of money" or "have been promised a portion of any money he wins as a competitive bodybuilder"? If the former, it isn't an investment.

  12. What does "bump " mean in this reply? I am new to forum and see that response a lot. Educate me please ;)

    Good question, took me awhile to figure out why everyone kept writing bump as well!!

    It brings the thread back to the top of most recent posts.



    To add some context to @BabyBoomer's explanation, it is a shortened version of "bumping [it] up" as in "bumping up in line."

  13. Does wrestling in a pit of jello count?


    Technically, you weren't bathing, but to bathe in jello would require you to be immersed in the liquid form and hold still while it sets around you - in a refrigerator! I think it counts.


    I once "bathed" in a tub of Jello. It was for a photo shoot back in my college days. It wasn't fun but it paid some bills. Imagine cold, vaguely yielding goo slowly turning to slimy liquid where it touches your skin. Not an event to be repeated.


    And there you go!

  14. Back in 1995 BC (before cellphones) I was looking for a hookup using a phone chat line and found a guy who lived in Boystown, Chicago. I was in Evanston, about 7 miles away by car. He said it would take him about a half hour, but having made the drive several times I knew 45 minutes was more like it. 30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 75, 90 minutes pass, no hookup guy. Back to the phones! Find a different guy from Lakeview. Says he will be 30 minutes, blah, blah, blah. Takes him an hour, apologizes because Lake Shore Drive was shut down due to an accident and had to take Broadway and Sheridan Road. We mess around, he cums and goes. About 15 minutes after the second hookup guy leaves the first hookup guy shows up. He was three cars back from the accident that shut down the drive and couldn't go anywhere. Totally frazzled, very apologetic, understood we probably wouldn't mess around but didn't want me to think he was a flake. Turned out, a long blow job using lots of tongue was just the thing to settle his jangled nerves.

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